برای دانلود مقاله علمی لاتین خود از پایگاه های علمی همچون Science Direct , Elsevier, Cambridge Journals , Emerald , Highwire Press , JSTOR , NTIS (EV2) Scopus ,Web of Science (ISI), IEEE , Springerk , ACM , Proquestمی توانید مشخصات مقاله در خواستی خود را در این تالار اعلام کنید تا توسط توسط دیگر اعضا، دانلود و در اختیارتان قرار گیرد.
mamnon misham age maghalate zir ro baram send konid
1- Accounting information for managerial decision-making in shareholder management versus stakeholder management
2- A Plea for Action Research in Accounting Information Systems
3-Review of Categorical Models for Classification Issues in Accounting and Finance
AZ SITE : http://www.springerlink.com/content/?k=Accounting+Information+System
1- The role of accounting information system in the sustainability of agricultural development projects in Nigeria
2-Executives' use of information technology: comparison of electronic mail and an accounting information system
AZ IN SITE: http://www.informaworld.com
1- Data “Audit” Research Based on the Accounting Information System
2- A study on the Internal Control of accounting information system
3- A Survey of Techniques for Auditing EDP-Based Accounting Information Systems
4- Environmental accounting and environmental
AZ IN SITE : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org
1- A Service-Learning Course in Accounting Information Systems
AZ IN SITE : http://scitation.aip.org
1- The Relationships among Performance of Accounting Information Systems, Influence Factors, and Evolution Level of Information Systems
2- Management Accounting Systems and Organisational Structurea
az in site : http://www.jstor.org
پاسخ: mamnon misham age maghalate zir ro baram send konid
a Service-Learning Course in Accounting Information Systems
پاسخ: mamnon misham age maghalate zir ro baram send konid
the Relationships among Performance of Accounting Information Systems, Influence Factors, and Evolution Level of
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پاسخ: mamnon misham age maghalate zir ro baram send konid
environmental accounting and environmental
پاسخ: mamnon misham age maghalate zir ro baram send konid
data “Audit” Research Based on the Accounting Information System