سطح دسترسی اکانت دانشگاه Minnesota - پسورد دانشگاه


ABSEES Online Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
Principal record on North American research on Russia & Eastern Europe. Records from late 1980s - date. Materials in all formats....
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Academic Search Premier Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
This resource is licensed by the MINITEX Library Information Network with state appropriations from the Minnesota Higher Education Services Office (MHESO) and the Minnesota Department of Education.
The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for over 4,600 scholarly (peer-reviewed) publications back to 1975....
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Access Medicine Authentication Required
Electronic book (E-Book) collection of core basic sciences and clinical titles....
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Access: The Supplementary Index to Periodicals Authentication Required
Access offers indexing for approximately 85 unique popular periodicals that may not be indexed elsewhere. Abstracts Only...
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AccessScience Authentication Required
The online version of McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology and the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms. Contains more than 8,000 articles written by the leading figures in their fields....
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AccessUN Authentication Required
AccessUN provides access to bibliographic citations of current and retrospective United Nations documents and publications including:

  • the UN collections of the Government Publications Library
  • articles appearing in UN periodicals
  • the bilateral and multilateral treaties in the UN Treaty Series
  • full text documents from the:
    • General Assembly - resolutions from 1981-
    • Security Council - resolutions from 1974-
    • Economic and Social Council - resolutions from 1982-

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AccessUNDP Authentication Required
Indexes United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. Provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies. The Government Publications Library holds the corresponding full-text microfiche collection from NewsBank/Readex, which also produced the index. ...
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Accounting Research Manager Authentication Required
A comprehensive financial reporting knowledge base. Updated daily, it aims to help reduce the amount of time you spend conducting accounting and auditing research while enhancing the quality of your results; find insightful interpretations on GAAP, GAAS and Securities and Exchange Commission rules; keep up-to-date on current accounting, SEC, auditing, and government projects that may affect your company. A 20 minute tutorial is available describing the database contents and showing how to use the database effectively....
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Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Authentication Required
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is a series of anatomy lessons on video presented by Robert Acland. Dr. Acland is a professor of surgery in the division of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. The series uses unembalmed human specimens to illustrate anatomical structures....
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ACLS Humanities E-Books Authentication Required
Digital collection of 2,200 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with nineteen learned societies, nearly 100 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office...
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ACM Conference Proceedings Authentication Required
This collection includes the full-text of every article published by ACM....
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ACM Digital Library Authentication Required
Full text of most ACM journals and proceedings since 1950; also includes publications of affiliated organization. ...
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ACM Guide to Computing Literature
More than 750,000 citations from 3,000+ publishers, including ACM. Covers books, journal articles, and conference proceedings. Implicitly included as part of the search function at the ACM Digital Library...
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ACP Medicine Authentication Required
Developed by the American College of Physicians, ACP Medicine is a continually updated, evidence-based reference of internal medicine. ...
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ACP's PIER: The Physician's Information & Education Resource Authentication Required
PIER is a product of ACP, The American College of Physicians and is a web-based authoritative, evidence-based guidance tool. PIER's disease modules include sections on diagnosis, prevention, screening, drug therapy, patient education and case scenarios. On the PDA application, topics are supported with tables, and references to Web sites for supporting articles in Annals of Internal Medicine and PubMed. PIER adds and revises information as new disease findings become available. ...
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Acta Sanctorum Authentication Required
The Acta Sanctorum Database is an electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur (Antwerp; Brussels: Society des Bollandistes, 1863- (68 vols.) and found in Wilson Library Annex Folio 270 Ac8). It is a collection of documents examining the lives of saints, organised according to each saint's feast day, and runs from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940. The Database contains the entire Acta Sanctorum, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indices. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina reference numbers are also included....
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Ad Age Datacenter Authentication Required
Access to rankings and statistics about media companies, advertising agencies spending, and other information found in the Datacenter website of Advertising Age....
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ADA Evidence Analysis Library Authentication Required
From the American Dietetic Association, a synthesis of the most relevant nutritional research on important dietetic practice questions....
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ADAMS has the full text of regulatory and technical documents and reports written by NRC, NRC contractors, or NRC licensees. Documents include NRC regulatory guides, NUREG-series reports, correspondence, inspection reports, and others, all searchable and accessible from the NRC Web Site....
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AdisOnline Authentication Required
Online version of journals from Adis International....
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AdSpender Authentication Required
Data on advertising expenditures for print media, outdoor advertising, Internet, and broadcasting. Create custom tables of expenditures by brand, product, industry or companies. Need help creating a report? Try the customer support at 1-800-497-8450. ...
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Advertising Red Books Authentication Required
Find information about advertisers, agencies, public relations firms and media buying services. Information on nearly 18,000 U.S. and international advertisers who each spend more than $200,000 annually on advertising. Includes brief profiles of 14,000 U.S. and international agencies with search features for finding agencies and advertisers by industry, specialization, location, and sales. Currently licensed for two simultaneous users. ...
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Africa-Wide Information Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
A compilation of databases covering African studies, including among others, the Index to South African Periodicals and South African National Bibliograpy. Contains data previously covered by "South African studies" and "African studies" databases ...
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African American Music Reference Authentication Required
African American Music Reference aims to offer comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression by bringing together materials from reference works, biographies, chronologies, sheet music, images, lyrics, liner notes, and discographies to chronicle the diverse history and culture of the African American experience through music. The first release of African American Music Reference includes over 3,900 pages of reference, including a comprehensive set of biographies on the top 185 African American composers, edited by Samuel Floyd, Jr., as well as 5,000 pages of liner notes from Document Records. Other materials in this release include African American iconography, collections of spirituals and slave lyrics, and reference on important ensembles and musicians such as the Fisk Jubilee Singers,Jelly Roll Morton, Wynton Marsalis, Stevie Wonder, and more. As the database grows, this material will be supplemented with other reference titles covering the histories of jazz, blues, bebop, hip hop, ragtime, gospel, and rhythm and blues, as well as a detailed chrono...
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African American Newspapers Authentication Required
This collection of African-American Newspapers contains a wealth of information about cultural life and history during the 1800s. It also contains large numbers of early biographies, vital statistics, essays and editorials, poetry and prose, and advertisements, all of which embody the African-American experience.

This database will ultimately contain the complete text of seven African-American newspapers published in the United States during the 19th century, including Freedoms Journal, The Colored American, The National Era, and The Christian Recorder. See Database Description for detailed information about individual newspapers....
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African American Song Authentication Required
African American Song is the first online resource to document the history of African American music in an online music listening service. The collection contains a diverse range of genres such as jazz, blues, gospel, ragtime, folk songs, and narratives, among others. This release features some 16,000 tracks of great historical recordings from Document Records. This great collection features recordings from the first half of the 20th century and includes iconic artists such as The Fisk Jubilee Singers, Memphis Minnie, Blind Willie McTell and Huddie Ledbetter. It provides a rich source of Blues and early Jazz recordings as well as a lot of sacred music. African American Song is now part of the collection American Song....
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African Newspapers Authentication Required
More than 40 nineteenth- and twentieth-century African newspapers. Featuring titles from Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe....
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AgEcon Search
Full text library of agricultural and applied literature....
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AGRALIN Desktop Library
Union catalog of Agricultural Libraries in the Netherlands. ...
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AGRICOLA Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Search here to find citations and abstracts for articles from over 600 periodicals, as well as USDA and state experiment station and extension publications, and selected books on agriculture, animal husbandry, animal and human nutrition, forestry, plant pathology, plant science, human ecology, agricultural economics, rural sociology. The basic truncation symbol is the asterisk: *. ...
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AGRICOLA (Public Version - USDA)
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. Production of these records in electronic form began in 1970, but the database covers materials in all formats, including printed works from the 15th century. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences....
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AGRIS - FAO (public version)
Information for international agricultural research, from 1975 to the present....
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AHFS Drug Information Authentication Required
Compiled by the non-profit American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, AHFS Drug Information is a premier drug information database, providing an evidence-based foundation for safe and effective drug therapy....
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AIAA Electronic Library Authentication Required
Includes journal articles and technical papers (including conference papers) of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Full text is available online for meeting papers from 1996 forward; full text journal coverage for most journals is 2003 forward. For earlier publications, most AIAA papers and journals are available at Walter Library....
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Covers citations from 1980 to 2000 with information about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and related topics in journal articles, government reports, letters, technical reports, meeting abstracts/papers, monographs, special publications, theses, books and audiovisuals. In 2000, the National Library of Medicine ceased maintenance of AIDSLINE as a separate resource. Relevant materials can now be found by searching PubMed and the NLM Gateway....
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AIP Conference Proceedings Authentication Required
Access to conferences from 2000 to the present with a 12 month delay....
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Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals
Indexes articles, news items, and editorials in approximately 80 English language military and aeronautical periodicals.
(See also printed version, for earlier years...WILSON Quarto TL501 .A5571x) ...
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AIS electronic library Authentication Required
Contains access to AIS journals and conference proceedings....
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Akademiai Kiado Authentication Required
56 peer-reviewed electronic and printed journals from the prominent Hungarian scientific publishing house. Akademiai Journals Collection offers periodicals in four larger areas of science such as Arts & Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences, Sciences. Focus on economics and sociology, linguistics, biology and ecology, mathematics, physics, oriental studies and veterinary science....
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Al Jazeera English news service
Al Jazeera is the only Arabic News Channel in the Middle East offering news coverage 24 hours a day from around the world with focus on the hottest regions of conflict. Founded in 1996, and based in Qatar, the Al Jazeera focuses primarily on news coverage and analysis. Programs are devoted to various topics including Politics, Business, Culture, Sports, and Health. Programming also includes a wide selection of political talk shows and documentaries with uncensored debates and free arguments covering events as they happen. This source contains noteworthy segments that are translated and transcribed....
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Alcohol Studies Database
The Alcohol Studies Database contains citations of over 70,000 documents indexed by the Rutgers University Center of Alcohol Studies since 1987. The primary focus of the database is on research and professional materials dealing with beverage alcohol, its use and related consequences....
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All Americas Barometer Survey Authentication Required
An effort by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) to measure democratic values and behaviors in the Americas using national probability samples of voting-age adults. ...
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Allen Press Authentication Required
The complete collection of Allen Press journals....
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Almanac of American politics Authentication Required
Gives a political overview of each state with information on governors, senators and representatives. Includes background and analysis for each district along with brief biographies,election results, key votes, etc.....
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Alt HealthWatch Authentication Required
This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers libraries full text articles for more than 180 international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports. In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine. This database features indexing and abstracts going back as far as 1984, and full text going back as far as 1990. ...
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Aluka Authentication Required
An international, collaborative initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa. The Aluka website includes a wide variety of high-quality scholarly materials contributed by Aluka’s partners, ranging from archival documents, periodicals, books, reports, manuscripts, and reference works, to three-dimensional models, maps, oral histories, plant specimens, photographs, and slides. ...
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America's Historical Newspapers Authentication Required
Includes Early American Newspapers Series 1, 6 and 7, 1690-1922. Spanning two centuries and 40 states, these archives of selective content from historical newspapers are primary sources for researching crucial conflicts from the Civil War to World War I, movements ranging from early states rights to women’s suffrage, noteworthy citizens, local events, natural disasters; political campaigns; and the evolution of American culture. ...
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America: History and Life Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
This index provides historical coverage of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present with over 2,000 journals including all key English-language historical journals....
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American Association for Laboratory Animal Science E-Journals Authentication Required
E-Journal collection of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science E-Journals....
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American Bibliography of Slavic & East European Studies Authentication Required
The principal current bibliography for North American research; covers books, articles, dissertations....
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American Chemical Society Publications Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American City Business Journals Authentication Required
Find articles from the Minneapolis St. Paul Business on local companies and other organizations. Search the the local business journals in over 40 metropolitan areas in the United States to find information on regional companies or other urban issues. These business journals will include lists and rankings leading employers that later get published separately as the Book of Lists for various cities. ...
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American Environmental Leaders: From Colonial Times to the Present Authentication Required
Provides biographical information on the most important figures in American environmentalism. Includes men and women who have made a significant contribution to environmental issues over the last 200 years. ...
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American Film Institute Catalog Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Provides information on American-made films between 1893 and 1972. Unique features: ability to find films by topic; article reference list for a film. Links to library holdings of articles (Find It links). Note: For films made after 1972, use Film Index International which is also available from the University Libraries. ...
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American Geophysical Union (AGU) Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty...
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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Authentication Required
The American Institute of Mathematical Sciences publications and conferences. The mission of AIMS is to foster and enhance interactions among a broad spectrum of mathematicians and scientists worldwide. AIMS is primarily focused on serving mathematicians and scientists sharing a common interest in differential equations, dynamical systems, and their wide-range applications to sciences and engineering through analysis, modeling and computations. ...
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American Institute of Physics Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Mathematical Society Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Medical Association (AMA) Authentication Required
JAMA and archives including archives of Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Surgery. ...
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American Men and Women of Science Authentication Required
American Men and Women of Science is a biographical dictionary of the significant players in the physical, biological, and related sciences. Each edition includes biographical entries on approximately 120,000 living scientists, providing birthdate; birthplace; field of specialty; education; honorary degrees; current position; professional and career information; awards; memberships; research information; and addresses for each entrant where available. This resource is part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library....
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American Meteorological Society E-Journals (Selected Titles) Authentication Required
Journals of the American Meteorological Society E-Journals (Selected Titles)....
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American Museum of Natural History Library (OA) Authentication Required
AMNH scientific publications disseminate the results of laboratory investigations and fieldwork conducted by museum scientists and their colleagues in the areas of zoological systematics, paleontology, geology, evolution, and anthropology. This collection includes full-text PDFs of current and back issues of AMNH scientific series. ...
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American Physical Society Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Poetry Database Authentication Required
The American Poetry Full-Text Database features the works of more than 200 American poets, along with six landmark anthologies of American poetry. The database gathers the works of the most influential American poets, from the Colonial period to the early twentieth century....
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American Psychological Association (APA) -- PsycARTICLES Authentication Required
The APA Full-Text Article Database contains the full text of articles from APA journals and EPF (Educational Publishing Foundation) journals. The majority of them are from volume 1, issue 1; see the coverage list for a complete list of journals and start dates. From 1985 forward, the articles are provided in HTML and PDF format. Earlier articles are in PDF. ...
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American Society for Horticultural Science e-journals Authentication Required
Consists of: HortScience, HortTech and Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science...
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American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Authentication Required
Limited full text online access --we do not have complete online subscriptions to all resources indexed here. If the site prompts for payment that means we do not have online access and you will need to search our print holdings (www.mncat.lib.umn.edu) or place an interlibrary loan request (https://umn.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html). Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ....
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American Society for Microbiology Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Society of Agricultural Engineers Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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American Song Authentication Required
American Song is a history database that contains ~12,00 tracks that allow people to hear and feel the music from America's past. The database includes songs by and about American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys. Included in the database are the songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protests, and more. This release includes 763 albums, equaling 12,542 tracks....
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American Verse Project Authentication Required
The American Verse Project is a collaborative project between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press. The project is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry prior to 1920. The full text of each volume of poetry is being converted into digital form and coded in Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML) using the TEI Guidelines, with various forms of access provided through the WWW....
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An@tomy.tv Authentication Required
The world's most detailed 3D model of human anatomy available online created by Primal Pictures. Includes features such as interactive zoom, rotation, angle, interactive layers, extensive text, MRI, clinical slides and xrays, live action movies, animations, radiology slides, dissection videos and slides, surface anatomy videos and slides. Focuses on muscles, ligaments, nerves, veins, arteries, bones. ...
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Analytical Instrumentation Handbook Authentication Required
Guide to analytical methods & instruments. Includes mass measurement, spectrochemical and electrochemical instrumentation, and chromatographic methods. Covers theory as well as instrumentation design and purchasing....
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Ancient Europe - 8000 BC to 1000 AD: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World Authentication Required
Examines the diverse peoples of early European civilization through a series of 212 essays, presented in chronological order. Coverage includes prehistoric origins through the early Middle Ages (8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000). Includes maps, photos, and chronologies. For the general reader....
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Animal Health and Production Compendium Authentication Required
An encyclopaedic, interactive database that draws together scientific information on Animal Health and Production....
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AnimalScience.com Authentication Required
Covers all aspects of veterinary science, including parasitology and zoonotic disease, as well as animal nutrition, equine science, animal production and animal genetics, and aquaculture and fisheries....
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Annee philologique Online Authentication Required
The most comprehensive index to Classical Studies. It is an index of citations to books and articles in all areas of ancient Greek and Latin studies. Print index available at WILSON Reference PA29 .A5x. ...
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Annual Reviews Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
The Annual Reviews collection offers comprehensive, timely critical reviews written by leading scientists. This collection of Reviews provide the worldwide scientific community with a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature for a broad spectrum of disciplines. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 40 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics and Financial Economics. Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty. ...
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Antarctic Bibliography
Covers all disciplines related to the region including biological and geological sciences, medical sciences, meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric and terrestrial physics, expeditions, logistics equipment and supplies, and tourism. ...
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Anthropology Plus Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Anthropology Plus brings together into one resource the highly respected Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK. Anthropology Plus provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. The index offers excellent coverage of all core periodicals in the field in addition to local and lesser-known journals. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present. ...
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AnthroSource Authentication Required
Current and archival journals from the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Current coverage includes 15 of the AAA's most critical peer-reviewed publications; including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly. The archive includes all AAA journals....
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AP Images Authentication Required
AP Images is one of the world's largest collections of historical and contemporary imagery, with a 50 million-image print and negative archive. As an essential source of photographs and graphics for professional image buyers, AP Images strives to meet the needs of today's global customer through superior image quality, selection and service....
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AP Stylebook Online Authentication Required
The Associated Press (AP) style and usage guide used by the news industry. Use this guide for standard practices for names of people and institutions, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, numerals and other reporting practices. ...
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Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Indexes seven decades of articles on important events, issues and trends in the history of business and industry (including the complete file of Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957), plus historical sources in the applied science and technology field for the 20th Century. Covers more than 2,000 periodicals that include more than 4.5 million articles. An excellent resource for tracking down important studies, exploring historical controversies, finding papers by innovators, researching the development of a particular technology, and more. ...
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Applied Science Full Text Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Indexes of over 300 major English-language periodicals in a wide variety of technology subjects ranging from aeronautics, chemistry, and computers to physics, plastics, and transportation. Many recent citations include abstracts and full text....
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Aquaculture Compendium Authentication Required
An encyclopaedic, interactive database that draws together scientific information on Aquaculture....
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ARBAonline Authentication Required
Reviews print and electronic reference works published since 1997. The reviews are "written by librarians for librarians." AKA American Reference Books Annual, ARBAonline's reviews cover reference sources from more than 400 publishers in over 500 subject areas. Updated monthly. ...
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Architectural Publications Index
Riba Library catalog including books and index to architectural periodicals. ...
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ArchiveGrid Authentication Required
ArchiveGrid is a tool for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives, libraries, and museums around the world. ...
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ArchiveGrid (access through OCLC) Authentication Required
An important destination for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed nearly a million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid. Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about the many items in each of these collections, contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials, and order copies....
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Army Electronic Library
Consolidated index of Army publications & blank forms; electronic libraries of publications & forms provide official electronic versions of Army forms & publications. Search by entering key words or publication numbers such as "AR 1-1". Users may also use the Series Title and Proponent Collection pulldown boxes....
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Art Full Text Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Art Full Text, produced by The HW Wilson Company, is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts articles from periodicals published throughout the world. There is full-text coverage for selected periodicals. Coverage includes English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedish. In addition to articles, Art Full Text indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals. Indexing coverage begins 1984; abstracting coverage begins with January 1994. The abstracts range from 50 to 300 words and describe the content and scope of the source articles. Full-text coverage begins in 1997....
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Art Index Retrospective Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Art Index Retrospective covers 55 years (from 1929-1984)of art journalism and research from leading English-language sources, plus others published in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. Besides periodicals, resources include data from yearbooks and select museum bulletins. ...
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ArtBibliographies Modern Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Index and abstracts of articles from periodical articles, books, exhibition catalogs, and index entries for dissertations. Covers all aspects of late 19th and 20th century art, including decorative and applied art, with particular reference to photography and three-dimensional design....
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ARTFL Authentication Required
Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language....
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Article Search, Film Studies This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Use to search for articles on film studies topics. ...
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ArticleFirst (OCLC) Authentication Required
Index of articles from the contents pages of journals. Includes items listed on the table of contents pages of journals. Describes one article, news story, letter, or other item from a journal in each record. Provides a list of libraries that have the journal title for most items. ...
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Arts & Humanities Citation Index (ISI Web of Science) Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
AHCI covers arts, humanities, and area studies scholarship. Titles of foreign-language works are translated into English, and abstracts are given in English, thereby simplifying and standardizing searching across languages....
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ARTstor Authentication Required
ARTstor is a cross-disciplinary image database. It offers collections of approximately 300,000 art images and descriptive information covering art, architecture and archeology. ARTstor's accompanying software tools will support a wide range of pedagogical and research uses including: viewing and analyzing images through features such as zooming and panning, saving groups of images online for personal or shared uses, and creating and delivering presentations both online and offline. ...
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arXiv.org (OA) Authentication Required
Open access to 408,881 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Quantitative Biology....
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ASABE Standards Authentication Required
ASAE standards: standards, engineering practices and data adopted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers....
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ASCE Civil Engineering Database
The Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) is designed to provide easy bibliographic access to all publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The database covers ASCE documents published since 1973. It provides access to all the journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newsletters....
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ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Coverage is devoted to research and policy on the contamination of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and estuaries. Essential to researchers studying aquatic environments and marine pollution problems, including biologists, oceanographers, limnologists, environmental engineers and scientists, industrial engineers, waste managers, corporate regulatory affairs managers, and government officials. This database is one component of the ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries database and the comprehensive "Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management (ESPM) database. To identify a additional results with a broader scope, consider conducting your search in full ASFA or in ESPM. ...
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ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Includes comprehensive information on the science and technology of marine, freshwater, and brackishwater organisms and environments. Subject areas include aquatic organisms, environmental quality, fisheries, limnology, marine environments, oceanography, policy and legislation, and wildlife management. Sponsored by the United Nations, this database includes non-English language journals and institutional reports that are not normally widely distributed. Abstracts are drawn from over 5,000 international serial publications (print and electronic), books, reports, conference proceedings, patents, and computer media. Includes thesaurus and taxonomic term list. Basic truncation symbol is the asterisk: *.
Compliments the Water Resources Abstracts database, which concentrates on water supply and water treatment. ...
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Asia Studies (Humanities) Full-Text Online Authentication Required
Asia-Studies Humanities database is a companion to Asia-Studies Full-text Online database, and covers journals and working papers on Asian arts and humanities....
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Asia Studies Full-Text Online Authentication Required
Asia-Studies.com brings together thousands of full-text reports covering <55> countries on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues....
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Asia-Studies Full-Text Humanities Authentication Required
Asia-Pacific Arts, Culture, History, Language, Religion...
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Asia-Studies Full-Text Main Service Authentication Required
Asian-Pacific Social Sciences, Economic Development, Business and Industries, International Relations, Politics...
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Asian American Drama Authentication Required
Brings together more than 250 plays, along with related biographical, production, and theatrical information, so providing a comprehensive overview of this growing field. The collection begins with the works of Sadakichi Hartmann in the late nineteenth century and it is planned to include contemporary playwrights, such as Philip Kan Gotanda, Elizabeth Wong, and Jeannie Barroga. ...
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ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Center Online Authentication Required
Explore, search and view more than 28,000 binary and ternary phase diagrams and associated phase data for more than 6200 systems....
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ASM Handbooks Online Authentication Required
ASM Handbooks Online(The Metals Handbook), a large database covering metals property and performance data, is the place to start for data on metals and includes all 21 ASM Handbook volumes and two ASM Desk Editions....
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Associations Unlimited Authentication Required
Directory of associations, professional societies, and other nonprofit membership organization. Includes international, national, and state organizations of all types. Brief profiles include contact information, budget, number of employees and specialized publications. ...
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ASTIS - Arctic Science and Technology Information System
ASTIS is a bibliographic database of over 59,000 records describing publications and research projects about northern Canada. The database, maintained by the Arctic Institute of North America at the University of Calgary, includes all subjects in the sciences, humanities and social sciences relevant to this part of the world. The database covers the period of 1978 to the present and includes both peer-reviewed and gray literature, government agency reports, industry reports and documents from First Nations and universities. Also includes are research project descriptions based on the licences that all northern field researchers must obtain, journal articles, conference papers, theses and books. Areas of specialization range from traditional knowledge of native peoples to earth sciences to oil and gas technology to languages and literature....
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ASTM International Publications Collection Authentication Required
Provides instant access to the current digital edition of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. ...
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ASTM Standards Authentication Required
Click the "IHS Standards Expert" link to access the full text ASTM Standards. Produced by the American Society for Testing and Materials, this resource provides instant access to the current digital edition of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Please note that if you are looking for older or inactive standards, the Science & Engineering Library has the Annual Book of ASTM Standards in print from 1975 to 2006....
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Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service
Click here for public access. Provides access to scholarly and technical literature in three major areas: 1) astronomy and astrophysics (approximately 330,000 abstracts; 2) instrumentation(approximately 460,000 abstracts); and 3) physics and geophysics (approximately 220,000 abstracts). In addition, the database has extended the abstract service to include links to scanned images of over 40,000 journal articles for articles appearing in most of the major astronomical journals. Literature types indexed are mostly journal articles, conference proceedings, NASA reports, and many Ph.D. theses....
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ATLA Religion Database Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
ATLA lists journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Some listings link to full text of articles. More about ATLA...
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Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003) Authentication Required
Full-page digital archive of the Atlanta Daily World covering 1931-2003. Atlanta Daily World was the first black daily in the nation in the 20th century. Part of ProQuest Historical Newspapers....
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Atypon Authentication Required
This aggregator provides a quick and easy way to access academic and professional publications. Search or browse for full text and PDF articles from leading publishers across a range of subject areas....
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Audit Bureau of Circulations Authentication Required
Independent, third-party circulation audits of print circulation, readership and Web site activity. The Audit Bureau (ABC) has 4,000 members in North America that includes major magazine and newspaper publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. The ABC provides credible, verified information essential to the media buying and selling process. Access this academic account to view reports and search for statistics, media audit reports, and use analysis tools. ...
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Australian Equine Veterinarian Authentication Required
includes Proceedings of the Bain Fallon Memorial Lecture Series...
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Austrian Newspapers Online
Historical Austrian newspapers and periodicals scanned and delivered online by the Austrian National Library. Access the newspapers by title and date. ...
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Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Recognized as one of the world's leading databases of the architectural literature. Indexes more than 1,000 western language periodicals published worldwide on architecture, archaeology, decorative arts, environmental studies, furniture, historic preservation, landscape architecture, urban planning/city planning, interior design, and historic preservation.

The Libraries' subscription to this resource allows for 10 users at any one time. If you get a busy signal, please wait a few minutes and try accessing the site again.

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Number of resources that begin with B: 43

Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B) Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Topics range from bacterial immunology and vaccinations to diseases of man and animals, including clinical findings as well as all aspects of pure bacteriology, biochemistry, and genetics. Valuable to general microbiologists, bacteriologists, environmentalists, medical and veterinary laboratory staff, agricultural researchers, cell biologists, geneticists, toxicologists, and many others. This database is one component of the Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management (ESPM) database. To identify a additional results with a broader scope, consider conducting your search in ESPM. ...
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Battleground: Environment Authentication Required
Provides entries on various controversial environmental topics. Entries include contextual and historical overviews, legal background, examples of local incidents and events, and projections....
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BBC College of Journalism Authentication Required
Includes training sessions on newsroom skills for writing, video, web, audio, writing, storytelling, along with briefings for key subjects, ethics and values, and legal matters. A useful resource for students wanting to learn the best practices of news reporting from the BBC ...
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BBC Shakespeare plays (Ambrose Digital Portal) Authentication Required
Television adaptations of all 37 plays by William Shakespeare, produced by the BBC between 1978 and 1985. All productions are traditional interpretations of the plays set in either Shakespeare's own time (1564 to 1616) or in the historical period of the events depicted (such as ancient Rome for Julius Caesar, or c1400 for Richard II etc). Casts include notable classic actors such as John Gielgud, Patrick Stewart, Anthony Hopkins, Bob Hoskins, Jane Lapotaire. ...
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Belgian Library Catalogues available over the Internet
Public, academic, governmental libraries, archives, and union catalogs. ...
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BELIT: Bioethics Literature Database
BELIT is an integrated bibliographic database developed by the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE, Bonn) and operated in co-operation with the Information and Documentation Centre for Ethics in Medicine (IDEM, Goettingen), the Interdepartmental Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW, Tuebingen), the Library and Information Services of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics (KIE, Washington, DC) and the Centre de documentation en éthique des sciences de la vie et de la santé, INSERM/CCNE (CDEI, Paris). BELIT provides access to about 320.000 records from the integrated German, American and French databases. It is an extensive bibliographic directory of literature in the area of bioethics unique world wide, containing references to monographs, grey literature, legal documents, journal articles, newspaper articles and book contributions. ...
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Berg Fashion Library Authentication Required
A searchable access to an expanding range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, e-books, reference works, images, and much more. Berg journals including the highly prestigious Fashion Theory will also be fully cross-searchable within the Berg Fashion Library where institutions already subscribe to them....
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Berkeley Electronic Press (ResearchNow) Authentication Required
The U Libraries offer electronic access to all of the Berekely Electronic Press journals, and, in addition, to the ResearchNow platform --which is a digital commons for open access journals, preprints, working papers, technical papers, and other academic writings. The subject focus is business, economics, law, political science, healthcare, science, social sciences, but research on many cross disciplinary subjects is included in this growing database.
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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Bibliografia Mesoamericana
"A joint project of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies and the Library of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology."...
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Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft Authentication Required
This is a core bibliographic research tool for German literature and Germanic philology. ...
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Bibliography of Asian Studies Authentication Required
References principally western-language articles and book chapters on all parts of Asia published since 1971 - broad, but not comprehensive....
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Bibliography of English women writers, 1500-1640 Authentication Required
The Bibliography of English Women Writers 1500-1640 has evolved into a still-growing list of scholarship about 738 recovered writers and located texts, canonical and non-canonical. It identifies many hitherto unknown writers, including among them not only already familiar figures, but also women refugees such as the recusants, women in the colonies, Marrano women (Anusot), women translators, and English women writers in French, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh. ...
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Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates
The BFV Online is an electronic version of the bibliography volumes published for years 1981-1993...
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Bibliography of Native North Americans Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
Covering all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life with 80,000+ citations for books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present. ...
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Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
The data available on the Getty Web site as of April 1, 2010, comprises two databases: BHA and IBA. BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art/Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art) covers the years 1990-2007; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in French or English and all subject terms in French and English. IBA (International Bibliography of the History of Art) covers 2008 and part of 2009; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in English and all subject terms in French and English. A third database will be added to the Getty Web site during the coming months: RILA (Répertoire de la litterature de l'art), which covers 1975-1989. At present, the Getty has no plans to add RAA (Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie), which covers 1973-1989. ...
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Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology
Includes references to scientific and engineering research related to material and operations in a winter battlefield, the nature and impact of cold on facilities and activities, cold-related environmental problems, and the impact of human activity on cold environments....
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Biographical Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa Authentication Required
Illuminates the lives of the most influential and controversial figures in the Middle East and North Africa who came to prominence during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Includes profiles of contemporary leaders who belong to various political, ethnic, and religious groups, as well as notable individuals associated with business, law, science, social issues, sports, entertainment, literature, and the fine and performing arts....
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Biography and Genealogy Master Index Authentication Required
A comprehensive index to more than 12 million biographical sketches in more than 3,400 volumes and editions of current and retrospective reference books, covering over 4 million contemporary and historical figures throughout the world....
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Biography Reference Bank Authentication Required
(Please note: this resource only allows four (4) simultaneous users. If you are denied access, please try again later)
Biography Reference Bank combines the complete content of Wilson Biographies Plus Illustrated with the complete and enhanced content of Biography Index Plus. Wilson Biographies Plus Illustrated contains more than 95,000 biographies and obituaries and more than 26,000 photographs of the subjects. Biography Index Plus is a bibliographic database that cites biographical material appearing in periodicals indexed in other Wilson Company databases and additional selected periodicals, current books of individual and collective biography, and incidental biographical material in otherwise non-biographical books....
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Biological Abstracts, 1969-2003 Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
For current content, search BIOSIS Previews. Biological Abstracts (part of BIOSIS Previews) is one of the foremost sources of bibliographic references to the life science journal literature. Coverage is international, and includes agriculture, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, botany, ecology, microbiology, pharmacology, and zoology. ...
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BioOne Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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BIOSIS Archive 1926-1969 Authentication Required
Archive of BIOSIS content. Includes three different data sets from 1926-1944, 1945-1954, and 1955-1969. Service provided via the OvidSP platform....
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BIOSIS Previews Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
NO LONGER CURRENT. Due to budget pressures, we have canceled our subscription to BIOSIS Previews. Although you will continue to be able to access the database, no new articles will be added after January 2011.

Covers the biological and medical sciences, including biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology, botany, environment, microbiology, and zoology. Provides citations and abstracts to articles, conference papers, technical reports and chapters of books from over 5000 publications.

The Libraries' subscription to this resource allows for 10 users at any one time. If you get a busy signal, please wait a few minutes and try accessing the site again.

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Birds of North America Online Authentication Required
Provides detailed scientific information for each of the 716 species of birds nesting in the USA and Canada. A project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BNA is a living resource with account contents updated frequently. Includes image and video galleries showing behaviors, habitat, nests, eggs and nestlings, and recordings bird songs and calls. ...
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Bizminer Authentication Required
BizMiner offers industry financial analysis benchmarks for over 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends on thousands more. Their market analysis reports are available at the national and local levels down to the zip code. Bizminer is a great resource to use when developing business plans, or for any sort of entrepreneurship initiatives where you need to measure peer performance in an industry. ...
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Black Drama Authentication Required
Contains the full text of 1,310 plays written from the mid-1800s to the present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries. Many of the works are rare, hard-to-find, or out of print. More than a quarter of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays by writers such as Langston Hughes, Ed Bullins, Willis Richardson, Alice Childress, Amiri Baraka, Randolph Edmonds, Zora Neale Hurston, and many others. The database covers key writings of the Harlem Renaissance, works performed for the Federal Theatre Project, and plays by critically acclaimed dramatists of the 1940s. The collection includes musical comedies, domestic dramas, folk dramas, history plays, anti-slavery plays, one-act plays, and other works....
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Blackwell's Synergy Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty
Not all U Library subscriptions to Blackwell e-journals provide backfile access. In the "Subscribed Journals" tab, titles marked with a green circle provide back year access; the remaining titles are limited to the current year and the previous year -- IF the Library subscribes to the same journal in print format. Check MNCAT for current holdings information on print subscriptions. ...
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BMJ Publishing Group Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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Body of Knowledge in Quality
Index from the Juran Center at the Carlson School of Management. Search for scholarly and professional literature found in journals, magazines, books, and other publications covering all aspect of quality and performance improvement. ...
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Book Review Index Online Plus Authentication Required
Includes more than five million review citations from over 5,800 books and periodicals, with linking to more than 630,000 full-text reviews....
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Books in Print Authentication Required
Provides information on a variety of publications including forthcoming, children's, large print, serials, paperbound, out-of-print, and audio and video. Features bibliographic records, subjects guide, full-text reviews, and publishers section....
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Books in Print (via U of M Bookstore) Authentication Required
The online version is courtesy of the University of Minnesota Bookstores. ...
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Books24x7 Authentication Required
Books24x7 is a web-based, searchable, e-book site that provides users access to the complete contents of nearly 3,000 titles covering a broad range of engineering and technology topics. Contributing publishers include: Cambridge University Press, The MIT Press, IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Microsoft Press, Sybex, Wrox Press and many others....
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Books@Ovid - Ovid eBooks Authentication Required
Direct link to Ovid's eBook collection....
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Boston Globe: Digital Edition through ProQuest Authentication Required
The Boston Globe is available, beginning with 2008, as full text images through the ProQuest Digital Microfilm interface. The most current issues are not available because of the publishing schedule....
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Brill e-books Authentication Required
2007-2013. The Brill imprint and Global Oriental imprint are included. Global Oriental is a separate collection for 2007-2010 but will be merged into the Asian Studies collection (one of the Humanities & Social Sciences subject collections) as of 2011. Please note the 2011-2013 titles are not yet online (or published). The bulk of 2010 titles are, but the publisher is still adding some, and the Global Oriental titles should also be available shortly. Biology and Materials & Surface Sciences collections are not included at this time....
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British Newspapers 1600-1900 Authentication Required
The most significant digital collection of British historic newspapers. New conservation and imaging techniques and a new cross-searchable platform adopted by the British Library offers unparalleled access and discoverability to this valuable historical and cultural archive. In addition one will find specially commissioned essays and contextual materials written by expert scholars intended to help non-specialist users with perspective and analysis. ...
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British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service (BOPCRIS)
BOPCRIS currently contains 18,279 citations to key British Official Publications 1688-1800 and 1833-1983. Users can search by time period and/or subject area. Once a citation is found the user should check MNCAT to be sure that we own the publication cited. ...
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BuildingGreen Suite Authentication Required
BuildingGreen is "an independent company committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information designed to help building-industry professionals and policy makers improve the environmental performance, and reduce the adverse impacts, of buildings." The goal of its database suite is "to help you design and build construction projects from a whole-systems perspective and take an integrated design approach that minimizes ecological impact and maximizes economic performance." ...
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Business Media Advertising Source Authentication Required
This service provides comprehensive, multi-platform planning information on domestic and healthcare trade media. Combining SRDS expertise in collecting, standardizing, categorizing and giving perspective on media information, the new Business Media Advertising Source gives media planners, buyers, and brand marketers the first 360-degree view of media that reach their target b-to-b audiences....
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Business Plans Handbook online Authentication Required
Collection of actual business plans compiled by entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses throughout North America....
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Business Source Premier Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
This resource is licensed by the MINITEX Library Information Network with state appropriations from the Minnesota Higher Education Services Office (MHESO) and the Minnesota Department of Education.
Use this popular research database to find business articles from 2100 journals and magazines in marketing, management, information technology, operations, human resources, accounting, finance and economics dating back to 1965. Additional company and industry profiles from Datamonitor are included along with country analysis the Economist Intelligence Unit, Business Monitor International, CountryWatch, Icon Group, PRS and other publishers....
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Business Source Premier Enhanced Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
This resource is licensed by the MINITEX Library Information Network with state appropriations from the Minnesota Higher Education Services Office (MHESO) and the Minnesota Department of Education.
This version of Business Source Premier provides makes it easy to find articles along with other specialized reports. These inlcude company profiles and industry reports from Datamonitor, country profiles from research advisory services such as the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) and market research from various trade publications. A good resource for business and economic topics and global studies.

Datamonitor Company and Industry Profiles ...
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Number of resources that begin with C: 113

CAA Reviews Authentication Required
Critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies. Published by the College Art Association....
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CAB Abstracts Plus Full Text Select Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
CAB Abstracts covers agriculture in its broadest sense, including crop production, forestry, environment, animal health and nutrition, veterinary science, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, soil and water, agricultural economics, recreation and tourism, rural sociology, and human nutrition and health. Indexes journal articles, monographs, conferences, and other primary literature....
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CAB eBook Collection Authentication Required
CAB E-Books covering the applied life-sciences. ...
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CABI Descriptions of Fungi & Bacteria Authentication Required
For use by plant pathologists and veterinary and medical mycologists. These provide integrated information to allow identification / confirmation of the identity of significant species, along with related information on pathology or other economic significance. The Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria were initiated in 1964, and more than 1600 sheets have been issued, each devoted to a single species. ...
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CABI Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases Authentication Required
Source for data on the worldwide distribution of plant diseases of economic or quarantine importance. Created in association with the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), over 1000 Disease Maps can be browsed, searched, and used via this site....
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CABI Distribution Maps of Plant Pests Authentication Required
Source for data on the worldwide distribution of plant pests of economic or quarantine importance. Created in association with the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), over 700 Pest Maps can be browsed, searched, and used via this site....
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Caliber -- University of California Press Authentication Required
Caliber is the online journals hosting service of University of California Press. Designed to meet the research needs of scholars, researchers, and students, Caliber holds the content for most journals published by UC Press....
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Caltech Electronic Theses
Caltech's database of electronic theses and dissertations....
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Cambridge Books Online Authentication Required
Offers access to e-books covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology, and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences....
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Cambridge Histories Online Authentication Required
Provides full text online access to over 290 volumes of Cambridge Histories reference series published since 1960. Coverage of political, economic and social history, philosophy and literature of selected countries and subjects....
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Cambridge University Press Journals Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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Camera Obscura (Texts)
Various editions of the texts of the stories by Nicolas Beets, 1814-1902...
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CAMIO Authentication Required
OCLC's Catalog of Art Museum Images Online offers art images that are rights-cleared for educational use. CAMIO is a growing online collection documenting works of art from around the world, representing the collections of prominent museums. CAMIO highlights the creative output of cultures around the world, from prehistoric to contemporary times, and covering the complete range of expressive forms. Includes about 95,000 art images—photographs, paintings, sculpture, decorative and utilitarian objects, prints, drawings and watercolors, jewelry and costumes, textiles and architecture—plus audio, video and mixed media. CAMIO is licensed for use by students, faculty, and researchers at subscribing institutions. Works of art may be used for educational and research purposes during the term of the subscription, if they are properly credited. Images may not be published or otherwise distributed. ...
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Campbell Collaboration C2
Register of randomized, and possibly randomized, trials in education, social work and welfare, and criminal justice....
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Canary Database
he Canary Database is a compilation of curated peer-reviewed research articles related to the use of animals as sentinels of human health hazards. This database contains information added by trained curators in addition to bibliographic records from MEDLINE and other well-known databases. The database includes studies of wildlife, companion, and livestock animals, where either the exposure or the health effect could be considered potentially relevant to human health. ...
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This international bibliographic database pertains to all aspects of cancer therapy, including experimental and clinical cancer therapy; chemical, viral and other cancer causing agents; mechanisms of carcinogenesis; biochemistry, immunology, and physiology of cancer; and mutagen and growth factor studies. Indexes journal articles, letters, meeeting abstracts, government and technical reports, dissertations and monographs....
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Career Information Center Authentication Required
Provides information for job seekers on various career areas. Each profile includes a job summary chart, a job description, and up-to-date salary information....
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Career Opportunities in Law and the Legal Industry Authentication Required
Provides comprehensive coverage of careers in the legal industry. Career profiles include court administrator, elder law attorney, family court judge, and more....
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Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (U.S. GPO)
1976 to the present, updated daily. Produced by the Government Printing Office, the Catalog of United States Government publications includes print and electronic Government information products created by Federal agencies....
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Catholic Periodical and Literature Index Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Covers all aspects of the Catholic faith and lifestyle, and includes over 380,000 index citations of articles and reviews published in Roman Catholic periodicals, Papal documents, church promulgations, and books about the Catholic faith that are authored by Catholics and/or produced by Catholic publishers. Indexing for CPLI Online corresponds to the print version, The Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, published by the Catholic Library Association and covers content from over 200 periodicals. ...
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Cell Press Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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Census Index
Census Index is designed to improve access to United States Census information in library collections by providing an online index to Census publications. Records for Decennial Census publications produced between 1790 and 1997 have been entered into to the database. Each record includes basic bibliographic information about the title. Most records also include an abstract....
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Center for Research Libraries
CRL holds over four million newspapers, journals, dissertations, archives, government publications and other traditional and digital resources for research and teaching. Holdings include such diverse materials as 800,000 doctoral dissertations (including those of Albert Einstein, Dag Hammarskjold and other Nobel laureates), some of the earliest African-American newspapers and the 100,000-plus-page archive of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge security force. Emphasis is on materials produced outside the United States, and the Center has special strength in publications and archives from many developing nations. Detailed information on areas of the CRL collection is available from http://www.crl.edu/content.asp?l1=5&l2=23 ...
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Center for Research Libraries Foreign Newspapers Database
Holdings for over 6,000 newspaper titles published outside of the United States. Request titles via Interlibrary Loan. ...
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Central & Eastern European Online Library Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
C.E.E.O.L. is an online archive which provides access to full text PDF articles from 301 humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics....
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CEPR Discussion Papers Authentication Required
The The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) network consists of over 750 Research Fellows and Affiliates based in over 237 different institutions in 28 countries (90% in the European Union). Because it draws on such a large network of researchers, CEPR is able to produce a wide range of research that reflects a broad spectrum of individual viewpoints and perspectives. The mission of the Centre is to to promote research excellence and policy relevance in European economics. The Centre has made contributions to a wide range of European policy issues for decades. The Centre disseminates its research through the CEPR Discussion Paper Series. It publishes almost 700 papers annually. Over 3000 Discussion Paper Abstracts are currently available online and all Discussion Papers published since the beginning of 1999 are available. ...
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Checklist of United States Publications, 1789-1909 This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
The Checklist is a nearly comprehensive list of US Government publications published during these years....
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Chemical Abstracts (via SciFinder Scholar) Authentication Required
Access contractually restricted to current U of M faculty, students, and staff....
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Chemical Market Reporter Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Weekly newspaper of the chemical process industries, for buyers & sellers of chemicals with limited current pricing information (via the "Miscellaneous Ejournals" option). Fulltext of recent issues is available online through Business Source and MasterFILE Premier (search Publications for list of available issues). Includes comprehensive pricing information in pre-March 28, 2005 issues, with Focus Reports approximately every 3 weeks (in-depth special sections about core industry segments, trends, & markets). ...
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CHEMnetBASE Authentication Required
CHEMnetBASE is a reference source for locating chemical facts, properties, literature references, and for performing structure searching. All dictionaries are sub-structure searchable as is Properties of Organic Compounds. CHEMnetBASE includes the following: The CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics; Polymers: A Property Database; Properties of Organic Compounds; Dictionary of Commonly Cited Compounds; Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds; Dictionary of Organic Compounds; Dictionary of Natural Products; and Dictionary of Drugs....
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Chicago Defender (1905 - 1975) Authentication Required
Full-page digital archive of The Chicago Defender, 1905-1975. A leading African-American newspaper, with more than two-thirds of its readership outside Chicago....
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Chicago Manual of Style Online Authentication Required
The standard work and most comprehensive of the style manuals. All chapters are written for the electronic age, with advice on how to prepare and edit manuscripts online, handle copyright and permissions issues raised by new technologies, use the latest methods of preparing mathematical copy, and cite electronic and online sources....
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Chicago Tribune (1849-1987) Authentication Required
Digital archive of the Chicago Tribune is a Proquest Historical Newspaper database....
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Chicago Tribune: Digital Edition through ProQuest Authentication Required
The Chicago Tribune is available, beginning with 2008, as full text images through the ProQuest Digital Microfilm interface. The most current issues are not available because of the publishing schedule....
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Chicano Database Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Subjects include Mexican-American and Chicano studies topics. Index to books and articles in English and Spanish languages.

The Libraries' subscription to this resource allows for 5 users at any one time. If you get a busy signal, please wait a few minutes and try accessing the site again. ...
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Child Welfare Information Gateway
Formerly the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, Child Welfare Information Gateway provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The site has an adoption literature database, NAIC fact sheets and information on State and Federal adoption laws. Listings of articles on adoption statistics can be found by searching the literature database. Also this site has adoption statistics....
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China Academic Journals Full-Text 中国学术期刊网 Authentication Required
Chinese Academic Journal Database (CAJ) contains 2424 titles of journals in History/Literature/Philosophy and Education & Social Sciences since 1994. Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty
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China Data Online Authentication Required
Current and historical statistics on population and economics at the national, provincial and local level. From the China Data Center at the University of Michigan. ...
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China Industry Reports Authentication Required
Provides industry information on China. IBISWorld analysts use a variety of sources in their research ranging from the National Bureau of Statistics, and industry associations, to company reports, surveys and personal contact....
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China National Knowledge Infrastructure Databases (CNKI) 中国知网

CNKI comprises four databases including Chinese Academic Journals Database (CAJ), China Core Newspaper Database (CCND), China Dissertations (CDMD), and China Conference Proceedings (CPCD). Searching is freely available online.

The China Academic Journals (CAJ) Database puts over 9.5 million full text articles of all academic subjects contributed by over 5,000 serials titles, nearly 2,000 in social sciences and humanities alone, at the fingertips of users. The archive begins with 1994.

With an archive beginning in 2000, the China Core Newspaper Database collects full text articles from hundreds of newspapers from every province of China.

CDMD compiles full text masters and doctoral dissertations on all subjects from over 250 Chinese universities, colleges and institutes. These include the 211 Project universities selected by the Chinese government to receive special funding to support advanced research in crucial subjects.

The China Conference Proceedings Database collects documents and articles from the conferences of over 340 national and international societies and associations holding conferences in China.

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ChinaMaxx 超星中文电子书 Authentication Required
ChinaMaxx contains over 710,000 full-text Chinese e-books from cover to cover on wide range of subject areas. Selected titles also can be found in MNCAT. For accessing the e-books, please follow the brief instructions contained in the login page. ChinaMaxx only works with the Internet Explorer browser. Firefox and Safari are not supported. You will need to install a plug-in to view e-books. ...
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Choice Reviews Authentication Required
CHOICE reviews significant current books and electronic resources of interest to those in higher education. ChoiceReviews is the Internet version of the print magazine CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. Each year CHOICE publishes more than 6,500 reviews by subject experts. ChoiceReviews.online provides Web access to the entire database of CHOICE reviews published since September 1988. The database is updated monthly, generally at mid-month, with reviews that will be printed in the next monthly issue of CHOICE. ...
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Chronicle of Higher Education Authentication Required
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the number one news and job-information source for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students....
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Chronicle of Philanthropy. The Newspaper of the Nonprofit World. Authentication Required
Use this link to search for article full-text. The Chronicle of Philanthropy's homepage is at www.philanthropy.com....
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CIAO Authentication Required
Comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. Publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs....
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CINAHL Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health, has a multidisciplinary scope covering nursing, 17 allied health disciplines, biomedicine, consumer health, health sciences librarianship and selected standards of professional practice....
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Cision is a business and communication intelligence firm that provides media research, distribution, monitoring and communication evaluation, as well as target group identification and distribution of information for PR and IR purposes to public relations agencies, corporations, government agencies, universities and non-profit organizations throughout the world. Serves as a directory of media of all types: radio, tv, magazines, newspapers, weeklies. Formerly Bacon's Publicity Checker....
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Civil War [electronic resource] : a newspaper perspective, The
Full text of articles taken from issues of The New York herald, The Charleston mercury and the Richmond enquirer, published between November 1, 1860 and April 15, 1865. Begins with the events preceding the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter and concludes with the assassination and funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Includes news articles, eye-witness accounts and official reports of battles and events, editorials, advertisements, and biographies. Also includes articles describing other than military concerns of the day, such as travel, arts and leisure, sports, social events, etc....
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Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective, The Authentication Required
Full text of major articles from the Charleston Mercury, the New York Herald and the Richmond Enquirer....
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CLA Film Catalogue
Contains records of film holdings in the the CLA Language Center (Jones Hall), Department of English, Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, Dance Program, CLA Visual Resources Center. Not all are available for checkout. Some are limited for departmental or instructional use....
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CLA Language Center Audio Video Search
Use to search the film holdings in the University of Minnesota's CLA Language Center in Jones Hall....
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Clase/Periodica Authentication Required
CLASE indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities. PERIODICA covers journals specializing in science and technology. Offers access to more than 300,000 bibliographic citations from documents published in 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages. Contains information from articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, interviews and brief notes published in journals edited in 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from publications that focus on Pan-American issues. ...
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Classical Music Library Authentication Required
Classical Music Library is an extensive collection of recordings with a supplementary reference database that users may search and listen to music delivered to their desktop. Classical Music Library is cross-referenced to a database of supplementary information and features fully licensed recordings, thousands of program notes and composer biographies, advanced searching, and hundreds of recommended play lists themed by genres....
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Classical Music Reference Library Authentication Required
Classical Music Reference Library unites in a single on-line database over 30,000 pages of basic reference materials spanning the history of Western classical music. This database makes available for the first time in electronic form such reference titles as Baker's Dictionary of Music, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker's Student Encyclopedia of Music....
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Classical Scores Library Authentication Required
Scores from both in-copyright and public domain editions. The major composers output is represented, as well as many lesser known composers and works. Includes works spanning time periods from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Coverage of score types is comprehensive, with full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, and piano reductions....
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Clinics Authentication Required
The first Clinics of North America were published in the early 20th century by W.B. Saunders Publishing Company in Philadelphia. In 1912, The Surgical Clinics of John B. Murphy and the Collected Papers of the Mayo Clinic, known respectively as The Surgical Clinics of North America and Medical Clinics of North America, were launched. Today, there are nearly 60 different Clinics titles, each one covering a distinct area of surgery, medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing, and dentistry....
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Cochrane Library Authentication Required
The Cochrane Library consists of a collection of regularly updated evidence-based health care databases. The Cochrane collection is designed to provide information and evidence to support health care decision-making. The available databases are: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (regularly updated reviews of the effects of health care interventions); Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness: DARE (critical assessments and structured abstracts of good systematic reviews published elsewhere); The Cochrane Controlled Trials Register: CENTRAL (bibliographic information on controlled trials); The Cochrance Database of Methodology Reviews: CDMR (systematic reviews of methodological studies); Health Technology Assessment Database: HTA (information about health technology assessments); NHS Economic Evaluation Database: NHS EED (National Health Service (UK), structured abstracts of articles describing evaluations of health care interventions); browse by Cochrane Collaborative Review Group; and the Cochrane Reviewer's Handbook. ...
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Collection of Searchable Computer Science Bibliographies
This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science....
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College Blue Book Online Authentication Required
Guide to thousands of 2- and 4-year schools in the U.S. and Canada. Covers the expected listings and detailed descriptions, degree programs offered, scholarships, and occupational education programs....
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College Source Online (CSO) Authentication Required
College catalogs and course descriptions. Full cover-to-cover, original page format with 2-year, 4-year, graduate, professional and international schools....
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Columbia Granger's World of Poetry Online Authentication Required
An index to poems in anthologies. It includes 250,000 poetry citations indexed by title, first line, last line, author, subject, and searchable by keyword and by author categories. Also provides biographical entries, bibliographies, anthology descriptors and fulltext versions of poems in the public domain. ...
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Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) Authentication Required
Comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. Publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.

Includes the CIAO Atlas, from the Economist Intelligence Unit, that provides worldwide basic economic information by country, as well as other country briefing information....
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Combined Chemical Dictionary Authentication Required
Database of descriptive & numerical data on chemical, physical & biological properties of compounds; systematic & common names; literature references; & structures. Contains all compounds included in: Dictionary of Organic Compounds (255,000 records) Dictionary of Natural Products (170,000) ; Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds (101,000) ; Dictionary of Drugs (40,000+) ; Dictionary of Analytical Reagents (14,000)...
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ComIndex Authentication Required
This resource has been canceled effective October 1 due to low use as evidenced by statistics. As an alternative, consider using Communication and Mass Media Complete...
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Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Publishing (CSIRO) Authentication Required
CSIRO PUBLISHING publishes journals presenting the latest research by leading Australian and overseas scientists and covering a broad range of subjects....
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Communication and Mass Media Complete Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service. Mobile Version of Resource
Find academic journal articles on topics in mass media, film, television, marketing, and communications in business, health, and other communication studies. ...
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Community of Science (COS) Funding Opportunities Authentication Required
The most comprehensive research funding database on the Web. Updated daily, COS Funding Opportunities includes more than 22,000 records, representing over 400,000 funding opportunities....
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Company of Biologists Authentication Required
Remote access available for University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities students, staff and faculty ...
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Comparative guide to American suburbs, The Authentication Required
Focuses on the individual and the suburban communities within each of the 60 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. Provides profiles of numerous suburban communities with a 10,000+ population....
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Compendex Authentication Required This database is enhanced by Find It: the University Libraries Linking Service.
Provides extensive indexing of scholarly and technical periodicals, conference proceedings, and report literature in all engineering disciplines including applied physics, electronics, materials science, and related fields in science and management. Indexes nearly 3000 sources worldwide....
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Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China Authentication Required
Alert: CAC will be unavailable for up to 24 hours starting June 15, 2007 at 5:00 pm Central Daylight Time. The Collection includes all the most important classics of ancient China through the Qing Dynasty. For example: astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine and so on....
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Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Authentication Required
Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented....
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Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III Authentication Required
This work builds on the two previous Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry treatises and covers developments in and applications of organometallic chemistry since 1993....
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Conference Board Business Knowledge Research Collection Authentication Required
The Conference Board Business Knowledge Research Collection is a searchable database of full-text research reports on the latest issues in business management and US and global economics. Topics include: business trends, leadership decisions, performance excellence, corporate governance, HR, productivity, customer relationship management and more. Economics material includes US and global economic indicators and analysis and forecasts of US and international economic conditions. ...
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Confraternitas Authentication Required
Confraternitas is a refereed journal publishing brief articles, news and notes of interest to colleagues, notices of forthcoming conferences or papers, and general queries about medieval and Early Modern confraternities (pre-1700)....
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Congressional Research Digital Collection - Prospective Service Authentication Required
The LexisNexis Congressional Research Digital Collection (CRDC) provides full-text access to more than 5,000 Congressional committee prints published from 2004 to present and more than 23,000 Congressional Research Service reports published from 2004-present. The bibliographic records provide controlled-vocabulary indexing, including citations for bills, public laws, and Statutes at Large, and analytical abstracts of the documents. Also includes links to political parties and organizations, news sources, etc. See Overview/Help for useful information on the legislative process....
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Conservation OnLine
"CoOL, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries, is a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials."...
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Consumer Health Complete Authentication Required
The single most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. It is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. CHC provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. This full-text database covers topics such as aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, men & women's health, etc. ...
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Consumer Media Advertising Source Authentication Required
This service provides comprehensive, multi-platform planning information on consumer media, classified into more than 80 markets. ...
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Contemporary Authors Authentication Required
A bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television, and other fields. Provides complete biographical and bibliographical references for more than 100,000 authors in the U.S. and around the world....
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Contemporary World Music Authentication Required
Contains 50,000 tracks from genres such as reggae, worldbeat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing and jazz, and other genres such as traditional music - Indian classical, fado, flamenco, klezmer, zydeco, gospel, gagaku, and more. ...
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COPAC is a union catalogue. It provides FREE access to the merged online catalogues of 23 of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland PLUS the British Library....
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Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers Authentication Required
A one-stop guide to the local practical issues involved in conducting transactions in a foreign country. Business executives and their adversaries participating in a transaction in a foreign country need a clear and concise framework of understanding, which will enable them to identify the critical issues likely to affect the course of the deal and to formulate the questions on which detailed advice will be needed. Use this resource to find useful information on mergers and acquisitions in 50 countries. ...
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Corporate Affiliations Authentication Required
This directory is useful for researching the largest public and private companies worldwide. Corporate ownership information on 200,000 of the most prominent companies, subsidiaries and divisions. Includes historical data for the last 10 years on executives, sales, and the number of employees. Each company profile includes products, brands, and competitors along with the service agencies such as advertising and accounting. ...
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Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse Authentication Required
The Humanities Text Initiative intends to develop the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse into an extensive and reliable collection of Middle English electronic texts. HTI wants to include in the corpus all editions of Middle English texts used in the MED, and the more recent scholarly editions which in some cases may have superseded them. Large scale expansion of the Corpus will not take place until the MED and the HyperBibliography are further advanced, but text conversion continues at a modest rate as time and money permit....
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COS Pivot Authentication Required
The COS pivot service combines COS funding opportunities and COS scholar universe, allowing users to identify available financial support along with research partners. Pivot also includes tools that make the management of funding opportunities in the pre-award phase more efficient. Users can add internal deadlines to build effective timelines for seizing critical funding opportunities. Funding opportunities can be tracked and organized so that highest priorities take center stage....
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Counseling and Therapy in Video (Alexander Street Press) Authentication Required
Counseling and Therapy in Video provides the largest and richest online collection of video available for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. The collection's wealth of video and multiplicity of perspectives allow students and scholars to see, experience, and study counseling in ways never before possible....
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Countries and Consumers Authentication Required
The public version of the Global Market Information Database (GMID). Countries and Consumers provides market research, reports, and statistical data on global consumption and market trends. To access, go to a public (i.e. non-UMN login) library workstation....
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Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 2010 Authentication Required
A compilation of U.S. Department of State reports on contemporary political and economic conditions, government personnel and policies, political parties, religions, history, education, press, radio and TV, climate, and other characteristics of selected countries of the world; together with travel alerts, passport and visa information, world health information for travelers, and customs and duty tips for returning residents. ...
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Country Commerce from the Economist Intelligence Unit Authentication Required
Reference guides from the Economist Intellegence Unit to the operating conditions, commercial laws and business regulations in 55 countries. Guidance on obtaining proper permits and registrations, protecting your intellectual property and complying with local tax laws-including e-commerce rules....
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CQ Electronic Library Authentication Required
Provides access to reports and articles from the CQ Weekly, CQ Researcher, CQ Public Affairs Collection and the CQ Voting and Elections Collection. The CQ Weekly provides nonpartisan information on Capitol Hill. The CQ Researcher and Public Affairs collections investigate a wide range of current topics, providing the pro's and con's of the issues. ...
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CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Authentication Required
Annually published reference source for chemical & physical property data, nomenclature, structure, & composition of substances. Includes physical constants of organic & inorganic compounds, conversion factors, & much more....
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CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook Authentication Required
Covers material structure and composition; phase diagram sources; thermodynamic and kinetic data; thermal, mechanical, electrical, optical, and chemical properties. Has a selection section where materials are compared by property value....
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Crystallography Journals -- International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Authentication Required
The Crystallography journals: 10 of the 12 journals published by IUCr....
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Current Index to Statistics -- Extended Database Authentication Required
Current Index to Statistics Extended Database is the Internet version of Current Index to Statistics, Applications, Methods and Theory, from the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. CIS is a bibliographic index to publications in statistics and related fields. It includes coverage, in most cases from 1974 (or first issue if later) to the present (currently, volumes published in 1998) from 106 "core journals" (and pre-1974 coverage for a number of them), selected articles since 1974 from about 900 additional journals, and about 8000 books in statistics published since 1974. Each year, the CIS-ED is updated with an additional year of coverage....
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Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Authentication Required
An annual reference of the most current insight into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. Each topic includes concise, evidence-based answers to questions regarding both hospital and ambulatory medicine. ...
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Current Protocols Authentication Required
Series of standard, authoritative guides to research laboratory methods in the life sciences; the U of M subscribes to 9 Current Protocols titles: Bioinformatics, Cell Biology, Human Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Protein Science, and Toxicology....
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Current Protocols in Bioinformatics Authentication Required
Compendium of methods in bioinformatics and computational biology. Offers step-by-step instructions for working with hundreds of applications and databases, designed for research biologists. Guidance on selecting software parameters, analyzing data, interpreting results, and generating hypotheses. Includes appendix on user fundamentals and glossary of bioinformatics terms....
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Current Protocols in Cell Biology Authentication Required
Reference source of methods for study of the relationship between specific molecules and genes and their location, function and structure at the cellular level. Includes guidelines for isolating and culturing cells in two- or three-dimensional cultures, analyzing the morphology of the cell, and characterizing the functions of organelles and molecules in the cell and its environment. Includes special appendices on the use of inhibitors and pharmacologic agents, protein motifs, and absorption and emission maxima for common fluorophores....
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Current Protocols in Human Genetics Authentication Required
Guide to designing and running research projects involving large-scale molecular cloning methods, expression analysis, disease study, and clinical genetics. Includes methods in all areas of genetic research, including genetic linkage analysis, bioinformatics and internet tools, gene cloning, cytogenetics, and diagnostics. Offers basic to sophisticated methods, most equally applicable to other eukaryotic organisms, such as the mouse. Provides appendices including "Commonly Used Techniques" (molecular biology and cell culture methods, plus statistics basics), "Chromosome Karyotyping and Idiograms", and "Genetic Linkage Reference Maps."...
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Current Protocols in Immunology Authentication Required
"Best-practices" collection of immunological methods. Covers antibody detection and preparation, molecular immunology, innate immunity, tumor immunology, engineering immune molecules and receptors. Includes chapter on sources for isolation and characterization of stem and progenitor cells, as well as animal models for analyses. Reference information including commonly used reagents, equipment and techniques, and the CD system of leukocyte surface molecules....
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Current Protocols in Microbiology Authentication Required
Handbook of methodologies for research in areas such as emerging and neglected infectious diseases, biodefense, microbe-host interactions, and host defense. Provides step-by-step instructions for analyzing bacteria, animal and plant viruses, fungi, protozoans and other microbes. Offers coverage of emerging technologies and concepts, such as biofilms, quorum sensing and quantitative PCR, as well as proteomic and genomic methods....
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Current Protocols in Molecular Biology Authentication Required
Standard compendium of laboratory methods in molecular biology. Offers basic methods for DNA preparation, to advanced procedures for microarray analysis, chromatin assembly, and more. Covers emerging areas, including Drosophila and C. elegans basic techniques, mouse phenotyping, chemical biology, DNA construction by recombination....
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Current Protocols in Neuroscience Authentication Required
Handbook of models and methods for core techniques in all types of neuroscience experiments. Draws from molecular neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, and behavioral neuroscience. Includes both in vitro and in vivo models, prepared for neuroscience research....
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Current Protocols in Protein Science Authentication Required
Guide for exploring protein structures and functions. Provides "best-practices" methodologies for expression, characterization, and purification of recombinant proteins, post-translational modification and structural characterization. ...
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Current Protocols in Toxicology Authentication Required
A "best-practices" collection of lab protocols for assessments of toxicity in whole organisms, organs and tissues, cells, and biochemical pathways. Provides models and methods from molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics, plus sophisticated toxicological procedures. Guidelines for evaluating the effects of substances on human physiology and metabolism. Reference information including stock solutions and equipment, commonly used techniques, and using toxicology information....
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