امروزه محققين، استادان و دانشجويان تحصيلات تكميلي در تمامي شاخه هاي موضوعي نياز به كسب آگاهي نسبي از چگونگي بازيابي اطلاعات مورد نظر خود از منابع الكترونيكي موجود و ذخيره اين اطلاعات دارند.

هر روزه براهميت موضوع فوق افزوده مي گردد چرا كه با افزايش سريع منابع و اطلاعات در اينترنت و سهولت دسترسي به اين اطلاعات نياز به ايجاد بانك هاي اطلاعاتي با قابليت جستجوي آسان در آنها افزايش مي يابد. امكان صرفه جويي در وقت محقق ، ذخيره حجم قابل توجهي از اطلاعات مفيد در بانك تخصصي وي و در نهايت مديريت اين اطلاعات با استفاده از قابليت نرم افزار End Note به راحتي امكان پذير است.
در حال حاضر مي توانيم بسياري از مطالب تمام متن كتاب يا مقالات مجلات را بصورت رايگان با صرف هزينه اندك از اينترنت ذخيره نمائيم ،اما مديريت اين منابع نياز به استفاده از روشهاي جديد ذخيره و بازيابي اطلاعات دارد .
امروزه محققين مي خواهند بدانند كه :
- چگونه منابع الكترونيكي مناسب را بيابند؟
- چگونه در اين منابع جستجو كنند؟
- چگونه بانك اطلاعاتي خصوصي با قابليت جستجوي آسان ايجاد كنند؟
- چگونه از اطلاعات گرفته شده از پايگاههاي اطلاعاتي ، بصورت الكترونيكي فهرست منابع تهيه نمائيد؟
- و چگونه با صرف زمان كم و دقت كافي مي توانند اقدام به تهيه فهرست منابع يا مراجع نمايند؟
پاسخ اين سوالات و روشهاي كاربردي آن در استفاده از نرم افزارهايي چون Manage reference ,Endnote, Procite نهفته است. با كمك اين نرم افزارها مي توان به مديريت جستجو و نگهداري نسخ كامل و خلاصه منابع علمي مانند كتاب و مقالات، و يا همان فيش برداريهاي الكترونيكي پرداخت . استفاده از فن آوري هاي مذكور محققين را متوجه اين نكته مي سازد كه چگونه كارهايي كه در گذشته نياز به صرف ساعت ها وقت داشته است، اكنون با استفاده از اين نرم افزارها در ظرف كمترين زمان ممكن انجام پذير مي باشد.
Getting Started with EndNote Web
1 Collect |
2 Organize |
3 Format |
Collect references from electronic and traditional sources.
Organize your references for your research topics and papers.
Create a formatted bibliography for your paper or cite references while you write.
راهنمای ویدیویی نرم افزار EndNote از سایت ناشر به همراه امکانات جدید نسخه X4
نرم افزار End Note X4
برای دانلود این نرم افزار همراه با کرک این نرم افزار،بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید و با لینک دانلود مستقیم و با سرعت بالا این نرم افزار با حجم 64MB را دانلود کنید.

ورژن :
EndNote X4 -Version X4 (14.0.0)-June 2010-Thomson Reuters
حجم : 64 MB
همراه با کرک تست شده برنامه
ما نه لینک دانلود را مشروط بر عضویت در پرتال خود می کنیم و نه دیدن هزار و یک تبلیغ. به راحتی دانلود کنید فقط انتقادات، پیشنهادات و اگر نرم افزار یا مطلب آموزشی دارید که می خواهید بر روی سایت قرار گیرد از طریق فرم تماس با ما و یا از طریق ایمیل ما به آدرس Download@DownloadPaper.ir در اختیار ما قرار دهید. التماس دعا
کرک: این نرم افزار کرک شده. اول نرم افزار رو نصب کنید. مثلا در C:\Program Files\EndNote X4 نصب شده. از فولدر کرکی که از از لینک بالا دانلود کردین، فایل اجرایی endnote.exe رو کپی و به جای همین فایل در محل نصب نرم افزار یعنی C:\Program Files\EndNote X4 پیست (replace) کنید. بعد وقتی رو این فایل اجرایی کلیک کنید میبینین که نرم افزار رجستر شده و دیگه پیغامی رو که مبنی بر 30 روزه بودن مجوز این نرم افزار میداد رو دیگه نمینویسه.

توضیحات :
پس از نصب برنامه، یک فایل راهنمای استفاده از برنامه EndNote در مسیر نصب قرار می گیرد که به صورت کتاب الکترونیکی (PDF) می باشد. شامل فصل ها و موضوعات زیر می باشد:
Introduction Welcome to Thomson Reuters EndNote X4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Chapter 1 Windows EndNote Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Chapter 2 Introduction to an EndNote Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Start EndNote, open a reference library, sort the library, select, open, and
close a reference, and save references to a custom group.
Chapter 3 Setting EndNote Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Learn how to access EndNote preferences, how to set a default library to
open automatically, and how to change the display fonts.
Chapter 4 Entering a Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Manually insert a reference, and attach a file to the reference.
Chapter 5 Searching an Online Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Use EndNote to search online databases and library catalogs. This
feature requires that you have an Internet connection.
Chapter 6 Importing Reference Data into EndNote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Import a tagged text file of references downloaded from an online
Chapter 7 Searching an EndNote Library and Saving it as a Smart Group . . . . . .77
Search for references, and create a smart group with the search strategy.
Chapter 8 Using EndNote While Writing a Paper with Microsoft Word . . . . . . . . .83
Insert bibliographic citations in Microsoft Word, and have EndNote
generate a bibliography for the paper. (If you use a different word
processor, learn about citing references and creating bibliographies by
choosing Contents from the Help menu in EndNote, and selecting
OpenOffice.org/Cite While You Write or Scanning and Formatting Files.)
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
توضیحات تکمیلی در مورد نرم افزار End Note
نرم افزار EndNote يکي از بهترين و جامع ترين نرم افزارهاي مديريت اطلاعات و استناد در روند پژوهش است که شرکت Thomson Scientificجهت سهولت کار پژوهشگران، به کاربران خود عرضه کرده است. با توجه به اينکه امروزه مديريت اطلاعات علمي براي پژوهشگران حوزه هاي مختلف يک دغدغه شده است،EndNote کمک بسيار موثر و چشمگيري به پژوهشگران و نويسندگان مقالات علمي در زمينه مديريت مستندات، نوشتن مقالات علمي، نشر مقاله بر اساس استانداردهاي مختلف ناشرين بين المللي مي نمايد. اين نرم افزار مي تواند با ارائه بيش از 2300 استاندارد نشر مقاله و انواع فرمتهاي پذيرفته شده بين المللي استناد نويسي، کمک شاياني هم به پژوهشگران و هم به اعضاي هيات تحريريه مجلات علمي براي پذيرش مقالات کند.
آنچه که در اين راهنما به آن خواهيم پرداخت شامل:
v ابزارها و امکانات لازم براي استفاده از نرم افزار EndNote
v ايجاد و باز کردن کتابخانه هاي شخصي؛
v ايجاد، ويرايش و حذف مراجع در کتابخانه شخصي؛
v وارد کردن مراجع/ استنادها به نرم افزار EndNote از پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي(براي مثال Ebsco ، Scopus ، Google)
v استفاده از ويژگي "cite while you write"نرم افزار EndNote در نرم افزار word
1. ابزارها و امکانات لازم براي استفاده از نرم افزار EndNote
1 ويندور 2000 يا ويندوز XP؛
2 نصب نرم افزار Endnote؛
3 نصب نرم افزار Word؛
4 امکان اتصال به شبکه در صورت استفاده از پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي درون خطي .
2. ايجاد و باز کردن کتابخانه هاي شخصي
الف. EndNote library يا کتابخانه شخصي چيست ؟
ب . مراحل کار با نرم افزارEndNote
ج. چگونگي ورود اطلاعات به روش دستي
. جستجو از طريق نرم افزار EndNote : مراحل زير را انجام دهيد:
Tools ----Online Search----New Search----Select Database (e.g.ISI)
صفحه جستجو ظاهر مي شود. رکوردهاي بازيابي شده در کتابخانه شخصي شما ذخيره مي شود.
2. جستجو در خود پايگاه اطلاعاتي (براي مثال Ebsco و وارد کردن نتايج به نرم افزار EndNote).
مثال: جستجوي اطلاعات در پايگاه اطلاعاتيEbsco (نحوه Export):
1. در ابتدا جستجوي خود را در پايگاه انجام دهيد.
2. هر يک از نتايج را مي توانيد با کمک دکمه Add به Folder منتقل نماييد يا تمام نتايج را علامتگذاری و به Folder اضافه نماييد
3. براي مشاهده کل مقالات علامتگذاری شده، روي گزينه Folder has items کليک نماييد.
4. براي فرستادن Folder به نرم افزار EndNote ، ابتدا مقالات را علامتگذاری و بر روي منوي Export کليک نماييد.
5. سپس صفحه Export Manager باز مي شود. در قسمت Save citations to a file formatted for: گزينه Direct export to EndNote, … را انتخاب و روي Save کليک نماييد .
6. کتابخانه خود را open نماييد، مشاهده مي نماييد که تمام مقالات علامتگذاری شده به کتابخانه ارسال و Importشده اند.
توجه: جهت حذف رکوردهای تکراری: منوی Reference و سپس گزینه Find Duplicates را انتخاب نمایید.
3. امکانات و قابليت هاي نرم افزار EndNote
الف. مشاهده Citation styles : برای مشاهده Citaiton style یا فرمت مآخذ، بر روی هر یک از رکورد ها کلیک نمایید، سپس در سمت راست پایین صفحه Show Preview را کلیک نمایید. فرمت مآخذ را مشاهده خواهید نمود.
ب. انتخاب و تغيير Citation Style
v در منوي Edit ، گزينه Output Styles را انتخاب نموده و سپس Open Style manager را کليک نماييد.
v روي دکمه Find by کليک نموده و موضوع خود را (براي مثال Engineering) را انتخاب و سپس مجلات آن حوزه ظاهر مي شود.
v مجله مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نماييد و پنجره را ببنديد.
v به کتابخانه برگرديد.
حال Citation Style جديد در منوي style drop down ظاهر مي شود . با انتخاب فرمت مجله موردنظر شما ماخذ به شکل استاندارد چاپ مقاله در آن مجله در مي آيد.
ج. نمايش ماخذ به شکل Annotated style: در Citation style فرمت Annotation Style را انتخاب نمایید، در صورت وجود چکیده، چکیده مقالات را هم مشاهده می نمایید.
4. ایجاد ارتباط میان نرم افزار EndNote و نرم افزار Word
دو روش براي ورود ماخذ به مقاله وجود دارد:
ب. استفاده از گزينه cite while you write ( CWYW)
v ويژگيEndNote’s cite while you write( CWYW) به سه روش مي تواند قابل دسترس باشد:
I. از طريق EndNote Toolbar در نرم افزار :Word براي مشاهده Toolbar نرم افزار EndNote در نرم افزار word، منوي View را کليک کرده و در قسمت تولبار EndNote را فعال نماييد (بهتر است خاطر نشان شود که نوار تولبار مذکور با باز کردن برنامه Word فعال خواهد شد).
II از طريق منوي Tools در نرم افزار EndNote نیز می توان از طریق انتخاب cite while you write( CWYW) وکلیک بر روی Return to word به متن مقاله در word بازگشت،
v بعد از فعال شدن نوار تولبار در نرم افزار ورد، ابتدا محل کرسر را دقيقا در جائيکه ماخذ بايد درج شود مشخص نماييد سپس روي آيکن find citation کليک نماييد،
v يک صفحه جستجوي جدا باز مي شود. براي جستجو و درج يک مآخذ يک جستجوي کليد واژه اي انجام دهيد يا اينکه مآخذ مورد نظر خود را با بالا و پايين کردن scroll پيدا نمایید. سپس مآخذ مورد نظر خود را با دبل کليک درج نماييد.
v مآخذ در محل پيش بيني شده درج خواهد شد و اطلاعات کامل کتابشناختي مقاله در پايان مقاله ظاهر مي شود.
III مآخذ مي تواند بطور مستقيم در Endnote library انتخاب شوند:
v در مقاله (word) با استفاده از آيکون Insert selected citation در Toolbar درج شود.
v براي تغيير فرمت يا style مآخذ خود روي دکمه Format bibliography در تولبار کلیک نمایید.
vدر قسمت Format Bibliography ازLayout Tab براي ويرايش فونت، عنوان، شماره گذاري يا تورفتگي ها استفاده نمایید.
گروه بندی نتایج جستجو(استفاده از آیکون Group):
v در منوی reference آیکون Groups و سپس Creat New Group را انتخاب نمایید.
v رکوردهای هم موضوع را انتخاب و right click نموده و add reference to را کلیک و به پوشه مورد نظر انتقال دهید.
دانلود این توضیحات در قالب سند Word (توضیحات مختصری راجع به EndNote)
دانلود نسخه کتاب الکترونیکی (PDF) این مطلب آموزشی به زبان انگلیسی
Data Management Tool for Research
Brief Manual
کلید واژه ها :
دانلود آشنايي با محيط نرم افزار Endnote دانلود آموزش PDF فارسی نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود آموزش برنامه نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود آموزش تصویری نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود آموزش نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود اموزش فارسي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود اموزش نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود اي بوك فارسي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود اي بوك نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود ايبوك اموزشي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود ايبوك فارسي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود برنامه نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود تكنيكهاي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود راهنمای کار با نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود كتاب آموزش نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود كتاب فارسي نرم افزار Endnote , دانلود نرم افزار نرم افزار ENDNOTE ,
مطالب مرتبط :
برای دانلود مقالات علمی خود از سرویس دانلود مقاله پرتال استفاده کنید.
Data Management Tool for Research
Brief Manual
Victoria T. Kok
Head, Veterinary Medicine Library
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
September, 2010
Creating an EndNote Library/Database
1. Open the EndNote Program.
2. Click on the picture in the middle which says:
“Create a new EndNote Library”
3. Click OK.
4. In the “File-Name” box, type in a name for your library/database, (e.g.
5. Click SAVE button and you have created an EndNote Library with three Panels:
• A Groups Panel
• A Library Panel
• A Search Panel
To Search EndNote Using Temporary Library Mode
• Open your EndNote Library.
• At the left hand side of the ribbon, click on the “Globe” icon.
• Go to TOOLS, click on ONLINE SEARCH.
• A CHOOSE A CONNECTION window opens up listing online library catalogs and
• Select a library online catalog or database and click CHOOSE and the search panel will
show that you are now connected to the online catalog or database.
• Enter your search terms and click SEARCH.
• A Confirm Online Search window opens up showing the number of retrievals.
• Click OK and the citation will be imported into the Temporary library.
• Select the citations you want to keep.
• Go up to REFERENCES and select COPY REFERENCES TO and select the EndNote
library you want the citations to go to.
• Your selected citations will be moved to the EndNote library you have selected (you
will see them be clicking on ALL REFERENCES).
• Close the Temporary Library.
• You’ll be asked if you want to discard all the online references.
• Click OK.
• Go to FILE and open up your library and you will see the citations have been imported.
To Search EndNote Using Permanent Library Mode
• Open your EndNote Library.
• At the left hand side of the ribbon, click on the “Globe plus Books” icon.
• Go to TOOLS, click on ONLINE SEARCH.
• A CHOOSE A CONNECTION window opens up listing online library catalogs and
• Select a library online catalog or database and click CHOOSE and the search panel
will show that you are now connected to the online catalog or database.
• Enter your search terms and click SEARCH.
• A Confirm Online Search window opens up showing the number of retrievals.
• Click OK and all the citation will be imported into the Permanent library.
• Select the citations you don’t want to keep.
• Go up to REFERENCES and scroll down to REMOVE REFERENCES TO TRASH.
• On the GROUPS panel, click on ALL REFERENCES to see all the citations in your
permanent Library.
Importing Search Retrievals through Filters
(This procedure is used when you have to import your search retrievals.
Save your search retrievals as a text file with field tags (e.g. AU, TI, SO, etc.)
1. Open the EndNote Library.
2. Go to FILE and scroll down to IMPORT, (An IMPORT window appears).
3. Click on Choose File button.
4. Go to the site where you have saved your search file (e.g. the desktop), and click
on the file.
5. Click OPEN and an Import Window opens up (The filename should appear on
the Import Data File window).
6. From the “Import Option” window, select the database (e.g. PubMed,
CABDirect, Web-of-Knowledge) from the appropriate provider (e.g. NLM, SP,
CSA) that you searched in. Click on Other Filters the filter is not on the List. (The
name of the import filter will appear in the “Import Option” window).
7. From the “Duplicates” window, select your option to exclude duplicates or to
import all.
8. Click the IMPORT button. (Your EndNote Library/Database will now have all the
imported citations).
“Exporting” Search Retrievals from CABDIRECT
• After retrieving your search results from the database, mark the needed citations.
• Then click on Export Marked Citations under Tools.
• Then choose the format you want to export and click the Export EndNote (RIS) format
• An Opening Citations.Ris window opens up.
• Click the radial button to the left of Open with ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper
(default) and then click OK.
• The citations will be imported into your EndNote Library.
“Exporting” Search Retrievals from COMPENDEX
(from Engineering Village)
1. After retrieving your search results from the database, mark the needed citations,
and click the Download button.
2. “Download Selected Records” window opens up.
3. Check the radial button to the left of “RIS, EndNote, Reference Manager”.
4. Click the Download button and “You have chosen to open” window opens up.
5. Check the radial button to the left of “ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper”
and then click OK.
6. The marked citation will be imported into your EndNote Library.
“Exporting” Search Retrievals from EBSCOhost databases
(e.g. ERIC, PsycINFO, etc)
1. After retrieving your search results from the database, mark the needed citations by
clicking on Add to Folder below each citation you want to keep.
2. Then click the Save Searches/Alert above.
3. Click on the folder-icon in the “blue ribbon” above.
4. A screen with the citations that you Added to Folder appears.
5. Check the square boxes to the left of the citations.
6. Click on the Export icon (the one with a page and an arrow).
7. Check radial button to the left of Direct Export to EndNote, Procite, or
Reference Manager.
8. Click SAVE.
9. An Opening Delivery window appears.
10. Check the radial button to the left of Open with (Web Export Helper) and click
OK. This will open up the EndNote program and a Select a Reference Library
window opens up.
11. Go to where your EndNote database is located (e.g. desktop).
12. Click on the library and then click OPEN and the citations will be imported.
Create Smart Group
• Open our EndNote Library and click All References.
• Click on GROUPS above and scroll down to Create Smart Group and a
Smart Group Window opens up.
• In the Smart Group Name window enter the name of the Group you want to
create e.g. Iron.
• Click the arrow in the window which has “Author” and select the field you want
EndNote to search, e.g. Keywords, and in the blank window to the right of it
enter the term, eg. Iron.
• Then click the arrow in the window which has “Date” and select Abstract and in
the blank window to the right of it enter the term to be searched.
• Repeat the procedure for the third window which shows Title.
• In the extreme left hand column, select the Boolean OR in both the windows.
• Then click the Create Button.
• The new Smart Group will be created showing the number of Iron-citations in you
EndNote Library.
• To enter the word stem of a word to catch singular and plural and other variant forms of the
word, e.g. Fluorescence, tec., enter the Word Stem, e.g. Flourese and in the middle column
where it says Contain, click on the arrow and select Word Begins With.
Create Custom Group
• Open your EndNote-X2 Library and click All References.
• Click on GROUPS on the top of the screen and scroll down to Create Group.
• On the Group Panel on the left hand side of the screen, a New Group opens up
under Custom Groups.
• Type in the name of the group you want to create, e.g. Reviews, or Methodology,
etc., and press ENTER.
• Then click All References to go to your Library.
• Hold down the CRTL-key and select the citations you want to put into the Group.
• Release the CRTL-Key.
• Then click on one of the citations and drag and drop (the other citations that you
have selected will follow) into the (Reviews) group that you have created.
To Delete Group
• Click on the group to be deleted.
• Go up to GROUPS and select Delete Group.
To Delete Citations
• Open your EndNote Library and click on All References.
• Select citation to be deleted from your EndNote Library.
• Go up to REFERENCES.
To Retrieve from Trash
• Click “Trash” in the Group Panel on the left hand side of the screen.
• The citation will appear in the “Reference Panel”, i.e. your EndNote Library.
• Click on this citation and drag and drop citation into ALL REFERENCES.
Entering Images into EndNote Library
1. Open your EndNote Library.
2. Go to REFERENCES and select New References. A “New Reference” window
opens up.
3. From the Reference Type window’s pull-down menu, select Figure.
4. Enter the name of the creator, title of the image, date, etc.
5. When you get to the Figure field click on it and go up to REFERENCES above
and select Figure and Attach Figure.
6. An “Attach Window” opens up.
7. Click the Choose File button.
8. Go to where you saved your image (e.g. desktop or a folder) and highlight it and
click OPEN.
9. The image will appear in the Figure Field.
10. Go to the “Caption” field and enter a caption.
(this is optional)
11. Close the entry it will be saved into your EndNote Library.
Entering Charts, Tables, Diagrams, PDF-files, and
PowerPoint, into EndNote Library
1. Open your EndNote Library.
2. Go to REFERENCES and select New References. A “New Reference” window
opens up.
3. At the Reference Type window on top, click on the down-arrow and select
Charts or Tables from the pull-down menu.
4. Enter the data that your want to enter for the Diagram, Table, Graph, etc.
5. When you get to the Figure field click on it and go up to REFERENCES above
and select Figure and Attach Figure.
6. An “Attach Figure” window opens. Click the Choose File button.
7. At the Look In window select the site where you have saved your diagram, e.g. the
Desktop or Folder).
8. Locate the Diagram, Table, Graph, PowerPoint or PDF file you want to insert
and Click on the file and then click Open.
9. The New Reference window re-appears, showing an icon of imported item in the
figure Field.
10. Go to the Caption field and type in a caption for your Table (this is optional).
11. Close the window and the imported Diagram, Table or Graph will be saved into
your EndNote Library.
Importing a PDF into an Image field in a citation record
in EndNote Library
1. Open your EndNote Library.
2. Go to TOOLS and scroll down to SEARCH LIBRARY.
3. Enter search terms and click SEARCH.
4. Double click on the retrieved citation to open the citation.
5. Scroll down and click on the Figure field.
6. Go back up and click on REFERENCES and scroll down to Figure and Attach
7. The Attach Figure window opens, click CHOOSE FILE button.
8. Go to the location (e.g. desktop, My Document folder, etc.) where you’ve saved
your PDF file.
9. Click on the PDF file and then click OPEN.
10. The PDF file will be imported into the citation.
11. Close the citation.
Manually Entering Bibliographic Citations/Reference
This is the procedure for entering references such as books, book chapters, proceedings,
electronic citations, patents, etc. and articles not available through database searches.
1. Open your EndNote Library.
2. Go to REFERENCES and select New Reference.
(This opens up an empty New Reference Window)
3. At the Reference Type window click on the arrow to the right of the window and
select the reference type you want to enter manually (e.g. book section, conference
paper, patent, thesis, etc).
4. Enter the bibliographic data into each of the fields in the reference. (The
information on the Title page of the publication is essential information for
EndNote to cite that publication correctly).
5. For Authors, enter each author on a separate line.
6. When you have finished, CLOSE the reference to save it to the EndNote library.
Inserting Reference from EndNote Library into Manuscript
and Formatting Bibliography
1. Open your EndNote Library that contains the references you wish to cite and
minimize it so that it will not be in the way.
2. Open the Word manuscript.
3. Click on EndNote on the tool bar.
4. Position the cursor in the text in our Word-document where you would like to put
the citation.
5. In the Citation section click on the arrow next to Insert Citation and scroll down
to Find Citation.
6. A Find Citation(s) window opens up.
7. Enter your search for the references in the “FIND” window, and click the Search
button. (Reference(s) matching your search will be retrieved)
8. Click on the reference(s) you want to cite and then click the INSERT button on the
lower right hand corner.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 until you have cited all your references.
10. To format the bibliography, go to the Bibliography section and click on the arrow
next to Bibliography.
11. An EndNote Format Bibliography window opens up.
12. Click the BROWSE button on the right side of the With Output Style window.
13. Select the journal/bibliographic style you want from the With Output Style
window and then click the OK button and your citations will be formatted
according to the style chosen.
Incorporating Photographs, Charts, Graphs, Tables, etc. in the
figure field into the Manuscript
1. Open your EndNote Library that contains the figures you wish to incorporate into
your manuscript and minimize it so that it will not be in the way.
2. Open the manuscript that you have saved on your Word Processing Program (e.g.
Microsoft Word).
3. Click on EndNote on the tool-bar.
4. Position the cursor in the text in our Word-document where you want the image or
figure to appear.
5. In the Citation section, click on the arrow next to Insert Citation and scroll down
to Find Figure.
6. An EndNote Find Figure(s) window opens up.
7. In the Find box, enter the name you have assigned to the Photograph, Chart or
Table in your EndNote Library which you want to insert.
8. Click SEARCH (EndNote displays a single matching reference. The file
attachment icon appears in the lower part of the screen).
9. Click the INSERT button at the lower right corner of the screen. (The
Photograph, Chart or Table will load slowly and appears at the location
where you want it to be.)
10. To resize the incorporated Photograph, Chart or Table to fit on the page, Click on
a corner of the photograph/graph/chart and then hold down the SHIFT-key, and
drag the photograph/graph/chart to resize it proportionally.
11. Go to FILE and SAVE. (since it is now a Word File)
E-Mailing a Copy of EndNote Library
1. Open EndNote Library, and Click on All References.
2. Go to FILE.
3. Scroll down to COMPRESSED LIBRARY ….. and Create & Email …..
4. This saved compressed copy of the library will have an extension .enlx.
5. Then click Next.
6. SAVED the compressed library on the desktop or folder.
7. The saved copy of your EndNote Library can then be sent to your collaborator as
an attached document to your e-mail.
Copying an EndNote Library into another EndNote Library
1. Double click on the library with an extension .enlx to open it.
2. Go to EDIT and SELECT ALL.
3. Go to EDIT and COPY (you have now copied the library).
4. Open the library2 you want to copy to.
5. Go to EDIT and PASTE.
6. The citations are now pasted in your library2 and they are high-lighted.
Sending a Group from EndNote
• Open the EndNote Library and click on the Group you want to send.
• Click on a citation and then press CTRL+A to highlight all the references in the
• Go to FILE and scroll down to EXPORT. An Export File Name window opens
• Set the output style to Refman (RIS) Export in the Output Style window.
• Make sure that Export Selected Reference box is checked.
• SAVE the references as a text file on the desktop.
• Save this text file as an attachment in your e-mail.
• When your colleague receives the file, he/she IMPORT it into his/her EndNote
library selecting Refman(RIS) as the filter.
Set EndNote to Not Import Duplicates
• Open the EndNote Library.
• Go to EDIT.
• Select PREFERENCES and the EndNote Preferences window opens up.
• Select Duplicates on the left hand panel.
• On the right hand column, under Compare references based on the following
Fields, check the fields you want.
• Under the Online Search Results, check the square box next to Automatically
discard Duplicates.
• Then click OK.
Downloading Output Styles from EndNote Homepage
1. Activate browser and go to EndNote’s homepage at: http://www.endnote.com.
2. Click on support & services.
3. Scroll down to Downloads and select Output Styles and click More….
4. The EndNote Output Styles window will appear.
5. Click the Sorting Options tab.
6. Click on the arrow of the “Sort by” window and select either Discipline or Style
Name or Date.
7. Click the Re-sort Files button on the right side of the screen, and the output styles
will be sorted by what you have selected, (e.g. the discipline or the Journal Style
Name or Date).
8. Scroll and locate the journal output style you want to download, (e.g. Veterinary
Microbiology, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, etc).
9. Click on the Download (on the far right) for the selected journal style, and “You
have chosen to open” window opens up.
10. Click the radial button to the left of Save File and then click OK.
11. Save the downloaded style to the desktop.
12. You have now downloaded the journal output style. Close the EndNote
13. Go to the Desktop and right-click on the “downloaded journal output style” icon
and scroll down and click CUT.
14. Double-click My Computer to open the C-Drive and then open the Program File
15. Locate and open the EndNote folder.
16. Go to EDIT and PASTE. The downloaded journal output style icon will appear on
the screen.
17. Click on the downloaded journal output style icon and drag and drop the icon into
the Styles folder. You have now added the downloaded journal output style to your
folder of output styles.
Downloading Import Filters from EndNote Homepage
1. Activate browser and go to EndNote’s homepage at: http://www.endnote.com.
2. Click on support & services.
3. Scroll down to Downloads and select Import Filters and click More….
4. The EndNote Import Filters window will appear.
5. Click on the button of the “Sort by” window select either Information Provider or
Database or Date.
6. Click the Re-sort Files button on the right side of the screen, and the filters will
be sorted by what you have selected, (e.g. Database or Information Providers).
7. Scroll and locate the filter for the database you want to download, (e.g. ERIC,
Biological Sciences, Compendex, etc).
8. Click on Download (on the far right) for the selected database, and “You Have
Chosen to Open” window opens up.
9. Check the radial button for Save to Disk and then click OK.
10. Save the downloaded filter on the desktop.
11. You have now downloaded the filter. Close the EndNote Homepage.
12. Go to Desktop and right-click on the “Downloaded Filter” icon and then scroll
down and click CUT.
13. Double click My Computer to open the C-Drive and open the Program File
14. Locate and open the EndNote folder.
15. Go to EDIT and PASTE. The downloaded filter icon will appear on the screen.
16. Click on the downloaded filter icon and drag and drop the icon into the Filter
folder. You have now added the downloaded filter to your file of filters.
Downloading Connection Files from EndNote Homepage
1. Activate browser and go to EndNote’s homepage at: http://www.endnote.com.
2. Click on support & services.
3. Scroll down to Downloads and select Connection Files and click More….
4. The EndNote Connection Files window will appear.
5. Click on the Sort by arrow and select what you wish to sort by (e.g. date, database
or provider).
6. Click the Re-sort Files button on the right side of the screen, and the Connection
Files will be sorted by what you have selected.
7. Scroll and locate the Connection File you want to download.
8. Click on the Download (on the far right) for the selected Connection File.
9. Check the radial button for Save to Disk and then click OK.
10. Save the downloaded Connections File on the desktop.
11. You have now downloaded the Connection File. Close the EndNote Homepage.
12. Go to the Desktop and right-click on the “Downloaded Connection File” icon and
scroll down and click CUT.
13. Double-click My Computer to open the C-Drive.
14. Locate the Program File folder and open it.
15. Locate and open EndNote folder.
16. Go to EDIT and PASTE. The downloaded Connection File icon will appear on the
17. Click on the downloaded journal output style icon and drag and drop the icon into
the Connection folder. You have now added the downloaded Connection File into
the folder.
Merging Documents
1. Open your EndNote Library that you used to write your document and minimize it.
2. Open the document to be merged.
3. Click on the EndNote tab on top.
4. Choose Convert Citations and Bibliography and Convert to Unformatted
5. Press [CRTL]+A on the keyboard to highlight everything.
6. Press [CRTL]+C to copy the highlighted text.
7. Close the document and you’ll be asked whether you want to save the changes,
click NO.
8. Then in the blank Word document press [CRTL]+V to paste and then SAVE.
9. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 until all the documents are pasted in the merged Word
10. Once you have pasted all the documents in the merged Word document, make
sure you have all the EndNote tab and Format the Bibliography.
11. A Bibliography will be formatted at the end of the merged document.
To Enter Corporate Authors
1. To Enter a Corporate Author, put a comma after the name:
e.g. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Apple Computer Inc,
2. This ensures that the entire name is treated as a first name, so no name
manipulation will be applied.
3. If the Corporate Author name includes a comma in the name itself, use two
commas in place of the first comma:
e.g. University of California,, Irvine
EndNote treats this as a last name followed by a blank first name. Then,
everything after the (blank) first name is appended, including a second
comma in the name. The formatted result is the Corporate Name with the
comma in place.
Edit (Add or Remove) Citations in Manuscript
1. Open the EndNote Library and minimize it.
2. Open the manuscript that you want to edit.
3. Click on the EndNote Tab on the top of the screen.
4. Click on EDIT & Manage Citation(s).
5. A window opens up showing your citations.
6. C
lick on the citation you want to delete and then click the arrow next to Edit
7. O
n the sub-menu that appears click Remove Citation and then O.K. (the citation
is removed from the in-text reference but it is still in the Bibliography).
8. Format the Bibliography again and the citation will be deleted from the
9. Close your document and you’ll be asked if you want to save the changes.
10. Click Yes.
On Windows: Word 2007
• Within Microsoft Word 2007 click the Office icon in the upper left, and then click
“Word Options” at the bottom of this window.
• Click on the Advanced option on the left hand side and scroll down to the section
titled “Show Document Content”.
• Uncheck the item titled “Show Field Codes Instead of their values” and click OK.
• The document should now appear normal.
On Windows: Word 2003/2002/2000
• In Word, go to the “Tools” menu, and select “Options”.
• Here, on the “View” tab, uncheck the box named “Field Codes”.
• Click “OK”.
• The document should now appear normal.
On A Macintosh:
• In Word, go to the “Word” menu, and select “Preferences”.
• Here, on the “Menu”, uncheck the box named “Field Codes”.
• Click “OK”.
• The document should now appear normal.
This setting is a universal setting for Word, so making this change should fix any documents that are
currently displaying the field codes.
Merging EndNote Libraries
1. Open both EndNote libraries. You can use the Window menu to switch between the
2. In one library, click on the EDIT menu and click Select All.
3. Click on the Edit menu again and select Copy.
4. Switch to the destination library.
5. Click on Edit and select Paste.
Importing PDF and Generates Citation in EndNote Library
With EndNote-X4 you’ll be able to import the PDF file, and if that article has a DOI
number EndNote-X4 will automatically generate a bibliographic citation to go with the
PDF. This way, you don’t have to import the bibliographic citation.
The procedure is as follows:
• Open your EndNote-X4 Library.
• Go to File and scroll down to Import.
• Choose File in the Sub-Menu that opens up.
• An Import File window opens up.
• Click the Choose … button and go to where you store your PDF file, highlight it and
click OK.
• In the Import Options window choose PDF.
• Then click Import.
• The PDF file will be imported and if the article has a DOI number a citation will also be
generated for the PDF full text.
Importing a Folder of PDF Files
With EndNote-X4 you’ll be able to import a whole folder of PDF files. For those articles
with DOI numbers, EndNote-X4 will automatically generate bibliographic citations to go
with those PDFs. This way, you don’t have to import the bibliographic citations.
The procedure is as follows:
• Open your EndNote-X4 Library.
• Go to File and scroll down to Import.
• Choose Folder … in the Sub-Menu that opens up.
• An Import Folder window opens up.
• Check the square box to the left of Include Files in the Subfolders.
• Click the Choose … button and go to where you store your folder of PDF files,
highlight it and click OK.
• In the Import Options window choose PDF.
• Then click Import.
• The PDF files in the folder will be imported and for those articles that have DOI
numbers citations will also be generated. For those without, the PDFs will be imported
without the corresponding citations.
Setting EndNote to Maximize Full Text Search
• Open your EndNote Library.
• Go to EDIT and click on PREFERENCES to open up the EndNote Preferences
• On the left hand column click on FIND FULL TEXT.
• Check the square boxes for: ISI Web of Knowledge; DOI; PubMed; Open URL.
• In the Open URL Path, enter
• For Authenticate with, enter
This allows you to access the library resources from off-campus like your home or
off-campus facilities.
• Then Click OK.