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Central Michigan University


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A to Z Maps Online
Included in the 4,000+ maps are political maps, physical maps, outline maps, population maps, precipitation maps, climate maps, and other thematic maps.

Local and regional business news coverage of large corporations, privately held companies, local start-ups, executive profiles, marketing, finance, and industry news. Provides information not typically found in the national press sources.

ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry
Provides latest industry news, product and competitive information, marketing trends, and a wide variety of other topics.

Index to periodical articles on all aspects of business from U. S. and International publications. Covers 1923 to present and includes many full-text articles.

Abstracts in Anthropology
Covers linguistics, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and physical anthropology.

Academic OneFile
Academic OneFile indexes peer-reviewed, full-text articles from leading journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects.

Accounting & Tax
Comprehensive coverage of accounting and tax topics appearing in key industry publications and newspapers.

ACM Digital Library
Full-text articles published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Also includes bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.

African American Music Reference
Brings together biographies, chronologies, sheet music, images, lyrics, liner notes, and discographies. The database is constantly expanding to include comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression.

Covering 1970 to the present, this database indexes materials relating to all aspects of agriculture, forestry, and animal science.

Agriculture Collection
From practical aspects of farming to cutting edge scientific research in horticulture.

AMA Manual of Style
The online American Medical Association of Style allows for updating and correcting as changes occur. The online edition allows for searching in context and provides links from the index to the desired sections.

America: History and Life
Provides bibliographic references to the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. This extensive database indexes articles from over 2,000 journals published worldwide.

American Civil War Research Database
Contains information on more than four million soldiers and thousands of battles. Includes photographs, regimental rosters, and officer profiles.

American Periodicals Series Online
Includes digitized pages from American journals and magazines published from colonial times to the 19th century, including 118 periodicals published during the Civil War.

America’s Historical Newspapers (1690 - 1875)
Previously known as Early American Newspapers, this archive of Americana provides a glimpse into our nation's past. It features images and full-text content from scores of historical publications.

Anthropological Index Online
Periodicals in all branches of anthropology, from academic institutions and publishers around the world.

An online portal serving the research, teaching, and practicing needs of anthropologists. It offers access to more than 100 years of anthropological knowledge.

Applied Science Full Text
Covers 600 selected journals in chemistry, computer technology, data processing, energy, engineering, mathematics, physics, and related fields (1983 to the present).

Art Full Text
Lists articles on all aspects of art, including archaeology, architecture, computer graphics, photography, and film.

Art Retrospective
Indexes articles from international periodicals published from 1929-1984, including English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. In addition to articles, Art Retrospective indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.

Index of articles from the table of contents of numerous journals.

Provides more than one million digital images from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, and photo archives. Subject matters include art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval Studies, Renaissance Studies, the sciences, and more.

ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials
A database providing a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews from over 1600 international titles and multi-author works in the field of religion. Coverage is from 1949 to the present, with selected records dating back to 1818.

Banking Information Source
This database includes essential banking industry publications providing information about the financial services industry, banking and industry trends.

Biography Index
Search biographical material from a wide range of periodicals databases as well as individual and collective biographies and biographical materials in non-biographical books.

Biological and Agricultural Index Plus
A selective database covering 300 key journals in the biological sciences and agriculture (1983 to the present).

BIOSIS Previews
Comprehensive coverage of the world’s biological research literature. Indexes more than 6,000 journals  from 1969 to the present.

Birds of America Online
Provides comprehensive life histories for each species of birds breeding in the U.S. (including Hawaii) and Canada.

Book Review Digest Plus
Reviews of current English-language fiction and nonfiction books.

Business and Company ASAP
Information on companies, markets and industries.

Business and Company Resource Center
Provides access to a wide variety of global business information, enabling users to research company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and industry news and periodicals.

Business and Industry News (LexisNexis)
Business articles from newspapers, magazines, journals, wires, and transcripts.

Business and Management Practices
Focuses on how organizations make and implement decisions, develop and launch new strategies, and plan for change. Includes case studies and how-to articles, many of which are full-text. Covers 1995 to present.

Business Decision
A database of consumer household data, market segmentation data, population forecasts, and demographic data, with GIS mapping technology that allows users to create analyses for particular sites or geographic areas. Provides both data and graphic reports (maps) to be used in marketing, sales, and strategic plans, to evaluate potential sites for new stores, clinics, or service centers, analyze trade areas, evaluate market penetration, perform competitive analyses and more.

Business Plans Handbook
A compilation of business plans developed by small businesses throughout North America.

Indexes resources in the areas of life sciences, food science, and technology.

Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities
Helps scholars publish their manuscripts in academic journals in the fields of business, education, psychology, computer science, and health science. It maintains information on over 4,000 journals and provides links to guidelines and submission information.

Catalog of Art Museum Images Online is a resource of works of art from around the world contributed and described by leading museums.

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
A finding tool for federal publications. It includes descriptive records for historical and current publications with direct links to online publications.

CBCA Education
This collection focuses on Canadian information in the field of education. It is an appropriate source for those interested in teaching, educational research, and educational administration in Canada. Academic, administrative, professional, and topical journals are all included, as are newsletters.

For tax and accounting research, collections include United States tax reporter library, Federal tax coordinator library, public domain library (Previously known as RDI Checkpoint).

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database
Contains critical reviews of thousands of children's books, ranging from the earliest baby board books to novels and nonfiction for young adults.

Children's Literature Review
Contains critical reviews of thousands of children's books, ranging from the earliest baby board books to novels and nonfiction for young adults. Includes information about book awards, honors, and prizes.

ChoiceReviews Online
Reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health indexes journal articles from nursing, biomedical, consumer health, rehabilitation sciences, sports medicine, fitness, preventive medicine, and other allied health sciences.

Index of Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities.

Classical Scores Library
Contains 400,000 pages of classical scores from both in-copyright and public domain editions. It includes the works of major and lesser known composers from the Renaissance to the 21st century, with full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores and piano reductions.

The Cochrane Library
Contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.

Combined Chemical Dictionary
Includes descriptive and numerical data on chemical, physical and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure diagrams and their associated connection tables.

Communication & Mass Media Complete
Provides indexing and abstracting of articles in several hundred journals in the fields of human communication and mass media.

Company Dossier
Provides corporate profiles.

Company Profiles
Search for information on public, private, and international companies. Includes Hoover’s Company Reports and S&P Corporate Descriptions.

Indexes millions of bibliographic citations and abstracts from thousands of engineering journals and conference proceedings.

Computer Database
Find computer-related product introductions along with news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.

Congressional Universe
Includes full text of bills from 1989, public laws from 1988, committee reports from 1990, House and Senate documents from 1995, Congressional Record from 1985, Federal Register from 1980, and National Journal from 1977. Updated daily.

The leading provider of independent test results and information to help consumers and health-care professionals identify the best quality health and nutrition products. It publishes results of its tests in comprehensive reports.

Corporate Affiliations
Guide to corporate families in the United States and worldwide.

Counseling and Therapy in Video
An online collection of videos available for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.

Criminal Justice Collection
For researchers studying law, law enforcement or forensic science, training for paralegal service, preparing for a career in Homeland Security, writing sociological reports, and much more.

Criminal Justice Periodicals
A comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.

Culinary Arts Collection
Coverage includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.

Dissertations and Theses
Indexes almost 3,000,000 dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to present. Includes some full-text content.

Diversity Studies Collection
Explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in our global community.

Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans
Includes virtually every book, pamphlet, and broadside published in America between 1639 and 1800. Also includes ads, almanacs, bibles, catalogs, charters, contracts, laws, maps, novels, operas, and more.

Early English Books Online
Contains digitized images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and British North America from 1473-1700, including works in English printed elsewhere.

ECO [Electronic Collections Online]
A multidisciplinary collection of articles from scholarly, trade and popular publications.

Subject indexing and abstracts of journals and over 500 collective volumes per year, plus books, dissertations, and working papers. Covers 1969 to the present.

Education Full-Text
Indexes journal articles published in the leading English-language periodicals in the field of education from 1983 to the present. It covers every age and sector of the educational community from preschool through college.

Education in Video
Offers a collection of streaming videos developed specifically for training and developing teachers. Its more than 1,000 video titles cover hundreds of special topics and themes representing many different teaching and learning conditions, allowing the viewer to observe the intricacies of behavior, tone, facial expression, and body language that define effective teaching styles. It provides course, study, and discussion guides; assessment checklists; and themed playlists offering a wide-ranging, ready-to-use array of teaching tools.

eLibrary Elementary
Designed to support K-9 research and study. Access reading level-aligned articles from more than 130 magazines, newspapers, books, transcripts, maps, images, educator-approved websites from Homework Central, and audio/video titles.

Environmental Studies and Policy Collection
Robust coverage of the field of environmental issues and policy.

ERIC - ProQuest
The ERIC database provides annotated references to documents and journal articles on education research and practice from 1966 to the present. It covers every age and sector of education-related topics.

ERIC - FirstSearch
Indexes published and unpublished sources on thousands of educational topics.

Essay & General Literature Index
Focuses on humanities and social sciences literature.

Ethnic NewsWatch
A full-text collection of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native presses.

Euromonitor: Passport Reference & Markets
International market research data by country, industry, or company, along with demographic and economic statistics.

European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750
Contains more than 32,000 items written in Europe about the Americas, including exploration, portrayals of Native Americans, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, and slavery.

Expanded Academic ASAP
This database provides access to scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers in all academic disciplines, many with full text and images.

Fine Arts and Music Collection
Drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.

An online collection of more than 60 research and reference databases in all subject areas.
For help searching, take the FirstSearch Web Guided Tour

FirstSearch GPO
Covers all types of U.S. government documents (from 1994 to present), including congressional reports, hearings, debates and records, judiciary materials, and documents issued by executive departments.

Gale NewsVault
Search simultaneously across multiple historical newspapers and periodicals.

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world’s peoples.

A full-text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Publications include journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government, and special reports.

General Business File ASAP
Analyze company performance and activity, industry events and trends as well as the latest in management, economics, and politics.

General OneFile
A multidisciplinary collection of articles from scholarly, trade and popular publications.

General Reference Center Gold
Search magazines, newspapers, and reference books for information on business, industry, current events, the arts, science, entertainment, and more.

General Science Full Text
A selective database covering 160 leading journals in all of the sciences, from 1984 to the present.

A multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.

A comprehensive index with abstracts to the geological research literature, covering journals as well as state and federal geological survey publications, 1785 to the present.

The Gilded Age
Primary documents and scholarly commentary on social and cultural topics from the late 19th century.  Also includes video interviews with scholars and documentary essays.

GVRL (Gale Virtual Reference Collection)
This is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources that is perfect for multidisciplinary research.

Government Periodicals Index
Provides detailed subject and author indexing to approximately 170 magazines and newsletters published by United States government agencies.

Scholarly and general interest titles as well as government documents and reports focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment.

Hathi Trust Digital Library
HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible well into the future. It brings together the immense collections of more than fifty partner institutions in digital form.

Health and Wellness Resource Center
Patient and consumer health information found in journals, magazines, pamphlets and reference works.

Health Business Fulltext Elite
Provides full text for more than 440 periodicals detailing all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management.

Health Reference Center Academic
Indexes articles on a wide range of health topics, including fitness, pregnancy, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, HMOs, alcohol and drug abuse, and medications.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
This database indexes nearly 600 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.

Historical Abstracts
Provides bibliographic references to the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada). This database indexes articles from over 2,000 journals published worldwide.

Historical New York Times
The Historical New York Times (1851-2003) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative historical information covering virtually every quantifiable dimension of American history.

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Provides bibliographic references for the history of science, technology, and medicine. It reflects the influences of these fields on society and culture from prehistory to the present.

Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection
Provides historical and current coverage of the hospitality and tourism fields, while also allowing for the study of specialized aspects of the industry.

Humanities and Social Sciences Retrospective
Coverage from 1907 to 1984 of some of the best-known scholarly journals and numerous lesser-known, but important, specialized magazines in a wide range of interdisciplinary fields in the humanities and social sciences.

Humanities Full Text
A selective database covering over 465 journals in the humanities from 1984 to the present. Includes not only feature articles, but also book reviews, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction (including dramas and poems), and reviews of plays and television and radio programs. Also includes some non-English records.

Business and economic reports on 750 industries, including market share, market research, risk ratings, company research, economic, and demographic data.

ICPSR Data Archive
Abstracts and data sets in the world's largest archive of computerized social science data.

InfoTrac Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues Collection
Covering such topics as gender studies, family and marital issues, health aspects, and many more.

InfoTrac General Science Collection
The latest scientific developments -- including such topics as particle physics, advanced mathematics, and nanotechnology.

InfoTrac Information Science and Library Issues Collection
Coverage includes such topics as data processing techniques, metadata architectures, and more.

InfoTrac Informe!
Full text articles from popular Spanish and Latin American journals.

InfoTrac Insurance and Liability Collection
A broad view of the insurance and liability industry, covering such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more.

InfoTrac Newsstand
Provides access to more than 1,000 major U.S. regional, national and local newspapers as well as leading titles from around the world.

InfoTrac Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection
Includes hundreds of thousands of articles updated daily from nearly 100 journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine.

InfoTrac Pop Culture Collection
Full-text popular culture periodicals from 1980 to present, including Advertising Age, Billboard, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Newsweek, Hollywood Reporter.

Cites scientific and technical journals and proceedings in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computing and control, and information technology.

Contains information on federal and state taxes. (on-campus access only)

International Directory of Company Histories
Detailed information on companies worldwide, including background, merger and acquisition information, impact of sales and marketing campaigns, and more.

International Medieval Bibliography
The International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) is an interdisciplinary bibliography of the European Middle Ages, covering Europe, the Middle East and North Africa in the period 400-1500.

Online service and index for journal content published by the Institute of Physics. Contains more than 250,000 articles, from 1874 to the present day.

iPoll is a comprehensive, up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system, the iPoll online database provides the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys, 1935 to present. Includes survey data gathered by the Gallup Organization, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, and more.

Issues and Controversies
Helps researchers understand the crucial issues we face today, exploring more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture.

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
A massive bibliography of more than 1.1 million citations for secondary source material about the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700.

The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
A database of full-text articles on critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. Each entry includes a selective bibliography.

Journal Citation Reports: JCR Science Edition
This resource allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 11,000 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers. Contains the JCR Science Edition and the JCR Social Sciences Edition.

Indexes more than 1,000 well-known academic journals in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Full-text coverage is as recent as 3 to 5 years, depending on the publisher.

A web-based application for engineers integrating technical information with analytical and search tools.

Law Reviews and Journals
Find law-related articles from law reviews and other scholarly journals.

Learning Express Library
Provides online practice questions for a variety of standardized tests, including tests for K-12 advanced placement, college and graduate school entrance and proficiencies, occupational licensing, skills improvements, and U.S. citizenship.

Legal News
Find articles from legal magazines, newspapers and newsletters.

Legal Periodicals Full Text
Articles from legal journals, yearbooks, institutes, bar association organs, law reviews, and government publications.

Find articles in all major law reviews, law journals, specialty law and bar association journals and legal newspapers. Includes articles on federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice, and taxation.

LexisNexis Academic
Provides access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information.

LexisNexis Congressional
Provides access to historic and current congressional information including full-text publications, testimony, public laws, finding aids, and bill tracking.

LexisNexis Government Periodicals Index
Provides access to material published by the U.S. government on such diverse topics as business, agriculture, national security, the environment, nutrition, and more.

LexisNexis Statistical Insight
Search for statistical information produced by state and federal governments, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations.

Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts
Indexes nearly 600 periodicals plus books, research reports and proceedings dating back to the mid-1960s.

Library Literature and Information Science Full Text
Indexes English and foreign-language periodicals, selected state journals, conference proceedings, pamphlets, library school theses, and over 300 books a year in library and information sciences.

Literature Criticism Online
Presents criticism on the works of novelists, poets, playwrights, short story writers, and other creative writers. Contains biographical information and critical essays taken from books, magazines, literary reviews, newspapers, and scholarly journals. Includes the contents of Children’s Literature Review (CLR), Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC), Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 (LC), Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism (NCLC), and Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (TCLC).

Comprehensive coverage of the world's mathematical research literature, covering 1,700 serials and journals, from 1940 to the present. It is the online equivalent of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications.

The primary index for biomedical literature. The database contains over 11,000,000 references to journal articles in basic biomedical research and the clinical sciences since 1965.

Mental Measurements Yearbook
A guide to more than 2,700 testing instruments in areas such as psychology, education, and business, leadership. Each entry includes a description and expert reviews.

The Merck Index
Describes chemicals, human and veterinary drugs, natural products and biologicals, providing comprehensive and precise data on compounds of current or historic interest. It is structure- and substructure-searchable, with more than 10,000 monographs on single substances and related groups of compounds including chemical, generic, and brand names; registry numbers; physical data and literature references; structures and stereochemistry; toxicity information; and therapeutic uses.

Mergent Online
Provides access to detailed, accurate and comprehensive global company information, including annual reports, executive, and financial information.

Michigana: Sources in U.S. History Online
This digital archive documents state history and provides access to documents such as personal narratives, memoirs, pamphlets, political speeches, sermons, songs, legal treatises, and children’s books.

Military and Government Collection
Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government, this database indexes a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals, and other content pertinent to these areas.

Military and Intelligence Database
Key subjects include socioeconomic effects of war, governmental policies, the structure of armed forces, and many more.

Offers market research reports spanning all consumer sectors, analyzing market drivers, trends, and segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits.

MLA International Bibliography
Cites journal articles, books, essays, conference proceedings, and dissertations in the fields of literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore.

Library of key magazine planning data resources and reporter databases that provide summary tables of key audience and product usage data.

Music Index
Indexes more than 775 international music periodicals. Topics cover every aspect of the classical and popular world of music, including all styles and genres of music.

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
Recognized as the "scientific gold standard" for evidence-based, clinical information on natural medicines.

Naxos Music Library
Streaming access to more than 40,000 musical performances. This library offers catalogs of more than 50 classical, jazz, and world music labels.

Naxos Video Library
Full-length performances from the world’s greatest opera houses, ballet companies, orchestras, and artists. Libretto, text and subtitles included when available.

New York Times
Features full-text articles appearing in the New York Times over the past year. Includes news, sports, business news, arts and entertainment, lifestyles, opinion and editorial, and regional news articles.

News (LexisNexis)
Provides up-to-date full-text articles from newspapers in the United States and around the world. Includes general news topics, continuously updated daily news, wire services, television/radio transcripts, student newspapers, sports, the arts, and non-English language news.

Newsbank - Michigan
The electronic editions of selected Michigan newspapers. Each paper provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community.

Nursing and Allied Health Collection
Covers all aspects of the Nursing profession -- from direct patient care to health care administration.

Nutrition and Food Sciences (CABDirect)
Covers nutrition, food science, life sciences and agriculture including more obscure publications.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Opposing Viewpoints in Context covers today's hottest social issues and helps students research, analyze, and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates, creating presentations and more.

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
An illustrated history of noteworthy men and women from around the world who were connected with Great Britain and shaped its history.

Oxford English Dictionary
A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world.

Oxford Music Online
Articles from specialist dictionaries including Grove Music Online, the Oxford Companion to Music, and the Oxford Dictionary of Music.

PAIS International
Indexes articles, books, government documents, and other international materials dealing with current public policy issues and world affairs.

An worldwide index of papers presented at conferences, symposia, and other gatherings. Covers from 1993 to the present.

Philosopher’s Index
Covers the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysic logic as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language.

PILOTS Database
Includes citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, and offers both current and retrospective coverage.

Play Index
Search over 30,000 plays written from Antiquity to the present and published from 1949 to the present. Includes a wide range of plays written in or translated into English, including mysteries, pageants, plays in verse, puppet performances, radio and television plays, and classic drama.

An index of worldwide conference proceedings. Covers from 1993 to the present.

Project Gutenberg
Provides free access to more than 33,000 (primarily older public domain) books which can be downloaded in a variety of formats including ePub, Kindle, HTML and plain text.

Project Muse
Provides full-text access to more than 400 peer-reviewed humanities and social sciences journals. It also includes full-text versions of titles from many university presses and scholarly societies.

ProQuest Asian Business & Reference
ProQuest Asian Business and Reference offers detailed information on companies, economies, markets, and overall business conditions throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. A great deal of information on international trade is available as well.

ProQuest Entrepreneurship
Search worldwide publications and multi-media related to the topic of Entrepreneurship. Intended to bridge theory with practice, the Entrepreneurship database covers a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Content ranges from the scholarly--including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings--to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans, and tips from successful entrepreneurs.

Full-text articles in the areas of applied psychology, developmental psychology, personality studies.

Psychology Collection
Access to 200 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals to help understand the mind and emotions and how the human mind develops -- and diminishes -- over time.

The premier psychology database indexing journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, and dissertations from 1887 to the present.

Public Administration Abstracts
Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to public administration, including public administration research, and public administration theory.

Includes more than 20,000,000 citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Readers' Guide Full Text
Access articles on current events and curriculum support, in popular magazines and quality periodicals.

Readers’ Guide Retrospective
Readers’ Guide Retrospective is a database containing comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and reflects the history of 20th century America. Current coverage for this database includes the years 1890 through 1982.

A workflow solution for accessing trustworthy, experimental substance and reaction data and bibliographic data housed in the Beilstein, Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Databases. (on-campus access only)

Reference USA
Search for detailed profiles and affiliates of local, regional, and national U.S. companies. Helpful in creating marketing plans and conducting competitive analyses.

Religion & Philosophy Collection
Research different religions and how they impact our daily lives with this database. Includes full-text journals and magazines as well as a variety of encyclopedias on various religions.

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
International index listing articles, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations about music. Topics include acoustics, aesthetics, ethnomusicology, and performance practice.

RIPM - Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals
An international, highly annotated database with detailed content analysis of writings on musical history and culture between 1800 and 1950.

Allows access to research from many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more! (on-campus access only)

Allows searching across ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciTopics and Patents for full-text articles, abstracts, citations and information on scientific, technical and medical topics.

SIRS Renaissance
Provides current, dynamic information on: architecture and design, culture, literature, multimedia, music, performing arts, philosophy and religion, and visual arts. Includes full-text articles, many of which are accompanied by full-color images.

Small Business Collection
Provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories in 250 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals.

Social Sciences Full Text
Indexes a broad range of journal in the social sciences.

Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
Devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences.

Social Services Abstracts
Provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development.

Sociological Abstracts
This leading index in sociology and related disciplines includes citations to articles, books, and book chapters.

Provides article citations and abstracts to articles in scholarly and trade journals, dissertations, research reports, conference proceeding, and books on physical education, sports medicine, sports administration, and leisure and recreation.

Sports Business Research Network
Includes market research from the National Sporting Goods Association, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and various sports governing bodies. Subjects covered include the sporting goods industry, sports sponsorship and marketing, broadcasting, and facilities.

State Papers Online, 1509-1714
Contains 3,000,000 pages of 16th and 17th century British government documents. Each document is linked to its calendar entry.

Statistics Sources
Is a guide to current sources of factual quantitative information on more than 20,000 specific subjects, incorporating almost 135,000 citations and more than 1,600 sources. It provides a wide range of print and nonprint, published and unpublished, and electronic and other forms of U.S. and international statistical data on industrial, business, social, educational, financial and other topics.

Teacher Reference Center
Indexes over 260 titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books.

Theatre in Video
Performances of the world's leading plays and film documentaries on the subject of theater in streaming video.

Theory Into Practice Database
Designed to make learning and instructional theory more accessible to educators. Includes brief summaries of 50 major theories of learning and instruction.

Thomson Research
Search for current and historical SEC reports using a variety of criteria. Also contains annual reports of U.S. companies.

The Times (London) Digital Archive
The complete digital edition of The Times (London) from 1785 to 1985 is available, with all articles, advertisements, and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.

Ulrich's Web Global Serials Directory
Bibliographic and access information for over 240,000 journals.

U.S. History Collection
More than 40 journals providing balanced coverage of both the current thought and events in U.S. history, as well as scholarly work being established in the field.

Value Line
Contains brief overviews of major U.S. and companies and industries. Also provides investment research in stocks and mutual funds.

War and Terrorism Collection
More than 100 full-text periodicals covering conflicts and their causes, impact and perception on a global basis.

Web of Knowledge
Access the world's leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examine proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. Databases included and being searched simultaneously: Web of Science, BIOSIS Preview, Inspec and MEDLINE.

Web of Science
The unique feature of this database is its indexing of citations. It is the online equivalent of the Science Citation Index (1945 to the present), the Social Sciences Citation Index (1956 to the present), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975 to the present).

Wilson Business Full Text
International English-language business magazines, covering accounting, finance, management, and small business. Covers 1982 to the present.

Wilson Omnifile  Full Text Select
Provides full-text articles from 1,300 scholarly journals and popular magazines back to 1994. Indexes a wide range of disciplines, including science, humanities, education, business, and current events.

Women's Studies International
Covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies and the latest scholarship in feminist research. This database supports curriculum development in the areas of sociology, history, political science, public policy, international relations, humanities, business, and education.

World Almanacs
Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia and four almanacs. Includes biographies, encyclopedia entries, facts, and statistics.

World Cat
Search the collections of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide, including books, music CDs and videos to locate libraries that own a particular item.

World History Collection
This collection of over 40 journals provides balanced coverage of both the current thought and events in world history as well as scholarly work being established in the field.

WorldWide Political Science Abstracts
Citations and abstracts in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy.

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