Academic Search Complete
Large multidisciplinary database providing abstracts and select full text of scholarly and popular publications in a wide variety of subject disciplines, including art, literature, education, history, sociology, science, and engineering. Because of its broad subject and full text coverage, Academic Search Complete is a good starting point for research on virtually any topic. Click here for a search tutorial.
Coverage Dates: 1887 to present
Access World News
Full text access to approximately 3,000 global news sources, including newspapers, broadcast transcripts, newswires, news blogs, Web-only content and video. This database is especially strong in local and international news, including over 50 New York news sources and over 1,300 overseas sources. Coverage varies by title.
Coverage Dates: 1977 to present
ACM Digital Library
Full text of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) periodicals and proceedings since 1985. Includes The Guide to Computing Literature, which offers abstracts of books, articles, papers, and technical reports published by ACM and other publishers.
Coverage Dates: 1985 to present
ACS Chemical Journals
Full text of journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Find articles in all areas of chemistry as well as related fields such as environmental science, biotechnology, material science, pharmacology, and toxicology
Coverage Dates: 1879 to present
America: History and Life
Citations and abstracts of journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. Includes major titles such as Journal of American History, American Historical Review, and American Quarterly. (For world history see Historical Abstracts). Selective indexing for 1,700 journals.
Coverage Dates: 1964 to present
American Civil War Research Database
The definitive online resource for researching the individuals, regiments, and battles of the American Civil War. Includes military records for over 4 million soldiers, 4,000 regimental histories, 3,000 battle accounts and reports, 15,000 photographs, and much useful statistical information and analytical tools. |
American Memory
Digital collection of historical materials from the Library Congress. Includes a variety of manuscripts, pamphlets, images, audio and video recordings, maps, and sheet music that document U.S. history and culture. Users can search across all collections or browse by topic. |
American Society for Microbiology Journals
Full text access to journals published by the American Society for Microbiology including: Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews.
Coverage Dates: 1916 to present
Anthropological Index Online
Searchable index of article citations from anthropology journals at the British Museum's Anthropology Library. Includes major titles from all over the world such as Annual Review of Anthropology, Anthropology Today, Ethnology, and Journal of Material Culture.
Coverage Dates: 1957 to present
Applied Science & Technology Index
Citations and abstracts of articles from journals and trade publications in technology and the applied sciences. Subject coverage includes engineering, physics, chemistry, geology, and applied math.
Coverage Dates: 1983 to present
APS: Journals of the American Physical Society
Full text access to the journals of the American Physical Society from 1893 to present, including Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review A - E.
Coverage Dates: 1893 to present
Art Index
Citations from over 400 leading art publications throughout the world covering the fields of art history, architecture, graphic design, photography, sculpture, and museology. Find feature articles, artist profiles, exhibit reviews, and art reproductions.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Art Museum Image Gallery
Digital library containing over 155,000 art images from the museum collections around the world. Many include curatorial text, provenance data, multiple views, and related multimedia. Spans artistic creation from 3000 B.C. to the present, with fine and decorative art from the cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, including Native American and Meso-American peoples.
Coverage Dates: 3000 B.C. to present
Multidisciplinary database providing citations to articles from over 12,000 journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1990 to present
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Part of the Web of Science, Arts & Humanities Citation Index provides citations to journal articles in the arts and humanities, including architecture, art, classics, dance, literature, music, philosophy, film, religion, and theater.
Coverage Dates: 2004 to present
ARTstor is a digital library of over one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and teaching purposes. Faculty members may request "instructor privileges" which provide enhanced functionality, including the ability to create shared folders, instructor commentary, and personal collections. For further information about instructor privileges, contact Linda Roccos (718.982.4004). ARTstor Tutorials. |
Associations Unlimited
Provides information on nonprofit membership associations and professional societies worldwide, plus IRS information on over 300,000 U.S. nonprofit organizations. |
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
Free, online edition of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (published in 1919). Contains over 11,000 searchable quotations, phrases, and proverbs from the ancient and classical world and traces them back to their sources in literature.
Coverage Dates: 1340 to 1918
Bibliography of the History of Art / International Bibliography of Art
Find citations to articles, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations on the history of Western art from late antiquity to the present.
Coverage Dates: 1975 to 2009
Biography Reference Bank
Find biographies of noted individuals as well as links to biographical profiles, articles, interviews, and obituaries published in books and periodicals since 1984. Includes some full text.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Biological Abstracts
Citations and abstracts of journal articles in the life sciences, with topics ranging from botany to microbiology to pharmacology.
Coverage Dates: 2004 to present
BIOSIS Previews
Citations and abstracts to journal articles in all areas of the life sciences, including agriculture, biochemistry, botany, ecology, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology, physiology, and zoology.
Coverage Dates: 1969 to present
Black Thought and Culture
Full text of over 1,200 books, essays, articles, pamphlets, and speeches related to African American history from colonial times to the present. Sources include published books as well as previously unpublished materials such as letters, correspondence, and interviews. In addition to searching by keyword, users can browse documents by multiple criteria such as author, title, date, subject, or historical event.
Coverage Dates: 1700 to present
Book Review Digest Plus
Citations and select full text of fiction and non-fiction book reviews published since 1983. Encompasses more than one million reviews covering over 550,000 books.
Coverage Dates: 1983 to present
Books In Print
Bibliographic information and select reviews for in-print, out-of-print, and forthcoming books. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1979 to present
Brill's New Pauly - Encyclopedia Of The Ancient World
Online edition of Brill's New Pauly, the authoritative encyclopedia of the ancient world. Fifteen volumes (Antiquity, 1-15) are devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than 2,000 years of history, ranging from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. Five volumes (Classical Tradition, I-V) are uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship. Available in English and German. |
Business - ABI/INFORM
Abstracts and select full text articles from business journals, trade magazines, and industry publications. Topics covered include economics, finance, investment, management, and marketing. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1971 to present
Business & Company Resource Center
A fully integrated business resource bringing together news articles, company profiles, industry overviews, brand and product information, business rankings, and investment reports. Search this database to find detailed company and industry news and information.
Coverage Dates: 1977 to present
Business and Company ASAP
Citations and select full text articles from business journals, newspapers, and trade publications. Includes a directory of company profiles.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to present
Business Source Complete
Full text journals in all fields of business, including marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics. Covers major titles such as Harvard Business Review, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Marketing Research. Also includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
Coverage Dates: 1886 to present
Cambridge Collections Online
Full text of the Cambridge Companions book series with over 320 titles and 70,000 essays, which provide introductions and overviews of major topics and figures in literature, art, philosophy, and religion. Also includes the Shakespeare Survey series, a compendium of Shakespeare criticism with each volume devoted to a particular theme or group of plays. (read online) |
Cambridge Histories Online
Full text of the Cambridge Histories series comprising over 250 titles covering various aspects of world history including law, politics, religion, philosophy, science, and economics. (read online) |
Cambridge Journals Online
Full text access to over 200 leading journals across the sciences, social sciences and humanities published by Cambridge University Press. Note: the Library does not have full text access to all journals in the collection. Access the subscribed list here.
Coverage Dates: 2007 to present
Chemical & Engineering News Online
Weekly online magazine published by the American Chemical Society covering all aspects of the chemistry field, including technology, industry, government, education, and employment. C&EN offers the latest news, special features, links to related web content, and back issues of the magazine since 1998.
Coverage Dates: 1998 to present
Chicago Manual of Style Online
Electronic edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, the authoritative source for Chicago citation style and writing guidelines used in History and the Humanities. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: Z253.U69 2003] |
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Gateway to information on child safety, welfare and adoption maintained by the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services. Contains information about child welfare topics, including child abuse prevention, family preservation, and foster care. Includes an index to relevant reports, articles, books, websites, and statistics.
Coverage Dates: 1965 to present
Chronicle of Higher Education
Premier source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Features daily news and advice columns; current job listings; discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, salary databases, and more. Full text is available for all issues published since 1989. Issues from 1966 to 2000 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1989 to present
CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online
Find articles, conference proceedings, working papers, and policy briefs covering all aspects of global affairs and international relations. Also provides country data and teaching materials such as case studies and course packs of background readings.
Coverage Dates: 1991 to present
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Citations and select full text from over 3,800 nursing & allied health journals. Also offers full text health care books, standards of practice, evidence based care sheets, clinical trials, and research instrument records.
Coverage Dates: 1937 to present
Cinema Image Gallery
Digital library of still images from movies, television and the entertainment industry. A rich visual source for film and TV history, the database contains still images of films in production, directors working on-set with the stars, set, costume and production design, and rare behind-the-scenes material. Cinema Image Gallery includes over 150,000 superior-quality images, along with a treasure-trove of over 4,000 poster art and lobby cards used to promote the movies.
Coverage Dates: 1900 to present
Civil Engineering Database
Citations to journals, books, proceedings, magazines and newspapers published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) covering all aspects of civil engineering, including aerospace, architectural, environmental, hydraulic, bridge and transportation engineering.
Coverage Dates: 1900 to present
Cochrane Library
A collection of databases for the study and practice of evidence-based healthcare. Provides reliable, up-to-date information and evidence to support healthcare decisions, including systematic reviews, methodological studies, technology assessments, economic evaluations, and clinical trials. |
Communications and Mass Media Complete
Abstracts and select full text from over 650 journals in communications and mass media. Covers topics in journalism, film, television, marketing, business communication, health communication, and more.
Coverage Dates: 1915 to present
Community of Science
Resources for professional development and research in all areas of study. Includes a database of current grants, scholarships, and awards, a searchable directory of scholar profiles, and tools to help you create and share your CV online. Free registration required. |
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science
Part of the Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science provides citations to papers and proceedings of science conferences from 1990 to present.
Coverage Dates: 1990 to present
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities
Part of the Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities provides citations to papers and proceedings of social science and humanities conferences from 1990 to present.
Coverage Dates: 1990 to present
Country Studies
Descriptions and analyses of the social, economic, political, and military systems of countries throughout the world. |
County and City Data Books (GEOSTAT)
Online access to County and City Data Books from 1944 to 2000. Find population, income, health, and employment statistics for U.S. cities, counties, and states. Users can create customized data sets and printouts.
Coverage Dates: 1944 to 2000
CQ Press Political Reference Suite
Full text reference books on American politics including Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History, Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, and Guide to Political Campaigns in America. |
CQ Researcher
Full text reports written by seasoned journalists about current social, political, and economic issues. Includes topics in health, education, international affairs, public policy, the environment, technology, and the economy. Each report includes a concise overview of an issue, historical background, opposing arguments, statistics and polls, and suggestions for further reading. Great place to begin research on current affairs issues.
Coverage Dates: 1991 to present
CUNY Libraries Electronic Resources
List of all databases and e-journals acquired by CUNY Central. |
Search CUNY+, the university's online catalog, to find books and other resources located in the CSI library and other CUNY libraries. Search tutorial. |
Custom Newspapers Full Text
Full text articles from over 150 regional, national and international newspapers. Publication List.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to present
Data for Research (JSTOR)
A service provided by JSTOR that allows researchers to analyze the content of the JSTOR database, including data on word frequencies, publication patterns, key terms, and more.
Click here for a search help. |
Directory of Open Access Journals
Full text articles from free, open access scholarly journals covering a wide variety of subjects and languages. Search for articles by keyword or browse through journals by subject. |
Dissertation Abstracts
Citations to doctoral dissertations written in the U.S. and Canada since 1861 and dissertations from around the world since 1988. Coverage of master's theses begins in 1962. Abstracts of dissertations are available from 1980 and abstracts of theses from 1988. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1861 to present
Duke University Press Journals
Duke University Press publishes and distributes more than thirty periodicals that span a stimulating range of disciplines within the humanities and sciences--from East Asian cultural studies to French history, from lesbian and gay studies to mathematics and the history of economic thought, from feminism, culture and media studies to medieval and early modern studies. |
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans 1639-1800
Digital collection of books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the United States between 1639-1800. Early American Imprints is the definitive resource for primary source research in early American history. Topics covered include agriculture, commerce, education, labor, medicine, military & foreign affairs, politics, religion, slavery, and much more. (download pdf)
Coverage Dates: 1639 to 1800
Access to over 47,000 full text ebooks spanning 16 key academic subject areas, including biology, business, computer science, education, engineering, history, medicine, physics, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Coverage Dates: 1864 to present
EBSCOhost Databases
Databases available through EBSCOhost such as Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and ERIC. Search databases individually or simultaneously. Click here for a search tutorial. |
EBSCOhost Integrated Search
Federated search portal that allows you to search a variety of databases and electronic resources simultaneously. Simply select a subject to search all databases in that subject area. EBSCOhost Integrated Search makes it easier to access many electronic resources from a single search interface. Popular databases include, but are not limited to: Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, LexisNexis, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, and WorldCat. |
Citations and abstracts of literature in economics. Includes coverage of major journals as well as books, book reviews, conference papers, dissertations, and working papers.
Coverage Dates: 1969 to present
Economist Historical Archive 1843-2006
Full text of The Economist, a weekly magazine of worldwide politics, business, and current affairs, from 1843 to 2006.
Coverage Dates: 1843 to 2006
Education Full Text
Citations and abstracts from over 600 education journals covering a wide range of topics such as competency-based education, instructional technology, student counseling, multicultural education, literacy standards, and much more.
Coverage Dates: 1983 to present
Education Index Retrospective
Citations to articles from over 800 education periodicals published from 1929 to 1983. Topics covered include adult education, distance learning, literacy standards, school administration, and teaching methods.
Coverage Dates: 1929 to 1983
Education Research Complete
Abstracts and select full text of journal articles, conference papers, and books in education. Covers all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Coverage Dates: 1865 to present
Education: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
Full text education journals published by SAGE Publications, including American Educational Research Journal, Journal of Early Childhood Research, and Review of Educational Research.
Coverage Dates: 1917 to present
eHRAF World Cultures
Full text database offering information on different cultures and ethnic groups from around the world. Covers all aspects of cultural and social life such as beliefs, cultural practices, political structure, and settlement patterns. Each cultural profile consists of a "cultural summary" and a list of relevant full text sources. Users can search by keyword or browse by subject, region, or culture. Very useful for comparative studies of human behavior, society, and culture. User Guide. |
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Digital collection of books printed in the 18th century, primarily in Great Britain. Subjects covered include history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, science and more. (download pdf) |
Encyclopedia Americana
General encyclopedia covering arts, geography, history, religion, philosophy, sports, science, technology and current events. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: AE5.E333 2004]. |
EndNote Web
Web-based bibliographic citation manager available through Web of Knowledge that allows researchers to store and organize references imported from databases and automatically generate formatted bibliographies. Registration is required. If you already have a Web of Knowledge account, you can use the same login to access EndNote Web. |
The world's premier database of education literature. Contains over one million abstracts of articles, books, conference papers, technical reports, and policy papers on educational research and practice since 1966. Provides full text options not available from the U.S. Department of Education version.
Coverage Dates: 1966 to present
ERIC (U.S. Department of Education)
The world's premier database of education literature sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Contains over one million abstracts of articles, books, conference papers, technical reports, and policy papers on educational research and practice since 1966. Includes the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, an index of education-related terms and phrases used to describe ERIC records and useful for finding articles on your topic.
Coverage Dates: 1966 to present
Essay and General Literature Index
Citations to essays and book chapters contained in printed collections and anthologies. Includes books across the entire spectrum of the humanities and social sciences, with subjects ranging from economics, political science, literature, art, and history.
Coverage Dates: 1985 to present
Ethnic Newswatch
Full text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press. Covers of a wide spectrum of ethnic viewpoints, including African-American, Jewish, Latino, Native-American, and Asian-American publications.
Coverage Dates: 1990 to present
Facts on International Relations and Security Trends (FIRST)
Search country profiles to find statistics and data on armed forces, weapons production, military expenditures, government, human rights, and population. |
One-stop shopping for all statistical information collected by the Federal Government. Includes data from over 100 federal agencies on topics such as economic and population trends, crime, education, health care, energy, transportation, and more. |
Film Literature Index
Citations to film and television literature from 1976-2001. Includes such titles as Camera Obscura, Screen, Variety, and Journal of Popular Culture.
Coverage Dates: 1976 to 2001
Gateway to legal information and resources such as cases and codes, state, federal, and international law, law firms, legal forms, small business resources, and a legal dictionary. |
FirstSearch Databases
FirstSearch databases include: ABI/INFORM, ArticleFirst, BooksInPrint, Dissertations, PapersFirst, and ProceedingsFirst. Access to FirstSearch databases is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details. |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Full text encyclopedia; useful for locating world facts, topical overviews, and personal biographies. |
Gale Academic One-File
Multidisciplinary database providing full text articles from over 12,000 scholarly journals and reference sources in the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and more.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to present
Gale For Students Online
Full text literary reference collection offering coverage of major works of literature, poetry, and drama including plot summaries, character analysis, major themes and motifs, and literary criticism. Titles include Novels for Students, Poetry for Students, Short Stories for Students, Drama for Students, Shakespeare for Students, and Nonfiction Classics for Students. |
Gale General One-File
Search over 12,000 general interest periodicals for news and magazine articles on a wide range of topics in current events, business, education, health care, social issues, and technology.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to present
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Digital reference collection containing over 400 full text encyclopedias, almanacs, handbooks, and specialized reference books. Search all titles or browse titles by subject. |
Provides research and analysis of the global information technology industry, covering current and emerging IT issues, trends, companies and products. To access GARTNER, login to the CUNY Portal and click on the link for GARTNER. For more information, click here. |
General Science Full Text
Citations and select full text of scientific literature from popular and scholarly publications. Designed specifically for students and non-specialists. Covers a wide array of subjects including biology, chemistry, medicine, environmental science, botany, and zoology.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Google Books
Offers full text of older books in the public domain and limited previews of select recent books. |
Google Scholar
Search engine for scholarly literature on the web. Searches across disciplines for journal articles, theses, books, conference papers, and technical reports from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Some articles may be available for free on the web. Others are only available through the library's subscription databases. To locate full text for those articles, click on the link "Find Full Text at CSI" (only available when using a campus computer or accessing Google Scholar thru the campus proxy). |
Abstracts and select full-text of articles from scholarly, government, and general interest publications that address human impact on the environment. Topics covered include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Coverage Dates: 1913 to present
Grolier Online
Search full text encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, The New Book of Knowledge, La Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre, America the Beautiful, Lands and Peoples, and The New Book of Popular Science. |
Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
Provides descriptions and reviews of behavioral measurement instruments used in health assessment, psychosocial evaluation, and behavior studies, such as questionnaires, interview schedules, coding schemes, rating scales, checklists, indexes, and tests.
Coverage Dates: 1985 to present
Health Reference Center Academic
Offers medical topic overviews from Clinical Reference Systems and numerous medical reference books as well as full text of nursing and allied health journals.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to present
Health Sciences: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
Full text nursing and allied health journals published by SAGE Publications, including Clinical Nursing Research, Journal of Transcultural Nursing , and Nursing Science Quarterly.
Coverage Dates: 1879 to present
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Abstracts and select full text from nursing and allied health journals. Includes the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which contains patient education sheets for generic and brand name drugs, and the Merriam-Webster Medical Desk Dictionary.
Coverage Dates: 1952 to present
HighWire Press
Provides free, full text access to select content from peer-reviewed journals in the health, life, and physical sciences. |
Historical Abstracts
Abstracts of articles, books, and dissertations on world history (excluding U.S. & Canada) from 1450 to the present. Covers all branches of world history, including political, military, economic, social and cultural, as well as the history of science, technology, and medicine. (For U.S. & Canadian history see America: History & Life) Selective indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955.
Coverage Dates: 1955 to present
Historical Statistics of the United States
Electronic edition of the 5-volume Historical Statistics of the United States. Find historical statistics on topics such as population, income, employment, education, crime, and economics. Users can export data to spreadsheets or create custom tables. |
History Cooperative
Search table of contents and select full text for over 20 scholarly historical journals, including American Historical Review, Journal of American History, and William and Mary Quarterly. Note: the Library does not have full text access to all titles via History Cooperative, but full text may be available from other sources. To determine full text availability, use the library's Journal Search.
Coverage Dates: 1999 to present
Humanities Full Text
Abstracts of scholarly literature in the humanities published since 1984. Full text is available for select content published after 1994. Subjects covered include archaeology, history, philosophy, religion, art, music, literature, and film.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
ICPSR: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Archive of social science data compiled by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. Data covers a broad range of topics, including political science, economics, sociology, health, and education. Data sets are accompanied by a description of the scope, methodology, dates, and geographic coverage of the study and can be easily exported to statistical software such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata. |
IEEE Digital Library
Full text access to the journals, transactions, and conference proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society, a leading publisher of research in computer science and engineering. Topics covered include programming, computer design, software engineering, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and multimedia.
Coverage Dates: 1988 to present
IEEE Xplore
Abstracts and select full text of technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Full text is available for over 145 IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, from 2005 to present. Full text is also available for Proceedings of the IEEE and IEEE Spectrum back to 1999.
Coverage Dates: 1988 to present
In the First Person
Index to letters, diaries, oral histories, memoirs, and autobiographies of over 18,000 individuals found in archival repositories and other scholarly collections. Provides citations and in some cases links to full text, audio, and video files that are freely available on the web (access to some texts requires a subscription). |
Find population, health, and socio-economic data for New York City neighborhoods. View the demographic profile of a specific area or create comparison charts for two or more areas.
Coverage Dates: 1980 to 2006
Full text access to journals from the Institute of Physics such as Journal of Physics, European Journal of Physics, Journal of Optics, and Nanotechnology. |
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
Weekly peer-reviewed medical journal published by American Medical Association covering original medical research findings and editorial opinion in the field of biomedical science. Full text is available for all issues published since 1998. Issues from 1961 to 2000 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1998 to present
Journal Citation Reports
Provides journal performance metrics for evaluating and comparing scholarly journals in all areas of the sciences and social sciences. Using citation data collected from over 7,500 high-impact international journals, Journal Citation Reports offers a quantifiable statistical method for identifying the most important and influential journals in a field. Each report provides a variety of unique measurements for each journal, including its Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-Life, and Citing Half-Life.
Coverage Dates: 2004 to 2008
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science & Vision
Peer-reviewed physics journal published by the Optical Society of America covering research in all fields of optical science such as atmospheric optics, image processing, diffraction and gratings, color, and visual optics.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics
Peer-reviewed physics journal published by the Optical Society of America emphasizing research on the fundamentals of the interaction of radiation with matter such as quantum optics, nonlinear optics, and laser physics.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Full text access to complete back runs of scholarly journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage for most journals does not include the last 3-5 years. Users can search across the entire database or limit their search to journals in specific subject disciplines. Click here for a search tutorial.
Coverage Dates: 1665 to present
LexisNexis Academic
Full text access to a wide range of news, business, and legal information. News resources include major U.S. and world newspapers and magazines, TV and radio transcripts, newswires, and blogs. Business resources include industry and market news, company profiles and SEC filings, and country profiles and business conditions. Legal resources include law reviews and journals, U.S. case law, codes and statutes.
Coverage Dates: 1963 to present
Library Literature Full Text
Abstracts of journal articles, books, and conference proceedings in library science. Select full text is available for content published after 1994.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text(LISTA)
Abstracts and select full text of literature in library and information science. Includes major titles such as Library Journal, American Libraries, College and Research Libraries, and Reference & User Services Quarterly.
Coverage Dates: 1966 to present
LIFE Photo Archive
Search millions of published and unpublished photographs from LIFE Magazine, stretching from the 1750s to today. Hosted by Google.
Coverage Dates: 1750s to present
Literary Index
Index to literature reference books published by Gale. Find citations to author biographies and literary criticism published in books such as Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Authors, Novels for Students, and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Search by author or title of work. |
Literature Resource Center
Literature reference database useful for finding biographies, work overviews, bibliographies, literary criticism and reviews on writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. |
Literature Resources from Gale
Search across several major literature databases such as Literature Resource Center, MLA International Bibliography, LitFinder, Scribner Writer Series, and Twayne's Author Series to find full text literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews. |
LLMC Digital Law Library
Digital collection of legal and government documents from the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the U.S. government. Also includes some state law as well as foreign and international materials. |
LWW Nursing Book Collection
Over 300 full text ebooks published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) covering all aspects of nursing including surgery, administration, pediatrics, diagnosis, palliative care, and more. |
Making of America
Digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection currently contains approximately 8,500 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. MoA is a collaborative effort of Cornell University and the University of Michigan. |
Making of the Modern World
Digital collection of economic and business literature published from 1450 to 1850, providing historical insight on the political, social, and economic conditions of the modern era. Subjects covered include commerce, finance, trade, manufacturing, agriculture, slavery, and transportation.
Coverage Dates: 1450 to 1850
MAS Ultra - School Edition
Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full text from more than 650 popular general interest and current events publications covering general reference, health, science, and other areas.
Coverage Dates: 1975 to present
MasterFile Premier
Multidisciplinary database offering full text articles from popular magazines, newspapers, and some peer-reviewed journals. Also includes biographies, maps, world facts, and definitions from general reference books.
Coverage Dates: 1975 to present
Citations and abstracts of articles, conference papers, and books published in the mathematical sciences since 1940.
Coverage Dates: 1940 to present
Medline (Web of Knowledge)
The U.S. National Library of Medicine's premier life sciences database. Contains citations and abstracts of articles in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and related fields.
Coverage Dates: 1950 to present
MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
Abstracts and select full text of articles in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and related fields. Differs from the free version (PubMed) in that it uses the EBSCOhost search interface and provides some full text.
Coverage Dates: 1950 to present
Gateway to consumer health information. Provides authoritative information about hundreds of diseases and health topics and includes a medical directory, medical encyclopedia and dictionary, and factsheets on prescription and non-prescription drugs. |
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Full text reviews of standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas. Includes overview of the test, publication information, description of test materials, scoring information, and reviews. Print edition available at the Reference Desk [Call Number: BF176.B93].
Coverage Dates: 1985 to present
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Provides information about diagnosing and treating medical disorders for physicians and medical professionals. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: RM127.M4]. |
Merck Manual of Medical Information
Provides concise, easy-to-understand information about medical disorders, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for patients and the general public. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: RC81.M535]. |
Military and Government Collection
Abstracts and select full text of periodicals and academic journals offering news and literature related to military and government activities. Publications covered include Foreign Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Defence Studies, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, Army Times, and FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Also includes full text of government and primary source documents relevant for the study of U.S. government and political history such as legislative bills, treaties, letters, speeches, and addresses.
Coverage Dates: 1901 to present
MLA International Bibliography
Database produced by the Modern Language Association containing citations to books, articles and dissertations on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film from 1926 to present.
Coverage Dates: 1926 to present
National Newspaper Index
Index of five major newspapers: New York Times (from 1980), Wall Street Journal (from 1980), Christian Science Monitor (from 1980), Los Angeles Times (from 1982) and Washington Post (from 1980). Also includes index for New York Times Magazine (from 1977) and New York Times Book Review (from 1980).
Coverage Dates: 1977 to present
National Science Digital Library
Digital library funded by National Science Foundation providing access to resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research. |
Nature Magazine
Interdisciplinary science journal covering research in all fields of science and technology, including biology, botany, medicine, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental science. Full text is available for all issues published since 1997. Issues from 1869 to 1999 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1997 to present
Access to over 5,000 full text e-books across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Find full text scholarly and reference books in a variety of subjects, including business, economics, computer science, history, political science, art, literature, and science.
Coverage Dates: 1915 to present
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Weekly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society covering new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on topics of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice. Full text is available for all issues published since 1993 and abstracts from 1975. Issues from 1828 to 2000 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1993 to present
New York City Community District Profiles
Find summary data on any of New York City's 59 community districts. Each district profile contains data on population; birth, death and infant mortality rates; land area and land uses; levels of income support, and local facilities. |
New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Access to over 600,000 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, and more. |
New York Public Library Resources
Databases and electronic resources available from the New York Public Library. NYPL Library card required for access to most databases. Some databases can only be accessed on-site at the subscribing library. For a list of databases that can be accessed remotely, click here. |
New York State Newspapers
Full text of select New York state newspapers, including the New York Post (from 2000), New York Observer (from 1999), Albany Times (from 1986), and Buffalo News (from 1996). Coverage dates vary by publication.
Coverage Dates: 1985 to present
New York Times Historical
Full text of the New York Times from 1851 to 2007. Recent issues available thru Lexis-Nexis. Additional holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1851 to 2007
New York Times Online
Select full text of the New York Times is available for free from NYTimes.com. The website offers free access to select articles from 1851 to present, excluding the years 1923 - 1986. Search for articles using the archive search or browse articles by year in the archive index. For complete full text options, see New York Times Historical (1851-2005) or Lexis-Nexis (1980-present). Additional holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1851 to present
NewsBank's Special Reports
NewsBank's Special Reports focus on topics of current interest. They include content from sources throughout the world to provide a global perspective, current and background information, statistics, maps, images, websites, and suggested search terms. New information is added daily to featured and current reports. |
NOAH: New York Online Access to Health
Directory of consumer health resources on the web. Provides categorized links to information on medical conditions, health issues, medical procedures, prescription drugs, and nutrition. Available in English and Spanish. |
Nursing Resource Center
Designed for nursing students, this resource brings together disease and drug overviews, care plans, relevant journal articles, and animated anatomy and physiology diagrams. Information is written in accessible language for students completing class assignments and preparing for clinicals. Search results are returned in tabs that correspond to steps in the nursing process. |
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Career information handbook describing the activities, working conditions, educational requirements, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: HF5382.5.U5O3]. |
Online Books Page
Provides access to electronic books that are freely available on the web. Available titles tend to be older books that are in the public domain (i.e. copyright on the material has expired). Search by author, title, or subject. |
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Provides access to full text literature about current controversial issues such as abortion, capital punishment, climate change, cloning, gun control, immigration, and more. Available material on each topic includes viewpoint essays, topic overviews, newspaper and magazine articles, statistics, and links to related web sites. |
Optics InfoBase
Full text journals from the Optical Society of America including titles such as Applied Optics, JOSA A, JOSA B, Optics Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, and Journal of Optical Technology. Also includes recent conference proceedings.
Coverage Dates: 1946 to present
Oxford Art Online
A comprehensive art reference work covering all forms of the visual arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, decorative arts, graphic design and photography, from prehistory to the 1990s. Find artist biographies, images of art works, definitions of key terms, and encyclopedia articles on art history topics. |
Oxford English Dictionary
Comprehensive dictionary providing the meaning, history, and pronunciation for more than a half million words in the English language, past and present. Print edition located in Reference [Call Number: PE1625.O87]. |
Oxford Journals
Full text access to over 200 scholarly journals published by Oxford University Press in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. |
Oxford Music Online
A comprehensive music reference work covering all aspects of popular and classical music. Find artist/composer biographies, definitions of key terms, descriptions of major musical works and instruments, and encyclopedia articles on musical genres, styles, and traditions. |
Oxford Reference Online
Digital collection of online reference books in all fields of study including dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and subject reference works. Search by keyword or browse titles by subject. |
Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Full text economics reference covering all aspects of economic theory, research, and history. |
Citations to papers presented at conferences worldwide. Covers all subject areas. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1993 to present
Pauly, Brills New Pauly
Online edition of Brill's New Pauly, the authoritative encyclopedia of the ancient world. Fifteen volumes (Antiquity, 1-15) are devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than 2,000 years of history, ranging from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. Five volumes (Classical Tradition, I-V) are uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship. Available in English and German. |
Perseus Digital Library
Digital collection of texts, images, and maps for the study of the Humanities. Originally focused on the ancient world, the collection has since expanded to include other civilizations and time periods. Contains literary and historical materials on Ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval and Renaissance Europe, and early America. |
Philosophers' Index
Citations to scholarly literature in all major fields of philosophy, including aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, political philosophy, social philosophy, and the philosophy of religion.
Coverage Dates: 1940 to present
Physics Journals from AIP, APS, etc.
Abstracts and select full text of scholarly literature in physics, engineering, and mathematics. Indexes over 100 journals from professional societies such as the American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
Physics Journals from IOP
Full text access to journals from the Institute of Physics such as Journal of Physics, European Journal of Physics, Journal of Optics, and Nanotechnology.
Coverage Dates: 1923 to present
PLOS Biology
Open-access, peer-reviewed general biology journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS). |
PLOS Medicine
Open-access, peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS). |
Population Index
Citations to the world's demographic and population literature from 1986 - 2000, including books, articles, working papers, dissertations, and data files. Search by author, subject, region, or keyword. Back issues of the index from 1937 - 1999 are available thru JSTOR
Coverage Dates: 1986 to 2000
Citations to the proceedings of conferences, congresses, symposia, workshops, and meetings worldwide. Includes listing of papers presented. Access is only available at the Library. Contact the reference desk (718.982.4010) for details.
Coverage Dates: 1993 to present
Project MUSE
Full-text articles from scholarly journals in the humanities, arts, and social sciences primarily covering the fields of literature, history, cultural studies, political science, religion, and the arts.
Coverage Dates: 1958 to present
Full text articles from peer-reviewed journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations in subject areas such as psychological theory, applied psychology, clinical research, mental health, personality disorders, and more.
Coverage Dates: 1894 to present
Psychology: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
Full text psychology journals published by SAGE Publications, including International Journal of Behavioral Development, Journal of Adolescent Research, and Journal of Health Psychology.
Coverage Dates: 1941 to present
Abstracts of journal articles, books, dissertations and technical reports in behavioral science and mental health from the 1800s to the present. Also includes literature about the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, nursing, sociology, education, anthropology, business, and law.
Coverage Dates: 1800s to present
Provides publication information for over 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters, and other periodicals, including, titles, formats, publisher addresses, editor contacts, circulation data, and ISSN numbers. |
Free database of medical literature produced by the National Library of Medicine. Contains citations and abstracts of articles in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and related fields.
Coverage Dates: 1950 to present
Readers' Guide Full Text
Abstracts and select full text from popular magazines and general interest periodicals from 1983 to present. Great source of material on U.S. popular culture, including art, fashion, music, film, leisure, and sports. Includes titles such as Better Homes & Gardens, Entertainment Weekly, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Sports Illustrated, and Vanity Fair. For literature published before 1983, see Readers' Guide Retrospective.
Coverage Dates: 1983 to present
Readers' Guide Retrospective
Index of popular magazines and general interest periodicals from 1890 to 1982. Great source of material on U.S. cultural history, including art, fashion, music, film, leisure, and sports. Includes titles such as Atlantic Monthly, Colliers, Harper's, Ladies' Home Journal, and Look. For literature published after 1982, see Readers' Guide Full Text.
Coverage Dates: 1890 to 1982
Web-based bibliographic citation manager that allows researchers to create their own personal database of research references by importing records from library catalogs and online databases. Researchers can organize, store, and access their references from their online RefWorks account as well as automatically generate formatted citations and bibliographies in any style. For the college login information, contact the Library Reference Desk (718.982.4010) or Amy Stempler (718.982.3917). RefWorks Tutorial |
Regional Business News
Provides full text coverage for regional business publications, including 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Coverage Dates: 1969 to present
Resources for College Libraries
Database of recommended books selected by subject specialists and bibliographers and intended as a guide for undergraduate curriculum building and library collection development. Covers all subject disciplines and includes publication information, book summary, audience level, and reviews. Search by keyword or browse by subject. |
SAGE Full Text Collections
Full text journals from SAGE Publications in the fields of education, health sciences, and psychology. Search across all publications or by subject area. |
Salem Health: Psychology & Mental Health
Psychology and mental health reference covering core aspects of behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and psychoanalytic psychology in addition to concise overviews of disorders, diagnoses, treatments, and tests. |
Salem History
Full text history reference books from Salem Press. Provides general information about historical eras, events, and figures. Includes titles such as Milestone Documents, The Decades, Great Lives from History, and Great Events from History. |
Salem Literature: Critical Survey of Long Fiction
Literary reference series offering profiles of major writers of long fiction throughout history and the world, including analyses of their significant novels and novellas. Discusses the novel in overview essays by time period, country, ethnicity, and genre, and provides valuable resource material. |
Science Citation Index Expanded
Part of the Web of Science, Science Citation Index provides citations to journal articles in the sciences, including astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics, psychiatry, and zoology.
Coverage Dates: 2004 to present
Science Magazine
Weekly peer-reviewed general science journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science covering news, research, and commentary in all areas of the sciences. Full text is available for all issues published since 1997. Issues from 1880 to 2002 are available thru JSTOR. See library catalog for additional holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1997 to present
Abstracts of scholarly literature in science, technology, and medicine with full text available for articles published after 1995. Core subjects include physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, environmental science, health and medicine. Also provides coverage of a number of titles in the social sciences and humanities (particularly management, economics, psychology, and linguistics). Please note that the Library does not subscribe to all journals in ScienceDirect. Subscribed content is marked by a green "full text available" icon.
Coverage Dates: 1823 to present
Electronic version of Chemical Abstracts. Provides citations to articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, technical reports, patents, and dissertations in chemistry and related fields. Also includes the CAS REGISTRY (CAS Registry Numbers, physical property data, and structure diagrams), CASREACT (reaction data), CHEMCATS (chemical source data), and CHEMLIST (regulatory information) databases. NOTE: Registration required. Click here to register for access to SciFinder.
Coverage Dates: 1907 to present
Abstracts and select full text of scholarly literature in physics, engineering, and mathematics. Indexes over 100 journals from professional societies such as the American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Coverage Dates: 1893 to present
Serials Directory
Provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information as well as current pricing structures for popular serials. This invaluable resource is made available via EBSCOhost?. It contains nearly 212,000 U.S. and international titles, including newspapers; data from nearly 108,235 publishers worldwide, including e-mail and Internet addresses; and Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classifications for every entry. Classifications for every entry. |
Social Explorer
Historical U.S. census data from 1790 to 2007. Use interactive maps to analyze changing demographic characteristics in U.S. states, counties, or tracts and generate statistical reports.
Coverage Dates: 1790 to 2007
Social Science Citation Index
Part of the Web of Science, Social Science Citation Index provides citations to journal articles in the social sciences, including anthropology, education, history, library science, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, and women's studies.
Coverage Dates: 2004 to present
Social Sciences Full Text
Abstracts and select full text of articles in sociology, psychology, anthropology, geography, economics, political science, and law.
Coverage Dates: 1983 to present
SocIndex FT
Citations and select full text of scholarly articles, books, and conference papers in sociology. Topics covered include criminology, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, social psychology, social work, sociological theory, substance abuse, violence, and urban studies.
Coverage Dates: 1895 to present
Full text journals, books, and reference works published by Springer. Core focus is science, technology, and medicine but includes some titles in the social sciences and humanities. Please note that the Library does not subscribe to all publications in SpringerLink. Subscribed content is marked by a green "full access" icon. |
SpringerLink eBooks
Full text books and reference works published by Springer. Core focus is science, technology, and medicine but includes some titles in the social sciences and humanities. Please note that the Library does not subscribe to all publications in SpringerLink. Subscribed content is marked by a green "full access" icon. |
Staten Island Advance
Full text of Staten Island's local newspaper, the Staten Island Advance, from October 1991 to present. Electronic access is also available from LexisNexis (Aug. 2006 - present). Issues from Aug. 1945 to Dec. 2007 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1991 to present
Taylor & Francis Library
Multidisciplinary database providing access to over 1,220 full text scholarly journals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Click here for a list of available titles. |
Testing & Education Reference Center
Digital collection of resources and study guides to help students prepare for educational and professional tests. Includes graduate school admission tests such as the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, and MAT; tests for international students such as TOEFL and TOEIC; as well as career tests for nursing, education, civil service and the military. |
THOMAS: Congressional Information
Database of federal legislative information including bills, Congressional proceedings, Congressional reports, legislative histories, and public laws. |
Trial Databases from CUNY
CUNY-wide trial databases. |
A web-based plagiarism detection tool that evaluates the originality of students' work by textual comparison with select Internet content, published works, and other student papers stored in the Turnitin database. Faculty who wish to set up a user account should contact Judy Xiao (718.982.4140). |
Twayne's Author Series
Full text biographies and literary criticism for approximately 200 authors around the world. Note: Content from the Twayne's Authors Series is also contained within Literature Resources from Gale. |
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Official U.S. economic data from the Department of Labor related to topics such as employment, wages, prices, and inflation. |
U.S. Census Bureau
Official demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau covering births, deaths, education, employment, income, housing, and much more. |
U.S. Congressional Directory
Official directory of the U.S. Congress containing biographical and contact information for each member of the Senate and House from 1997 - present. Also lists officials of the courts, military establishments, and other Federal departments and agencies, governors of states and territories, foreign diplomats, and members of the press, radio, and television galleries. |
U.S. Department of State
The State Department's portal of information on U.S. foreign policy and information about the State Department. |
U.S. Government Catalog of Publications
Search for citations to current and historical government publications. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, or general key word. |
U.S. Government Manual
Official handbook of the Federal Government containing comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. Also includes information on quasi-official agencies, boards, commissions, and committees. |
U.S. Government's Official Web Portal: FirstGov
FirstGov offers links to all US government sites of interest, including the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, information on benefits, grants, defense, education and more. |
U.S. House of Representatives
Biographical and contact information for members of the House of Representatives. Also includes information about House committees, commissions, and task forces. |
U.S. Patent Database
Search full text patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) since 1790. |
U.S. Senate
Provides information about members of the U.S. Senate as well resources about congressional legislation, records, and committees. |
U.S. Statistical Abstract
The Statistical Abstract of the United States contains a collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. Selected international data are also included. The Abstract is also a Guide to Sources of other data from the Census Bureau, other Federal agencies, and private organizations. |
UlrichsWeb Periodical Database
Authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information for magazines, newspapers, journals, and other periodicals. Provides publisher details, ISSN, alternative titles, publication dates, abstracting and indexing sources, reviews, and subscription information. |
International data collected by the United Nations. Find global statistics on a wide range of topics including agriculture, economic development, energy, environment, health, population, trade, and more. |
United Nations
Portal to information about the United Nations and international issues. Includes UN reports, resolutions, meeting records, and press releases. |
ValueLine Investment Survey
A comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 1,700 stocks in 98 industries, the stock market, and the economy (does not cover mutual funds and options). Search for stock reports by company name or ticker symbol. Search by industry name to find reports on all companies within a sector or view a report on a particular industry. NOTE: This resource can only be accessed by a limited number of simultaneous users. If you are unable to connect, please try again in 10-15 minutes. If problem persists, contact the Reference Desk at 718.982.4010. |
Victorian Studies Bibliography
Citations to books, articles, and dissertations covering all aspects of the Victorian period, including art, literature, history, politics, economics, science, and religion. |
Wall Street Journal
The financial newspaper of record offering in-depth coverage of national and international business, finance, and economic news. Full text is available for all issues published since 1984. Issues from 1889 to 2007 are available on microfilm. See library catalog for holdings.
Coverage Dates: 1984 to present
Web of Knowledge
Provides access to several databases from one platform: Web of Science (1990 - present), Biological Abstracts (2004 - present), BIOSIS Previews (1969 - present), MEDLINE (1950 - present), and Journal Citation Reports (2004 - 2009). |
Web of Science
Offers a single point of access to Thomson/ISI's citation indexes, including Science Citation Index Expanded (2004-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (2004-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (2004-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-present), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (1990-present). Web of Science provides citations to articles in over 10,000 high-impact journals, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 120,000 conferences. Its powerful search and analysis tools allow users to discover how many times a particular author or article has been cited and by whom, and to locate later works which cite a specific article. Click here for search tutorials |
Wiley Online Library
Multidisciplinary database offering full text access to select scholarly journals in the fields of life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities. |
A computational knowledge engine, which aims to answer factual questions instead of simply providing links to relevant web sites. It offers everything from definitions, biographies, and statistics to mathematical formulas, chemical properties, and stock quotes. |
Women and Social Movements
Digital collection of articles, essays, books, bibliographies, and primary source materials documenting the history of women's reform activities in the U.S. from 1600 to 2000.
Coverage Dates: 1600 to 2000
World Factbook
U.S. government profiles of countries and territories around the world. Information on geography, people, government, transportation, economy, communications, and military. Print edition available at the Reference Desk [Call Number: G122.U56a 2001]. |
Union catalog containing records of library holdings all over the world. Use WorldCat to locate books, journals, audio and video recordings, and archival materials held by other libraries. If an item you want is not available at CUNY simply click "Find It" to request an interlibrary loan. |