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منابع وبي مرتبط با آمار


 :دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي

Carnegie Mellon Libraries: Statistics: World Wide Web

GatewaysInteractive Statistical Calculation Pages

Links to General Statistics Resources - Facts About the USA
Mathsoft: Statistics Resources

Richard Stockton Library -- Gateways to statistics, NJ

Statistical Science Web

Statistics on the Web

Statistical Resources on the Web


Welcome to the Lanchester Library Web Pages

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics

Yahoo! Science. Mathematics.


:نشريات و كتاب ها

Electronic Textbook of Statistics

Electronic Reference Sources:

Statistical Resources on the Web




Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Labor Statistics

CIA World Factbook

CDC National Center for Health Statistics

Center for Workforce Information and Analysis (PA)

Community Information by Zip Code


Fedstats: One Stop Shopping Federal Statistics

Finding Data on the Internet

Global Statistics


International Data Base (IDB)

National Agricultural Statistics Service

National Center for Charitable Statistics

National Center for Education Statistics

National Statistics: The Official UK Statistics Site

Pennsylvania Labor Market Information Database System

Pennsylvania State Data Center (PaSDC)

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1995-

Statistical Resources on the Web

Statistical Sources by Country

STATS: Statistical Assessment Service

United Nations Statistics Division

WebStat:  Statistics on the Web

موسسه ها و سازمان ها:

Statistical Society of Australia

گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

BUBL LINK. 519.5 statistical mathematics
Contains many links to statistical science resources and services, including general resources, journals, books, and guides

guide to the Web for statisticians
Provides an all-in-one page to statistical science resources, with special attention to Australian resources

History of mathematics
Links to resources on the history of mathematics

history of mathematics from antiquity to the present a selective annotated bibliography / - Library CD-ROM Network
A selected bibliography on the history of mathematics. Contains over 4,800 bibliographic entries with annotations

Math Forum Internet resource collection

Math WWW VL. Statistics


Method mathematics education resources

Mathematics preprints and reports
This page lists Web sites providing electronic mathematics preprints and abstracts

Mathematics Web sites around the world

Mathematics WWW virtual library

NSWC Hydromechanics Directorate
The Hydromechanics Directorate of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, serves as a testing laboratory for Naval ships, submarines, and other marine-related technologies. Facilities page includes information on the five main testing areas as well as five additional facilities. The Multimedia project gallery includes pictures (JPEG) as well as a few movies (MPEG and QuickTime) of materials in action. The site also includes listings of technical reports, a phone book, and organization information

Other places index
This page lists sources of information, such as technical reports, graduate catalogs, and departmental information for statistics departments around the world

Professional opportunities in the mathematical sciences

Scholarly societies project. Resources of scholarly societies--mathematics
Links to websites of scholarly societies in Mathematics

SciEd science and mathematics education resources

Societies and associations
Links to home pages of mathematical societies and associations



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