لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته تجارت


منابع وبي مرتبط با تجارت


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

About.com Guide to Economics (USA)

Biz/ed Internet Catalogue (UK)

A dedicated gateway for economics, business, Bized provides various useful resources for teaching and learning at school and university level.

(UK) BUBL LINK Economics section

This internet catalogue, based at Strathclyde University, hosts internet resources and descriptions categorised by Dewey Decimal classification.

(UK)  Business Information Sources on the Internet

 selective guide to Internet sites that contain business information - with an emphasis on UK sources.

(UK)  NetEc

NetEc is aimed at academic and professional economists and include the BibEc and WoPEc collections of working papers, WebEc and other Resources for Economists.

(UK)  Resources on the Internet for Economists

Bill Goffe's famous and essential guide- another highly recommended resource.

The Econometrics Gateway

(Netherlands) Econometric Links of the Econometrics Journal

An impressive list of pointers for econometricians, including links to preprints, conferences, research centres, journals, publishers

(UK)  John Kane's Econometric Resources

Several pages of links to useful sites for students of econometrics, including glossaries, software, research resources and data sources.

University of West of England Gateway to Economics


فهرست موضوعي:

Agricultural Economics.

Useful links including: DEFRA: the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs.

 Economic theory.

Useful links including: Virtual Economy and World Lecture Hall: Economics.

 Economics of developing countries.

Useful links including: Bized teaching materials, World Trade Organization and London School of Economics.

 Environmental economics and sustainable development.

Useful links including: Enviroweb and Econet.


Useful links including: Reith Lectures.

 Labour Economics & industrial relations.

Useful links including: Institute for Employment Research and International Labour Organisation.

 Macroeconomics & microeconomics.

Useful links including: Bank of England, Virtual Economy Home Page and ESRC Macroeconomic Modelling Bureau.

 Tourism and Leisure Resources.

Useful links including: Tra


موتورهاي جستجو:




پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Economics Working Papers Archive is devoted to the free distribution of working papers in economics.


McKinsey Quarterly is a pdf library of articles and research. The site is free of charge but registration is required.

ECONbase Index to economic journals and online papers (Free)

نشريات و كتاب ها:

University of Southampton Gateway to E-journals in Economics

نشريات رايگان:            

Asia, Inc Online

B Quest (Business Quest)


BusinessWoman Magazine

CIO Online


Cotton, World Markets and Trade

CPA Journal

E Law

The Economist

The Econometrics Journal Online

Electronic Markets

The Far Eastern Economic Review

The Financial Times



Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research


Monthly Labor Review

OECD Observer (1996 - ) OECD

Producer Price Indexes

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update

The Wall Street Journal Interactive provides some features free of charge.

World Bank Economic Review

World Bank Research Observer

World Gold 

WTO Focus (1996 - )

كتاب ها:

Economics: Principles and Policy by William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder

Economics: Private and Public Choice by James D. Gwartney and Richard L. Stroup

Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw

McGraw-Hill Economics Textbooks

Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies by Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue

Economics by David C. Colander

The Economy Today by Bradley R. Schiller

Experiments with Economic Principles by Theodore C. Bergstrom and John H. Miller

Addison-Wesley Economics Textbooks

Economics by Michael Parkin

Economics Today by Roger Miller

Economics Resource Center, South-Western College Publishers

Economics by Robert E. Hall and Marc Lieberman

Economics by Roger A. Arnold

Economics by William A. McEachern

Prentice-Hall Economics Textbooks

Economics: Principles and Tools by Arthur O. Sullivan and Steven M. Sheffrin

Principles of Economics by Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

World Top 250 research economists

موسسات و سازمان ها:

Economics Associations and Societies are also listed in EDIRC

The page Resources of Scholarly Societies - Economics is one of a set of subject pages at the University of Waterloo Library to facilitate access to websites maintained by or for scholarly societies across the world.

Royal Economic Society (UK)

Bank of England. This site includes access to a large number of BoE publications, information on monetary policy and the Euro, statistics and links to other central banks and monetary authorities.

Trends in Developing Economies. Trends in Developing Economies (TIDE) provides brief reports on most of the World Bank's borrowing countries.

CTI Economics. A subject-focused site supporting the use of computers in academic teaching and learning. A links page of useful web sites is included.

ESRC. The home page of the Economic and Social Research Council.

Eurotext. Provides links to resources on Europe. Some items are full text.

GreenNet. Covers environmental, human rights and peacekeeping issues.

International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is an international organization of 182 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation.

OECD. Provides access to information about the OECD, basic statistics and access to the OECD Observer, OECD Policy Briefs and the OECD in Figures.

REGARD. An ESRC funded bibliographic database of social science research in the UK.

Royal Economic Society. Home page of the RES, containing news and information about activities and publications.

The Treasury.

World Bank.


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

EDIRC, Economics Departments and Institutes and Research Centers of the World, is a list compiled by Christian Zimmerman. The lists are browsable by subject areas and geographical location.

Economics Departments in the USA are listed by Ed Price

Non-USA Economics Departments on WWW are listed by David Giles.

Economics Departments with Ph.D. Programs in American and Canadian Universities (Including Agricultural Economics) is a list based on "Peterson's Guide to Graduate Education".


همايش ها:

INOMICS Guide to Conferences on different aspects of Economics

Conferences and Summer Schools on Econometrics and Economics

AAEA On-line - Upcoming Events

IAAE - Upcoming Conferences

AEA/RFE - Future Conferences

IAMA - Conferences

IAMA - Calendar of Events

AERE - Meetings

Agric-Econ Mailing List.

CTI Economics Mailing List. Looks at topics such as sustainability, economic growth, free trade, environmental issues.

Economics Experimental Mailing List. Set up by EXEC (Centre for experimental economics at the University of York).

Econ-Cea-UK. Discussion of the Chinese and Asian Economies.

Industrial Ecology.

Women Soc Econ History.


منابع جديد

Business Week. American weekly news journal, available full text to subscribers. A free weekly 'newsletter' is also available on the site.

CNN Financial Net. International news stories from the CNN news corporation.

Economist. Homepage of the magazine with some current news content, but not full text coverage. The full text of many articles published in the Economist may be located in the European Business ASAP database.

Financial Times. Free access to the electronic version of the daily newspaper is provided, but users must register with the site.


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:



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