لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته زراعت


منابع وبي مرتبط با زراعت


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Australian Farming Virtual Library

Ag Links ( Agricultural virtual library in the USA)

Agriculture General--National Center for Agricultural Law--Web (Organization Web Directory--

farm of the future virtual library about funding ( in the USA)


Farming UK : UK Agriculture and Horticulture : UK Farms

Georgia organic farming websites

National Agricultural Library (NAL)

Organic farming websites (fwd) ( By Lawrence F)
Organic farming websites (fwd) ( By Victor Guest)

Poultry Related Links (links to Association, department and research centers, Libraries, Journals , Databases & ... on Framing in the USA)

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Animal health, well-being and ...
mkbtnindex (USDA News Link World-Wide Web Virtual Agriculture Library)

Agriculture; WWW Virtual Library)

Virginia organic farming websites

Yahoo's Agricultural Listing

World Wide Web Sites of Interest to Agriculture

Washington Secretary of State (WWW Virtual Library - Agriculture)

WWW Virtual Library: Museums in the USA



فهرست موضوعي:

·         Advanced Wind Technologies
- Wind, solar and hydro powered products

·         Alternative Farming
- Landline Alternative Farming subject index and article list

·         Alternative Farming Systems For The Riverina
- an article by the Australian National University, School of Resource and, Environmental Management, Canberra

·         Australian Alpaca Association
- Including member and breeder information, industry news and national committee information

·         Australian Alpaca Co-operative Ltd
- The Australian Alpaca Co-operative Limited is run by Alpaca growers through an elected Board of Directors. The Co-op markets product derived from alpaca fibre, grown, manufactured and designed in Australia on behalf of its members

·         Australian Macadamia Society
- The Australian Macadamia Society is a body of approximately 700 Australian and 30 overseas members representing all facets of the macadamia industry in Australia

·         Biological Farmers of Australia Co-op Ltd
- Biological Farmers of Australia Co-operative Ltd (BFA) is Australia’s largest and leading certification agency for organic and biodynamic production

·         Compost and Manure
Cover Crop and Forage Seed Sources

·         Deer Industry Association of Australia
- The Deer Industry Association of Australia represents farmers, processors, transporters, breed organisations and any other party involved in the deer industry

·         Emu Farming
- An overview of emu farming facts from the Victorian Government

·         Fence Building References Online

·         History of Farming & Cities by History Link 101

·         Grazing

·         Hazelnut Information
- Links and general information about hazelnut production

·         Inquiry into the Utilisation of Victorian Native Flora and Fauna Table of Contents
- Very useful page of links on a variety of alternative farming industries

·         Marketing Links


·         National Organic Program

·         Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

·         Organic Farming, Marketing, and Certification Resources

·         Organic Farming in Europe

·         Organic Federation of Australia
- The OFA aims are to make food and fibre consumers aware of the benefits of chemical-free food supplied by the Australian Certified Organic Industry
Policy Commission On The Future Of Farming And Food

·         Rock Oysters
- Some information about farming and some pictures

·         Soil Health

·         Soil Quality Institute

·         Sustainable Energy Industry Association (Aust) Ltd
- SEIA is the peak body representing the Sustainable Energy Industry in Australia

·         Sustainable Weed Management in Organic Herb & Vegetable Production
- University of New England research page

·         The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association in Australia
- The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association in Australia Inc. is a not-for-profit Association which aims to foster and promote the growth in the number of commercial Biodynamic farmers and an increasing range and quantity of certified Biodynamic produce for the domestic and international market

·         Weed Management Links

·         Miscellaneous Links

موتورهاي جستجو:

Sustainable Agriculture Network -- Search the SAN website including archives of the sanet-mg email discussion group.
AgriSurf! -- Growing, searchable index to more than 5,000 sites (8/24/97). Browse subject categories including Sustainable Agriculture. "More grain, less chaff" philosophy makes this a highly recommended site.
The Internet Sleuth: Sciences -- Agriculture -- Search more than 30 sites from a single page, including SARE Cover Crop Handbook, Graze-l archives, and the Forage Information System
AgFind.com -- Keyword search for commercial sites offering agricultural products and services. Part of the extensive AgriMarketing website.
AgView.com -- This growing directory lists nearly 1,500 sites (7/30/97). Keyword search or browse by topic.
CAFFEINE -- Canada's Agrifood Directory -- Keyword search or browse by topics, which include organic farming and sustainable ag categories.
Ceres AgWeb -- Keyword search database of more than 13,000 ag-related websites.
E-answers -- Searches the Extension websites at more than a dozen participating land grant universities. A great place to begin a search.
Not Just Cows -- Links to websites and E-journals, as well as discussion group and newsgroup lists.
Liszt -- Use this general database to find farming-related discussion group and newsgroup lists.
Source Book of Sustainable Agriculture -- Hard copy isn't dead! This new 136-page book from USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Network lists 559 resources, from how to market sustainably grown vegetables to locating info on the 'Net.

Ag Search Engines and Indexes

Tree Farming Search Engines
Farming search engines

The Agricultural Search Engine, "the smart farming site" indexes agriculture-related websites.

Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)



پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Listing by Alphabetical Subject Heading: Bibliographic databases

Alternative Farming Database
Primate Enrichment Database
Database Search Results (National Health Information Center, Health Information Resource Database)

Farming Articles - Suite101.com

Farming Articles Index
Market Farming Articles (photographical essays and information for direct market growers)
Articles Links
Zeal.com (Articles & Reports)
Newsletter & Info (All articles require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read)
Walhello (farming- articles to learn how to start, manage, and enjoy farming on a small scale)

NAL's Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Farming Books from The Landsman's Bookshop

Farming Books (In Association with  Earth's Biggest Bookstore Amazon .com)
Farm Books, Ranch Books, Farming Books, Ranching Books, Farm ...
Farming books from sheepdog training to raising chickens & calfs ...
Farming Books (You can browse  the books by category)

Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network

Online Magazines and Newsletters


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Agripicture farming images - a library of agriculture stock ...
Farming Help

Statistics about Organic Farming

موسسات و سازمان ها:

Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)

Cranfield Centre for Precision Farming
Ecological Farming Association

National Soil Tilth Laboratory

Organic Farming Research Foundation

Soil Quality Institute


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

University Sustainable Ag Programs

USDA -- Sustainable Ag Programs and other links of interest


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