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منابع وبي مرتبط با شيمي (عمومي)


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

·   Chemdex - a listing of over 5800 Chemistry-related sites (UK, USA, Europe and worldwide). It includes a list of all UK university chemistry staff. Held at Sheffield University and updated regularly. 

·   ChemCenter - The American Chemical Society's one-stop Web site for chemical professionals, ChemCenter also provides resources for educators, students and individuals who want reliable information.

·   ChemWeb - register for free to use this site, which has many useful links, including software, chemical databases, journals and jobs. It also gives access to Chemdex Plus and ChemGuide, searchable directories of chemistry-related web resources and The Chemistry Preprint Server. Also includes AutoNom 2.1 which can generate IUPAC names directly from graphical structures entered via the web.

·   ChemSpy.com - a gateway that allows you to search other useful chemistry resources from the one page. Use Internet Explorer rather than Netscape!

·   Links for chemists - over 7500 links to chemistry resources in over 75 categories, with a search facility.

·   PSIgate (Physical Sciences Information Gateway) - a searchable gateway to physical science resources on the WWW, from the Resource Discovery Network. Includes a chemistry gateway where you can browse or search for chemistry resources on the WWW. There is also the option to search the entire RDN which also includes engineering, biomedical, arts, humanities and social sciences resources. See also "Internet Chemist" below which is a free "teach yourself" tutorial on Internet information skills for chemists.

·   The School of Chemistry (University of Bristol): chemistry-related WWW links page - a useful listing of sites in the UK, Europe and the USA.

·   Chemie.DE - Chemistry Information Service - supported by the German Academic Network Organisation. Includes links, software reviews, jobs, conferences, etc. A useful 'Chemistry Toolbox' can help you with abbreviations, acronyms, units, chemical terms (dictionary) and the periodic system.

·   ChemClub WebSite.:http://http://www.chemclub.com/teachers/membership.html

·   Gateway of chemistry science:http://www.heanet.ie/links/chemistry.html

·   Australian Chemistry Network: Alan Arnold's Collection of Chemistry Resources

·   Chemistry Internet Resources: Gary Wiggins' Collection of Chemistry Resources

·   NIH GenoBase: Ron Taylor and Adam Ginsburg's Molecular Biology Collection

·   POLY-Links: Polymer Information

·   Sheffield: Mark Winter's global collection

·   The Yahoo Collection of Chemical Pointers: An edited collection of chemistry highlights

·   Virtual Chemistry Library at UCLA: Max Kopelevich's original "global" collection

·   The WWW Virtual Library:http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/links.html

·   Chemistry-related information in universities, government, companies, societies, databases, and links to many chemistry and software sites:http://www.chemdex.org/

·    Argonne National Laboratory: http://www.library.anl.gov/library/internet/chemstry.html


فهرست موضوعي:

·   Subject Guide to Chemistry


موتورهاي جستجو:

·   ChemFinder.Com

·   Analytical Chemistry Springboard - Directory of analytical chemistry resources on the Internet.

·   ChemDex - Directory of chemistry on the WWW.

·   ChemFinder - An index to chemical information on the Internet, with structures and physical properties, searchable by name, structure, CAS Number, and physical properties.

·   ChemMedia (Iberian Sci/Tech. Portal) ES

·   ChemSpy NL

·   Chemical Analysis.com - Matches those in need of chemical analysis with a database of labs and consultants from around the world. Also provides a links index, an analytical book store, literature referral service, and a forum designed for specifically for chemists.

·   Chemistry - Links for Chemists - A huge index of Chemistry resources on the WWW arranged into 75 chemical categories.

·   Information Retrieval in Chemistry - Chemistry and sciences resource compendium by field and by topic.


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

·   ChemIDplus CAS numbers, molecular formulas, etc. (Free)

·   ChemFinder Database The Simple query form of the ChemFinder WebServer is designed to make it as easy as possible to locate common types of chemical information.

·   CrossFire The Beilstein CrossFire database is the online version of the Beilstein Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. It covers the organic chemistry literature (primarily journal articles plus patents) back to the late 1700s. It indexes over eight million compounds, five million chemical reactions, 35 million associated chemical and bioactivity records, and 750,000 abstracts and titles indexed from the primary organic chemical literature since 1980.

·   Hazardous Chemical Database From the University of Akron, Department of Chemistry, this database will allow the user to retrieve information for any of 1991 hazardous chemicals based on a keyword search.

·   Materials Safety Data Sheets An annotated list of on-line resources that provide MSDS information. Also provides a link to information on the history of MSDS.


نشريات و كتاب ها:

·         ChemConnect: Chemistry Journals Online  A list of over 250 chemistry and biochemistry journals online. The journals are categorised by how much information is provided online, e.g. full-text/free, full-text/fee-based, some full-text articles, tables of contents/abstracts, etc.

·   CHEMystery, a virtual chemistry textbook

·         Free Chemistry E-books

.         Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

·   ACS Citation Examples and Plagiarism

·   All that JAS (Journal Abbreviation Sources)

·   Article Delivery Services

·   CAS Standard Abbreviations and Acronyms

·   Chemical Equipment Suppliers

·   Chemistry Depts. Worldwide

·   ChemIndustry.com

·   Chemistry Software

·   Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

·   Finding People

·   Materials Science

·   Merck Chemical Databases

·   Molecular Visualization Freeware

·   Patent Information

·   Safety

·   Science & Technology Societies & Publishers

·   Spectral Data - Organic

·   tetrahedron.info

·   Where/How to Buy Chemicals

·   Abbreviations of Chemical Compounds "Search for the vital stats on your favorite chemical compounds, from alanine to tetrahydrofuran. Just type in the abbreviation and this German server will promptly return the desired info with Teutonic precision." Webcrawler.

·   Acronyms and Abbreviations Berlin's Institute of Chemistry maintains the Acronyms and Abbreviations database, which contains more than 12,000 entries geared towards chemistry and spectroscopy

·   Alphabetical Listing of Molecules / Wellesley This useful, straightforward site will help students understand the structure of molecules through visualization. It was created by W. F. Coleman, Professor of Chemistry at Wellesley College. Here, you will find several common substances including caffeine, penicillin, Viagra, and vitamin A, as well as a few more exotic ones. Using the Chime software, a free chemical structure visualization plug-in for Windows and Macintosh, each molecule isn't simply a static image. It can be rotated for a complete examination, reformatted, and saved in a variety of file formats. A download link for Chime is provided. From the Scout Reportt, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2002. http://scout.wisc.edu/
Aldrich Catalog: Organics and Inorganics for Chemical Synthesis.

·   The ARS Pesticide Properties Database / USDA The ARS PPD is a compendium of chemical and physical properties of 334 widely used pesticides. Information included in the database focuses on 16 of the most important properties that affect pesticide transport and degradation characteristics.

·   Atomic scattering factors for the elements

·   Biotechnology Sources / Academic Info

·   Chemical and other Safety Information / Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford

·   Chemical Health and Safety Data / National Toxicology Program

·   Chemistry Functions / Stanford Perform molar conversions, balance equations, study an interactive periodic table, all with the click of a mouse at Stanford University's Chemistry Function site.

·   CambridgeSoft - ChemFinder
"...searchable chemical database with more than 3,500 compounds searchable by name, chemical formula, or substructure. Each compound has links to other related information on the web." Syllabus, 3/96, p. 34.

·   Carcinogens - 10th Report, 2002 / NIH

·   Chemical Structures Databases / Germany

·   The Chemistry Resource Center / British Columbia Institute of Technology. This site is designed to be a resource for anyone who is interested in Chemistry. It was prepared in response to students' enthusiasm towards using the the concept of hypermedia and the World-Wide Web (WWW) as a learning tool.

·   Chemistry Web Book / NIST "...thermodynamic data for over 5,000 chemical compounds and on ion-energetics data for over 10,000 chemical compounds." Search by name, chemical formula, CAS registry number. [Scout Report, 8/16/96]

·   Constants and Equations Page / UK, Inst. of Physics The Constants and Equations Pages are an on-going project to list together as many different constants and equations as possible, although it has now grown beyond this and now consists of much, much more than just constants and equations!

·   Dave's Equation Balancer  This on-line calculator lets you balance equations with the touch of a button. You enter the compounds or elements for both reactants and products and the program provides the balanced equation (note that it cannot handle ionic formulae). A nifty homework-helper for chemistry students. ... From the Scout Report for Science & Engineering, June 6, 2001

·   Elemental Data Index / NIST The Elemental Data Index provides access to the holdings of NIST Physics Laboratory online data organized by element. It is intended to simplify the process of retrieving online scientific data for a specific element.

·   Exposure Factors Handbook / EPA The Exposure Factors Handbook provides a summary of the available statistical data on various factors used in assessing human exposure. This Handbook is addressed to exposure assessors inside the Agency as well as outside, who need to obtain data on standard factors to calculate human exposure to toxic chemicals.

·   Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets / State of New Jersey

·   InChem IPCS INCHEM is a means of rapid access to internationally peer reviewed information on chemicals commonly used throughout the world, which may also occur as contaminants in the environment and food. It consolidates information from a number of intergovernmental organizations whose goal it is to assist in the sound management of chemicals.

·   IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology

·   Guide to Chemistry reference sources (from University of Arizona Science-Engineering Library)

·   Chemistry Science Dictionary:http://www.chemie.de/tools/dictionary/?language=e

·   Acronym of chemistry:http://www.chemie.de/tools/acronym.php3?language=e

·   Nobel Prizes in Chemistry A chronological list of Nobel prize winners in Chemistry with, in some (more recent) cases, links to more information about the research or the researcher awarded the prize.

·   Periodic Table of the Elements An On-line Periodic Table with more detailed information on the history, sources, properties, uses, isotopes, and handling for each element.

·   Physical Reference Data from the NIST From the National Institute for Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory, this site includes: physical constants, atomic spectroscopic data, molecular spectroscopic data, ionization data, X-Ray and Gamma Ray data, Nuclear Physics data, condensed matter physics data, and other NIST data.


·   SoftShell Online

·   ChemSketch 5 / Software to Draw Chem. Structures and Display Them in 3D

·   Chemical Concepts GmbH - Commercial Site

·   ChemInnovation Software - Commerical Site

·   Journal of Chemical Education/Software

·   ChemCAI: Instructional Software for Chemistry

·   Chemistry Software / Yahoo

·   Linux4Chemistry

موسسات و سازمان ها:

·   American Carbon Society Includes access to text of "Carbon News Online."

·   American Chemical Society

·   Chemistry Organizations / Yahoo

·   Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Scholarly Societies

·   Royal Society of Chemistrynternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

·   Alchemy Web Site
Chemistry at Center for Scientific Computing [Finland]
Chemistry Dept., Emory Univ.

·   College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

·   Fermi Lab

·   Hyperactive Molecules - Leeds University, UK

·   Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

·   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

·   Los Alamos National Laboratory

·   Mass Spectrometry Laboratory - Liege University, Belgium

·   Molecular Structure Laboratory, SUNY at Stony Brook

·   Notre Dame Mass Specrometry Laboratory

·   X-Ray Crystallography [Univ. of Pittsburgh]

·   X-Ray Crystallography Center - University of Delaware

·   Science & Engineering Library, UCSD

·   Theoretical Chemistry-Limburgs Universitair Centrum / Belgium

·   University of California at Berkeley

·   UCLC Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry

·   United Kingdom Chemistry Departments
University of Florida Chemistry Department

·   Washington University Mass Spectrometry Resource

·   UK university chemistry staff

·   ChemEd: Chemistry Education Resources: Alan Cairns' Collection of Education resources



همايش ها:

·   Yahoo! Directory Chemistry > Conferences

·   All Conferences > Science > Chemistry
Google Directory - Science > Chemistry > Conferences

·   Individual conferences:

·   European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (ESOR IX) (12-17 July 2003) @ Oslo NO

·   Tetrahedron Symposium 2003 (18 July 2003) @ Oxford UK

·   5th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference (CCCC5) (27-30 July 2003) @ Toronto CA

·   The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry (10-15 August 2003) CA

·   Fourth International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying - INCOME 2003 (September 7-11, 2003) @ TU Braunschweig DE

·   ESOC 13 - 13th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (10-15 Sept. 2003) HR

·   11th International Colloid and Surface Conference (13-15 Sept. 2003) BR

·   Electrochem 2003 (14-17 Sept. 2003) @ Southampton UK

·   ECIS 2003 - 17th Conference of the European Colloid & Interface Science Society (21-26 Sept. 2003) @ Florence IT

·   CPhI 2003 (27-29 October 2003) Frankfurt DE

·   Magnesium Alloys and their Applications 2003 (18-20 November 2003) DE

·   International Congress of Chemistry and Environment ICCE 2003 (27th-29th December 2003) IN

·   The Fourth International Conference on Electrochemistry (ICE IV) (16-19 February 2004) @ South Valley University EG

·   Drug Discovery Frontiers in Cancer and Neuroscience: The Application of Chemistry to Diseases (18-21 April 2004) @ Georgetown US

·   11th International Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in the Human Health and Environmental Sciences (9-13 May 2004) @ John Moores Liverpool UK

·   International Symposium Analytical Forum 2004 (4-8 July 2004) @ Warsaw PL

·   21st International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-XXI) (4-9 July 2004) @ Madrid ES

·   15th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CSTC 2004 (10-14 July 2004) @ Sainte-Adele, Quebec CA

Conference Listings:

·   ACS Meetings US

·   ACS Meeting locator US

·   Calendar of Chemical Events @ Chemie.DE DE

·   CCL Conferences List @ Ohio Supercomputer Center US

·   Central Research Institute for Chemistry HU

·   Chemsoc.org Conference Listing @ Chemsoc.org UK

·   Chiral Conferences US

·   Conference Diary (Requires registration) @ ChemWeb UK

·   Conferences and Events Listing @ Chemsoc.org (RSC) UK

·   Conferences @ Wendy Warr UK

·   Conference Listings @ Trinity US

·   Corrosion Conference Listing @ UMIST UK

·   Czech Academy of Sciences Conferences CZ

·   Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde Conferences DE

·   Electrochemical Society Conferences @ ECS US

·   Euresco Conferences 2000 @ ESF EU

·   Forthcoming meetings in Crystallography @ Geneva CH

·   Gordon Research Conferences US

·   IBC Life Sciences US

·   Institute of Materials Science (IMS) Conferences US

·   Information for Chemists - Conferences @ N.D. Zelinsky Institute RU

·   International Conference and Symposium Calendar @ Springer DE

·   Internet Chemistry Conferences @ VEI UK

·   IUPAC Calendar UK

·   Mass Spectrometry Conferences John Wiley - Base Peak UK

·   Meetings of Interest to Main Group Chemists @ Queens College CUNY US

·   PRA Conferences @ Paint Research Association UK

·   Pharmaceutical Conferences @ AIC UK

·   Photochemistry Conferences @ McMaster CA

·   Reed Chemicals Chemistry Conference Listing @ Reed Chemical Publications UK

·   Reed Chemical Conferences @ Reed Chemical Publications UK

·   RSC Conferences, Symposia and Meetings UK

·   Scholarly Societies: Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Conference List CA

·   Society of Applied Spectroscopy Events Calendar @ SAS US

·   Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Meetings UK

·   Swedish Chemical Society Conferences SE

·   TMS Conference Management System @ TMS US

·   Yahoo! N.B. the Yahoo site does not seem to remove old conferences, but does sometimes add new listings.

Past / Completed Conferences:

·   Applications and Methodology of Molecular Simulation in the Physical and Biological Sciences @ VEI UK

·   Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Conference (CEPP, September 20-23 1999)

·   CINF Division's Technical Session Program @ 217th ACS Meeting in Anaheim @ Chicago US


·   EuroConference (1999) @ HUT Helsinki FI

·   Theory and Practice of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) (13-16 April 1999) @ Bath UK

·   Excited States in Molecules and Solids (October 21-24, 1999) @ Tarragona ES

·   Glycosciences Towns meeting @ VEI UK

·   7th International Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Chemotherapy (8-11 September 1999) @ Gdansk PL

·   Molecular Simulations '99 (Conference) @ VEI UK

·   11th International Chemical Information Conference (Annecy, 25-28 October 1999) FR

·   Modelling Biomolecular Mechanism: From States to Processes at the Atomic Level (April 5-8, 2000) @ York UK

·   CAPoC5 - 5th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (12th-14th April 2000) @ Brussels BE

·   Photophysics and Photochemistry 2000 (Oeiras, Portugal, October 19-27, 2000) PT

·   13th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (27 August - 1 September 2000) @ Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf DE

·   ChemInt2000 (23rd - 26th September 2000) US

·   AIZ - GIC 2000 (1-5 Ottobre 2000) IT

·   Pharmaceuticals2000 US

·   Drug Discovery and Technology (Conference) US

·   Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (11-16 March 2001, ENC) US

·   7th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference, ECCC7 (2-30 April 2001) @ Cooper Union US

·   New Directions in Electroanalysis (22-25 April 2001) @ Salford UK

·   Mechanisms of Tumor Growth and Invasion Mediated by Proteolysis @ UCSF US

·   Second Postgraduate Summer School on Green Chemistry @ Venice IT

·   The Pittsburgh Conference 2001 US

·   5th International Conference - Excited States of Transition Elements (6-11 June 2001) @ Wroclaw PL

·   15th IUPAC Conference on Polymers, Microsymposium "Nonconventional Polymer Dispersions" (25-28 June 2001) SK

·   EUROCOMBI-1 (1-5 July 2001) @ Budapest HU

·   IUPAC World Chemistry Congress 2001 (1-6 July 2001) @ Brisbane AU

·   AIMECS 2001 (1-6 July 2001) @ Brisbane AU

·   9th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces (9-13 July 2001) @ Acadia CA

·   5th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (16-20 July 2001) @ NIST US

·   EUROCARB XI - 11th European Carbohydrate Symposium (2-7 September 2001) @ Lisbon PT

·   6th ECRICE / 2nd ECCE (4-8 September 2001) @ Aveiro PT

·   Fifth International Conference on Polymeric Materials (4-5 November 2001) @ Basrah IQ

·   Ninth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology (9-11 November 2001) @ Santa Clara US

·   KEMIA 2001 (13-15 November 2001) @ Messukeskus FI

·   5th East Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors (4-7 December 2001) @ Nagasaki JP

·   Analytica India 2002 (18-20 January 2002) IN

·   Midlands Electrochemistry Meeting (12 April 2002) @ Sheffield UK

·   12thInternational Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence (5-9 April 2002) @ Cambridge UK

·   12th14th Conference on Combinatorial Chemistry, Japan (22-23 April 2002) @ Osaka JP

·   V.A. Fock School on Quantum and Computational Chemistry (15-17 May 2002) @ Novgorod/Web RU

·   The 5th Electrochemistry North-West (29 May 2002) @ UMIST UK

·   Silicone in Coatings IV (30-31 May 2002) UK

·   6th International Conference on Chemical Structures (2-6 June 2002) NL

·   HPLC 2002 (2-7 June 2002) @ Montreal CA

·   Georaman 2002 - 5th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Applied to the Earth Sciences (12-15 June 2002) @ Prague CZ

·   9th Gordon Conference on Computational Chemistry (30 June - 5 July 2002) @ Colby-Sawyer US

·   First international conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy (7-10 July 2002) @ Cardiff UK

·   5th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Conference (27-28 September 2002) @ Concordia CA

·   Electrochemistry in Microscopic and Molecular Dimensions (15-20 September 2002) @ Düsseldorf DE

·   First international conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy (7-10 July 2002) @ Cardiff UK

·   SFC Eurochem Toulouse 2002 (8-11 July 2002) FR

·   WATOC'02 - 6th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (4-9 August 2002) CH

·   A First Materials Science Forum on Future Sustainable Technologies(17-20 September 2002) @ Augsburg DE

·   Materials Week 2002 (30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2002) DE

·   29th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (13-17 October 2002) @ Rhode Island Convention Center US

·   National Chemistry Week (20-26 October 2002) US

·   Second Conference on the History and Heritage of Scientific and Technical Information Systems (16 - 17 November 2002) @ Philidelphia US

·   Fluorine in Coatings V (21-22 January 2003) @ Florida US

·   Chemtech World Expo 2003 (22-26 January 2003) @ Bombay IN

·   Bioactive Discovery in the New Millennium (5-9 February 2003) AU

·   ChemTex & Corrosion Middle East 2003 (4-6 March 2003) UAE

·   ECCC9 - the 9th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (1-31 March 2003) @ Cooper US

·   8th International Symposium on Metallomesogens (ISM 2003) (28-31 May 2003) @ Namur BE

·   DNA9 - Ninth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (1-4 June 2003) @ Madison, Wisconsin US

·   ESCAPE-13 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (1-4 June 2003) @ Lappeenranta FI

·   The Analytical Days (10-13 June 2003) @ Göteborg SE

·   International Symposium on Sensors Science (16-20 June 2003) @ Paris FR

·   European Students Conference on Physical Organic and Polymer Chemistry (29 June - 02 July 2003) @ Vienna AT

·   Second International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy (5-8 July 2003) @ London UK


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

·   Index to Listservs

·   Chemistry & Biochemistry UseNet Groups / UCLA

UseNet/Chemistry / Yahoo


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