لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته های مهندسي


منابع وبي مرتبط با  رشته های مهندسي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Engineering Sources
Engineering Subject Help Frame, University of Calgary Library

Engineering: Sources on the Web
General Engineering Sources

General Engineering Sources
International Engineering Sources at Worldwide-projects.com

Scheeff's Engineering Sources List

University of Missouri-Columbia Engineering Library Web Resources


فهرست موضوعي:

Engineering Subject Guide

Acoustics & Electronic Engineering Sources
automotive engineering sources

Building Engineering

Ceramic Engineering Sources
Civil Engineering Sources
Electrical & Computer Engineering Sources

industrial engineering sources

magnet engineering sources

Mechanical & Environmental Engineering Sources

Petroleum Engineering Reading Room




موتورهاي جستجو:

EngNet UK - Engineering Directory

Engineering Virtual Library out of Edinburgh, Scotland:
http://www.eevl.ac.uk/wwwvl.html (this was the most frequently recommended site.  I had forgotten about it)
EELS (Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden) http://eels.lub.lu.se/
ICE (Internet Connections for Engineering)
AVEL (Australian Virtual Engineering Library) http://avel.edu.au/
http://scicentral.com (directory of science and engineering resources)
http://www.v-biblioteket.lth.se/civil.htm (The Civil Engineer's Mega Bookmark)
http://icrank.com/ (Mechanical engineering)
http://www.eevl.ac.uk/eese/ (EESE - Engineering E-journal SE, over 100 engineering e-journals)
http://www.englib.cornell.edu/ice/search.html (This form interface allows you to search the ICE index for engineering related links pertaining to one or more keywords. Each link (URL, name, and description) in every category of the ICE index will be searched. It may take a couple of minutes to generate results)
http://www.smete.org/smete/info/index.html (Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education Library)


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Databases > Engineering


نشريات و كتاب ها:

·         AGC news and Views (1999 - )

·         AMPTIAC Newsletter (1997 - 2001)

·         AMPTIAC Quarterly (2002 - )

·         Architronic (1992 - 1999)

·         BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/02 - ) BMC

·         BioMedical Engineering OnLine (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

·         Energeia (1995 - )

·         EPRI Journal (2001 - )

·         IEEE Standards Bearer (1995 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) IEEE

·         Issues in Science and Technology Online (1996 - )

·         Journal of Design Research (2001 - )

·         Journal of Nanobiotechnology n/a BMC

·         MCEER Bulletin (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research) (1994 - )

·         RLE Currents (1999 - )

·         Technology Interface (1996 - 2000)

·         TeraWord (2003 - )

·         WSSPC Newsletter/EQ Earthquake Quarterly (1996 - )


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

General Engineering Standards

WU Libraries Engineering Reference Sources


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

GradSchools.com guide to Engineering Schools and Departments


همايش ها:

All Conferences guide to Engineering conferences

ECI: Engineering Conferences International Calendar

Engineering Conferences and Reports

Engineering Conferences International

International Engineering Conferences

Michigan Engineering - Conferences & Workshops

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