یوزر و پسورد به همراه سطح دسترسی دانشگاه Springfield


Database Menu

Dance in Video
Academic Onefile
Directory of Psychological Tests in the Sport and Exercise Sciences
Academic Onefile
Academic Search Premier
Biography Resource Center
Kinesiology Publications
Chronicle of Higher Education
College Source Online
Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
Criminal Justice Periodical Index
Dissertation Abstracts International
eBook Collection
EBSCO Mobile
Films on Demand
EBSCO Databases
Encyclopedia Britannica
Gale Literary Index
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Greenwood Press
Historical Newspapers
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Library Reference Center
Massachusetts Newsstand
Massachusetts Newsstand
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Mergent Online
Newsbank Newsfile
NWSA Journal
Oxford Art Online
Physical Education Index
Professional Collection
ProQuest Criminal Justice
ProQuest Historical Newspapers
OregonPDF in Health & Performance
SAGE Publications
InfoTrac Databases
Grant Select
Kinesiology Publications
Physical Education Index
Teacher Reference Center
Wall Street Journal
Molecular vision
Journal of technology education
Value line investment survey.
School library media research : SLMR.
Academe : bulletin of the AAUP.
Educational researcher : a publication of the American Educational Research Association.
Organizational dynamics.
M guide : AMA's essential marketing directory.
Journal of applied physiology
Professional psychology, research and practice.
Journal of clinical investigation.
Journal of exercise physiology online
Journal of computer-mediated communication : JCMC.
OT BibSys / American Occupational Therapy Association.
Bioscene : journal of college biology teaching.
Directory of electronic journals, newsletters, and academic discussion lists
Directory of electronic journals, newsletters, and academic discussion lists
Athletic insight : the online journal of sport psychology.
Australian journal of physiotherapy.
Britannica online
British journal of occupational therapy.
Journal of physiology.
International review of applied economics.
Brain & mind
Interpersonal computing and technology : IPCT.
World factbook
Meridian : a middle school computer technologies journal.
Cyber-journal of sport marketing.
Early modern literary studies
Early modern literary studies
Sociology of sport online : SOSOL.
Journal of industrial teacher education
Education week on the web
Education policy analysis archives
EDUCAUSE review.
EDUCAUSE quarterly
Educom review
Psychology of sport and exercise.
World Wide Web journal of biology
Journal of extension
International journal of the history of sport.
Crime in the United States : uniform crime reports
General bye-laws and internal regulations : as adopted by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA)
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress.
Statistical abstract of the United States / prepared by the chief of the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department.
Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology.
USA today.
National teaching & learning forum.
Omega : an international journal for the study of dying, death, bereavement, suicide, and other lethal behaviors.
Hartford courant.
Clinical gerontologist.
Alcoholism treatment quarterly.
Employee assistance quarterly.
Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing.
Drugs & society.
Administration in social work.
Journal of homosexuality.
Journal of gerontological social work.
Information from HEATH / National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Handicapped Individuals.
Injustice studies
Information technology and disabilities
Online journal of ethics
Scout report : a service to the Internet community provided by the InterNIC.
Applied ergonomics.
JEMS : journal of emergency medical services.
Global sport management news.
Computer-mediated communication magazine
New directions for evaluation.
New directions for higher education.
New directions for teaching and learning.
Mediation quarterly : journal of the Academy of Family Mediators.
Journal of statistics education
Advances in skin and wound care
Massachusetts births / Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Harrison's online
Physician and sportsmedicine.
Physician and sportsmedicine.
Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy.
First Monday
Bilingual research journal
NASPA journal
N.A.D.A. official used car guide.
NCAA Division I graduation-rates report.
NCAA news.
English education.
NCAA sports medicine handbook.
Journal of cognitive rehabilitation.
Journal of sport history.
Human movement science.
United States government manual.
Journal of career and technical education : JCTE.
Sport business : the trade magazine for the international business of sport
Journal of substance abuse treatment.
American journal of health studies.
Journal of general physiology.
Journal of technology studies : a refereed publication of Epsilon Pi Tau.
Journal of chemical education.
Journal of western martial arts
Journal of combative sport
Kronos : a chronological history of the martial arts and combative sports.
College quarterly : CQ.
Journal of Seventeenth-Century music
Journal of sport tourism
Street & Smith's SportsBusiness journal.
T.H.E. online
TESL-EJ : teaching English as a second or foreign language : an electronic journal.
Dictionary of occupational titles / U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Employment Service.
Psychological assessment / American Psychological Association.
Technique : the official technical publication of the United States Gymnastics Federation.
Educational technology & society : journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force.
America's children : key national indicators of well-being / Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.
Activities, adaptation & aging.
Library of Congress information bulletin.
Journal of rehabilitation research and development / Veterans Administration, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Rehabilitation R&D Service.
Music theory online : MTO : a publication of the Society for Music Theory.
List of serials indexed for online users / (U.S.) National Library of Medicine.
Condition of education.
Advance data from Vital and health statistics / National Center for Health Statistics.
Digest of education statistics.
List of journals indexed in Index medicus / National Library of Medicine.
America's best graduate schools / U.S. News & World Report.
Public-access computer systems review
Completely different pediatric emergency medicine journal
Journal of electronic publishing : JEP.
Electronic journal of science education
National journal of sexual orientation law
International journal of eating disorders.
International journal of eating disorders.
Occupational outlook handbook / compiled by the United States Department of Labor.
Journal of vocational and technical education
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Journal of organizational behavior.
YMCA world


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