لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته دامپزشكي


منابع وبي مرتبط با دامپزشكي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Animal Diseases. Links to sites dealing with animal diseases, sorted into species categories.

Biome. An internet search service, including the following subject gateways: Vetgate (animal health), Biores (biological and biomedical sciences), Natural (natural world)

Bristol biomedical image archive.

Bristol Biomed Learning and Teaching Project.

Healthy Animals. Compilation of animal health related news from the US Agricultural Research Service.

Internet guide to veterinary microscopic anatomy.

Internet vet. Free tutorial on Internet skills for vets, including excellent links in the links basket.

IVIS The International Veterinary Information Service - provides free access to electronic books, proceedings, image collections, as well as CPD courses etc.

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Worldwide Vet. Information resource for students and practitioners of veterinary medicine and technology.

Martindale's Virtual Veterinary Center - U.S. site with information on courses (including online courses), textbooks, databases, links to useful sites, research

Net Vet. Links to and reviews of veterinary and animal related resources on the internet.

Plants toxic to animals

ProVet Clinical updates for veterinarians and Pet fact topics for pet owners plus searchable database of animal health information.

Vetgate VetGate is a gateway to evaluated, quality Internet resources in animal health, part of the BIOME collection.

Vetsonline. Searchable directory and website reviews.

Vet Web. Information network for the veterinary professional, providing links to associated sites.

AUSVETPLAN - The Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan. Manuals outlining technical  responses to emergency disease outbreaks coordinated at a national level.


فهرست موضوعي:

Google's Directory to Veterinary Medicine

US Food and Drug Administration Subject Guide to Veterinary Medicine


موتورهاي جستجو:

AVI Search Form

NetVet Veterinary Resources / Electronic Zoo Search Form

Open Directory - Science: Biology: Zoology: Animal Health

Royal Veterinay College Search Engine

RVC Website

vets411.com - The Veterinary Search Engine


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Abbott Laboratories Animal Health

American Board of Veterinary Practitioners

American College of Veterinary Surgeons Diplomate Directory Search

American Veterinary Medical Association

Animal Behavior

Animal Health Trust

APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Australian Veterinary Association


British Small Animals Veterinary Association

Cardiology Database

Computer-aided Learning in Veterinary Education

Consultant: a Diagnostic Support System For Veterinary Medicine - Diagnosis

Consultant: a Diagnostic Support System For Veterinary Medicine - Sign Page

Cornell Veterinary Medicine

Drug Indications by Species

DVM News Magazine

FDA Approved Animal Drug Products

FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine

FDA Green Book Updates

FDA Suitability Petition Search

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

Handilinks: Veterinary Medicine

Inno-Vet: Avian and Exotic Section

Inno-Vet: Companion Animal Section

Links2Go: Veterinary Medicine

NetVet Electronic Zoo Veterinary

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Royal School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh

Search Beat: Veterinary Medicine

University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Vet Web


VetCentric Veterinary Medical Encyclopedia

Veterinary Medicine WWW Virtual Library Database

Veterinary School Search

Veterinary Times and Veterinary Business Journal

Veterinary Mutual Recognition Index

Veterinary Serials Search



VetMedCenter - Professional





Veterinary Medicine: A Web Resources Sampler


نشريات و كتاب ها:

ASVIN Assessing and Supporting Veterinary Information Needs (an RSLP funded project). Has a useful union list of journals held by the libraries of the UK Veterinary Schools, Dublin Veterinary School, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Animal Health Trust.

PubMed Journal Database Browser– for journals indexed in PubMed and Medline

Veterinary Journals Tables of Contents

Veterinary Science Journal titles  - University of Montreal - includes  tables of contents, instructions to authors, impact factors

Sciencekomm - instructions to authors, journal tables of contents or journal information in veterinary science, life sciences and medicine.


WWW Virtual Library Guide to Publishers and Publications in Veterinary Medicine


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Veterinary Publications and References

WWW Virtual Library of Images

BioABACUS(New Mexico State University)

Clinical Epidemiology and Evidense-Based Medicine Glossary (John M. Gay, Washington State University)

Life Science Dictionary

Medical Dictionary (CancerWeb)

Medical Dictionary (MedicineNet)

Merck Manual (free but must register)

Multilingual Dictionary of the Horse

Multilingual Glossary of Technical and Popular Medical Terms

Mosby's Drug Consult

RxList - The Internet Drug Index

Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms


موسسات و سازمان ها:

Guide to National and International Associations and Organizations

List of Directories to Veterinary Centers & Institutions

AVA Online - official website of the Australian Veterinary Association. Membership information and conference details, information for Vets on important animal health issues. Some parts of the site are accessible by AVA members only.

RCVS - Website of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK). gives information about the organisation, news, membership, education, careers and library.  

Animal Health Information Specialists. Details about the group and useful links

Animal Health Trust. Useful information on the Foot and Mouth disease epidemic

Animal Welfare Institute. Includes full text of the Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly

American Veterinary Medical Association. Provides information and advice on animal health and petcare.

British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Includes links to sites for individual small animal types and animal organisations.

British Veterinary Association.

British Veterinary Nursing Association.

Compassion in World Farming. Information on animal welfare issues in farming

Institute for Animal Health.

International Fund for Animal Welfare.Bringing pets to Britain. Defra site giving information on quarantine and the Pets Travel Scheme.

OIE  World Organisation for Animal Health.

Royal College of veterinary Surgeons.

Universities Fund for Animal Welfare.

Veterinary Medicines Directorate.


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Guide to Veterinary Departments and Shcools

International Guide to Veterinary Schools (by country)


همايش ها:

Complete International Veterinary Conference Calendar

List of conferences (prepared by University of Montreal, Canada)

NetVet Meetings Page

Italian Veterinary Conferences (Medicina Viva)

Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health Related Conferences


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

WWW Virtual Library Guide to Electronic Discussion Groups & Newsgroups


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