لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته علوم اجتماعي


منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم اجتماعي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

SOSIG: the Social Sciences Information Gateway

WWW Virtual Library for Society

Internet Public Library: Social Sciences
BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Social science links
BUBL LINK: 300 Social sciences
European University Institute Library. Internet Resources for the ...
World-Wide Web Resources - Social Sciences
Social Science Resources - Gateway - Directories
WWW Virtual Library for International Affairs

Social Science Research Grapevine

Eldis: for information on development and the environment

INFOMINE, "Comprehensive" Social Sciences & Humanities Internet Resource Collection.

Research Engines for the Social Sciences, from the Universal Codex for the Social Sciences.

Social Sciences Data Collection, University of California San Diego.

Social Sciences Information Gateway

Social Sciences Virtual Library

SocioSite, designed to get access to information and resources which are relevant for sociologists.

SSDC University Social Science Gateways on the Net


فهرست موضوعي:

D: History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas

DA Great Britain and Ireland

DAW Central Europe

DB Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia

DC France, Andorra, Monaco

DD Germany

DE Mediterreanean Region, Greco-Roman World

DF Greece

DG Italy

DH-DJ Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands

DJK Eastern Europe

DK Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

DL Northern Europe, Scandinavia

DP Spain, Portugal

DR Balkan Region

DS Asia

DT Africa

DU Oceania, Australia, New Zealand

DX Roma (Gypsies)

E: History: United States (General)

F: History: United States (Regional), and the Americas


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Anthropological Index (Free)

Social Science Databases from Yale University

The Anthropological Index of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Population Index Index of population and demographics literature (Free)



نشريات و كتاب ها:

·         Current Research in Social Psychology (1995 - )

·         Electronic Journal of Sociology (1994 - )

·         First Things: A Journal of Religion and Public Life (1992 - )

·         Journal of Buddhist Ethics (1994 - )

·         Journal of Mundane Behavior (2000 - )

·         M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture (1998 - )

·         MOST Journal on Cultural Pluralism (UNESCO) (1999 - )

·         Reason Online (1993 - )

·                     Advocate's Forum (1995 - )

·                     Community services catalyst (1991 - 1994)

·                     Current Research in Social Psychology (1995 - )

·                     Future of Children (1999 - )

·                     Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (1988 - )

·                     Nevada Kids Count Data Book (2000 - )

·                     Perspectives: A Mental Health Magazine (1996 - )



WWW Virtual Library: Sociology

Electronic Journals and Newsletters

Electronic Journal Miner

Information Gateway from University of Washington


Research Resources in Social Science

SOSIG guide to Social Sciences


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Social Sciences Directories and Data Archives

UK Data Archive 
A specialist national resource containing the largest collection of accessible computer readable data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom.

CESSDA: Council of European Social Science Data Archives
CESSDA promotes the acquisition, archiving and distribution of electronic data for social science teaching and research in Europe.

Yale Social Science Statistical Laboratory

Statistics for the Social Sciences
IID | Humanities & Social Sciences Curriculum Gateways
IMS: Social Sciences Subject Resources

Biographical Information

Consumer Resources

Encyclopedias & Almanacs

Entertainment & Recreation

Facts & Statistics

General Reference

Language Dictionaries

Law & Government

Local & Regional

Maps & Directions

Money & Measures


Organizations & Associations

Phone, E-mail, & Addresses


Style Manuals & Quotations

Time & Weather



موسسات و سازمان ها:

Consortium of Social Science Associations

Open Directory guide to Associations


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

A Comprehensive guide to Social Sciences Department around the world

همايش ها:

Open Directory guide to Conferences  

All Conferences net


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Social Science Discussion Groups || Syracuse University Library

Kovacs Guide to Discussion Groups in Social Sciences


فهرست عنواني:

Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An Internet Resource


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