لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته علوم سياسي


منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم سياسي


 دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

 WCSU List: Political Science Internet Resources

Political Science Virtual Library

Guide to General Politics Resources

Links to Policy Research Institutions (Canada)

Political Science -- A Net Station (University of British Colombia Lib.)

WWW Resources for Political Scientists (University of Colorado)

Political Science Resources (UC Irvine)

Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry (McDartnell)

Political Science Resources (Richard Kimber)

Political Superstore (Political Resources, Inc.)

The International Society of Political Psychology

Political Web Traveler (A newsletter)

Internet Subject Index (WCSU Library)

Political Theory: Web Site Gateway

Political Theory (Links page by Richard Kimber, Keele University. )


نشريات و كتاب ها:

·         Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal (2000 - )

·         Boston Review (1975 - )

·         Central Europe Review (1999 - )

·         Comparative Connections -- East Asian Bilateral Relations E-Journal (1999 - )

·         Dispatch Magazine (1993 - 1999)

·         Governing (1990 - )

·         Helsinki Monitor (1995 - 1997)

·         Journal of Political Ecology (1994 - )

·         Law and Politics Book Review

·         MOST Journal on Cultural Pluralism (UNESCO) (1999 - )

·         NATO Review (1991 - )

·         New Democrat

·         Reason Online (1993 - )

·         Tobacco Control (1992 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Highwire

·         WTO Focus (1996 - )


University of Shefield Electronic Books

University of Princeton's list of electronic joiurnals

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School (historic law-related texts)

American Radicalism Collection (at MSU)

Lehman Lee Law Library (Chinese laws and commentary)

Marxists.org Internet Archive (at marxists.org)

Selected political documents (courtesy clamen)

Spunk Library (anarchist and related texts; in the Netherlands)

Thomas (US laws and legislation)



منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

A-Z World Constitutions

American Government & Politics at ThisNation.com
Canadian Government Information
Congressional Directory

Congressional Universe

CQ Weekly

Fifty States and Capitals

Foreign Government Resources on the Web    

Government Documents: General Resources

Governments on the WWW

Keele Guide to Political Thought and Ideology on the Internet

PoliSci.com: The Political Reference Almanac

Poly-Cy Guide to Internet Resources for Political Science - ...

Political Philosophy Resources (Page from Louisiana State University)

Political Theory Webliography (List of links maintained by Louisiana

Political Database of the Americas

Political Reference Almanac

Reference by Subjects: Law and Politics

Thomas - Legislative Information

U.S. Government Manual

U.S. States and Territories

World News Connection (formerly FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service)


موسسات و سازمان ها:

The United Nations. It's your world.

American Political Science Association

International Political Science Association

Canadian Political Science Association

Midwest Political Science Association

Southern Political Science Association

Political Methodology

International Studies Association

Peace Science Society International

Peace Studies

International Political Economy

Regional and State Political Science Organizations

APSA's State Politics and Policy Section Web Site

APSA's Policy Section

European Consortium for Political Research

Center for Responsive Politics


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

McGill University Department of Political Sciences

WWW-VL: Departments of Political Science & Governments

WCSU Department of Social Sciences

GradSchools.Com: Political Science Graduate Programs

James Madison Memorial (Teacher) Fellowship Foundation

WCSU: BA/BS in Political Science & BA/BS in Social Sciences

WCSU Political Science Courses.

ECSU; CCSU; SCSU (Political Science at sister campuses)

Online Course Index

همايش ها:

List of conferences (past and upcoming) via allconferences.net

More list of conferences


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