لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته علوم (عمومي)


منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم (عمومي)


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Academic Info Science Gateway

Gateways to science on the Internet
Science and Math Gateways
US Government science and technology web gateways and portals
Mathematics & Science
Gateways to Science

فهرست موضوعي:



Genetics & Genome Projects


General Science & Technology


Geology & Geosciences; Free Professional papers

Atmospheric Sciences

Health & Medicine


Mathematics; more online books; Cornell University Online Books


Mental Health




Nutrition & Food Science





Computer Science

Polar Studies



Environmental Science

Science Education






موتورهاي جستجو:

Science search engines

Science search engines from Complet Planet


نشريات و كتاب ها:

·         DRI News (1995 - )

·         Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics (2001 - )

·         História, Ciências, Saúde (1999 - ) SciELO Brazil

·         Journal of Technology Education (1989 - )

·         Journal of Technology Studies (1996 - )

·         Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (1990 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

·         Technology Source (1997 - )


Ingenta Access to Online Journals in all fields of science

Science and Engineering Library (more than 950 journals mostly full text from University of Buffalo)

Electronic Journals from Institute of Physics Publishing: Current ...

Synergy/Blackwell Science Journals: Access to the full text of over 290 Blackwell Science journals. Personal login feature for free e-mail table of contents alerts and other services. 1998 to the present

National Academy Press Books Online (2,500 free titles)






منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Aldrich On-Line Catalog

This site is a searchable version of Aldrich's well-known chemical catalog. Search results include CAS registry numbers, melting point, boiling point, density, formula weight and more.

Astronomical constants from NASA

Cambridge Soft Corporation ChemFinder Databank

Chemicool Periodic Table

From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.This periodic table includes information about the elements which falls in the following categories: General, States, Energies, Oxidation & Electrons, Appearance & Characteristics, Reactions, Other Forms, Radius, Conductivity, Abundance.

Conversion Factors

(from Washington State Department of Transportation)"The following list provides the conversion relationship between U.S. customary units and SI (International System) units."

Fundemental Physical Constants (1986 CODATA)

How Things Work

(by Louis A. Bloomfield at the University of Virginia)Ask a question about the physics and science of everyday life--from falling balls to medical imaging--or browse through previously asked and answered questions.

Index of Chemical Properties -- Science and Engineering Reference

A searchable database of books in our Reference collection that contain property data. This resource does not include the actual data tables but indicates which books contain specific properties for classes of substances.

Merck Manual

NIST Chemistry WebBook

The Periodic Table of the Elements (Los Alamos)

Physical Reference Data

(from the National Institute of Standards and Technology) Provides physical reference data including fundamental physical constants, atomic spectroscopic data, molecular spectroscopic data, and much more.

Sigma Chemical Company product info (like Aldrich catalog)

Sun or Moon Rise/Set Table

(from the U.S. Naval Observatory) Provides "a table of the times of sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, or the beginning and end of twilight, for one year" for U.S. cities.

WebElements: Periodic Table with Data

WebElements (by Mark Winter at Sheffield University) This periodic table includes information on atomic number, atomic symbol, molecular weight, color, radii, bond enthalpies, melting and boiling points, isotopic abundance and more.

WWW Chemical Structures Database

موسسات و سازمان ها:



مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Hot Links to Math and Science Education!

List of Schools with Computer Science Departments

Shortcuts to Physics, Engineering, and Mathematics Departments

Some University Food Science Departments outside the UK
European Geoscience University Departments


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Computer Science|Discussion Groups

Usenet Discussion Groups: Geology

BGfL: Science discussion groups
Kovacs Guide to Discussion Groups in Sciences


فهرست عنواني:

Astronomical Constants and Equations from NASA

Atomic Spectroscopic Data

Ceramics WebBook: Evaluated Databases

Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia

CODATA-Committee on Data for Science and Technology

Conversion Calculator Temperature Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin

Copper and Copper Alloy Corrosion Resistance Database

CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics

CSIRO Australia

Ecotox Database System US Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Resources Information Network

Ergonomics or Human Factors Sites

GAMS: Guide to Available Mathematical Software

Gibbs Free Energy Graphing Applet

Health on the Net

Human-Computer Interface


International Atomic Energy Agency Worldatom

Land Surveying and Geomatics Online Resources

Material Safety Data Sheet Searches

MathPages includes History of Mathematics

MatWeb - Online Materials Information

Messier Catalog Astronomy

Metal Industry Indicators (US)

Metal Prices.Com Prices for Metals Scrap Metals and Related Elements

Moon Phases for 1999

National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Collection

Oil Properties Database

Particle Physics Introduction

Phase Diagram Web

Physics and Astronomy Classicification Scheme (PACS) 1999

PhysicsWeb the Institute of Physics Web Site for Physicists

Polymer Search on the Web

Polymers on the Web Information About

Safety Links on the Net

Science.com.au. Scientific Supplies Jobs and Events

Society of Exploration Geophysicists Includes Publications Index

SPIE Proceedings Pre 1991

SPIE Publications 1991+International Society for Optical Engineering

Stainless in Australia ASSDA

Steel Grades

Superplasticity on the Web

Vision Science on the Internet

World Climate: Weather rainfall and temperature data

World Metals Information Network

World Steel Online


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