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منابع وبي مرتبط با گياه شناسي (علوم گياهي)


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

·        Internet Directory for Botany

·        BUBL Links for Botany

·        Plant Link: Using an extremely sophisticated search capability based on specified plant characteristics, this site allows users to simultaneously employ 10 of the most powerful search tools on the Internet to locate and form links to the URLs that specifically meet the specified criteria.

·        The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book (PPIGB): A subject-oriented guide for Internet-based resources in the subjects of phytopathology, applied entomology and all related sciences. A work in progress, the site currently reviews and annotates some 2000 web sites drawn from more than 20 disciplines.

·        Scott's Botanical Links: Annotated , rated, and searchable collection of botany-related Internet sites, selected with the advanced high school or college student in mind. A new site is added daily

فهرست موضوعي:

·        Scott's Botanical Links - Subject Index

·        Turfgrass


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

·        Internet Directory for Botany - Index to botanical information available on the Internet.

·        Plant Biology Index - Contains information related to Plant Biology and other related fields. You can search for a specific topic or browse keywords by letter.

·        Plants National Database - A single source of standardized information about plants. This database focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. The database includes names, checklists, automated tools, identification information, species abstracts, distributional data, crop information, plant symbols, plant growth data, plant materials information, plant links, references, and other plant information.
Scott's Botanical Links - Databases

·        EPA ECOTOX Database System - database of toxicologically active chemicals on plants

·        JSTOR - historical botany and scientific journals

·        AGRICOLA - scientific literature database

·        Index to American Botanical Literature - literature searches from 1999

·        Plant Viruses Online - virus database with information on host susceptibility and relationships, with electronmicrograph images, DNA sequences, other info

·        International Plant Names Index (IPNI) - names and associated bibliography of primary sources for plant taxa

·        Plant Kaleidoscope - database of cultivated rare and unusual plants in Europe

·        HortPlex Plant Database - search plants by scientific or common name

·        Botanical Society of America Online Image Collection - instructional images

·        British Wildflowers Online - search engine driven site for identification of wildflowers

·        Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System - databases to common poisonous plants found in the home and outdoors in Canada

·        University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN) - model bryophyte, fungi and vascular plant herbarium site, with maps and database

·        DRYAD - a database of trees - search trees by genus or characteristics

·        Taxonomy of Landscape Plants - nomenclature & identification site with database of ornamental plants; useful taxonomic links

·        Poisonous Plants of Nova Scotia - medicines, toxins and poisons from native plants

·        Plants Toxic to Animals - databases to common poisonous plants found outdoors

·        Atlas Florae Europaeae Database - software for mapping and analyzing plant distribution, w/ statistical tools

·        Plant Names Project - implementation of a project for the 2000s

·        Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps - encyclopedic set of map links, including fossils

·        Agricultural Network Information Center - online references for plant information

·        Pictorial databases: Hundreds of websites for plants images

·        Papers for Botany Education

·        AGRICOLA (US National Agricultural Library's (NAL). AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a machine-readable database of bibliographic records created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators.

·        Annotated Bibliography of the Gesneriaceae, USA. This bibliography was developed in the Department of Botany, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, to facilitate taxonomic research on the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae.

·        article@INIST - The library catalogue of the Scientific and Technical Institute (France). Free access and consultation of the INIST international collections. Documents from periodicals (serials), theses or congresses, with focus on : biology, botany, agronomic, plant genetics. Ordering and delivering of document copies.

·        Autecological Index. An index to the autecological literature of vascular plants. Papers which contain substantive information about individual species are indexed by species. The site also has a list of detailed autecological accounts of species (biological floras).

Maintained by Mark Atkinson.

·        Bibliography of Genetic Variation in Natural Population. This bibliography was compiled by Fred Allendorf of the Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana. The bibliography is searchable, and has over 33,000 citations (October 1997).

·        BIOSIS. BIOSIS, established in 1926, is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster the growth, communication and use of biological knowledge for the common good. By accumulating the world's largest collection of abstracts and bibliographic references to worldwide biological and medical literature and organizing this information for easy access, BIOSIS provides vital sources of information for life scientists.

·        Canadian Botanical Specialists and Literature. The information on Canadian Botanists has been compiled by E. Small, J. Cayouette, B. Brookes, and W. Wojtas of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Branch, Central Experimental Farm, Biological Resources Division, Ottawa.

·        CARL UnCover. Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries: periodical index/document delivery service. Many of the databases of the CARL Corporation require a password and a licensing fee. However, there are a number of library catalogs and free databases available.

·        CATALPA, Catalog for Library Public Access - the on-line literature database of the New York Botanical Garden, USA

·        Conservation Bibliography searchable literature database on gopher, from the Smithsonian Institution, USA. The Conservation Bibliography, which has been published in the 140 issues of the Biological Conservation Newsletter, includes over 8,000 references to literature on conservation biology. These references have been obtained from a weekly review of the new journals and books received by the Smithsonian Institution's Botany and Natural History libraries and from suggestions submitted by subscribers to the newsletter.

·        Ecosystem Management Bibliographic Database, Forestry Library, College of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota, USA. The database contains more than 1,000 citations for both social science and biophysical literature, accessible to full text searches.

International Academy at Santa Barbara, IASB, California, USA, has a large Environmental Periodicals Bibliography. The vast database that has been created during this time contains more than half a million indexed citations to articles from scientific, technical, and popular journals, spanning the whole range of environmental topics. Nearly 500 journals are currently covered comprehensively.

·        IRRO Databases for Information Resources, from Brazil. IRRO is an information network, run on a non-profit basis, which aims to provide access to all types of information relevant to the release of animals, plants and microorganisms into the environment. IRRO is an acronym for the Information Resource for the Release of Organisms to the Environment. IRRO's secretariat is located in Sheffield at the MSDN, Microbial Strain Data Network (msdn@sheffield.ac.uk), and the host of IRRO's on-line system is located at BDT (Base de Dados Tropical), in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Databases include IRRO Directory of Information Resources, BIOCAT database on insect control, OECD Biotrack database of releases, UNIDO Code of Conduct for Environmental Releases of GMOs, OECD Compendium of Methods for Monitoring Organisms in the Environment.

·        Journals Browse (Life Sciences), gopher in France.

·        Kluge's Phylogenetic Database by the Willi Hennig Society

·        Library catalogues of the British Museum of Natural History via telnet, UK. Login as libcat. The online catalogue allows you to search by author, title, series, subject term and keyword.

·        Library of the Oslo Botanical Garden and Museum, Norway.

·        Literaturdatenbank zur Vegetationsökologie Mitteleuropas. A literature database for the vegetation ecology of Central Europe of the University Library Braunschweig (Germany) currently containing some 3700 titles (in June '98).

·        W3VAST Bibliography (Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, USA). A web interface for querying the Vascular Plant Bibliography used by all TROPICOS databases to link literature-based project information. In April 1998 there were nearly 54,000 bibliographic items available.


 نشريات و كتاب ها:

·        Electronic Sites of Botany, Plant Biology & Science Journals

.        Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network

·        American Society of Plant Taxonomists Publications. This search provides access to the ASPT journal, Systematic Botany and all issues of Brittonia that were published under the auspices of the ASPT (start to 1976).

·        Biodiversity Journals and Newsletters

·        Environmental Information Sources, ERIN, Australia

·        Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, a research division of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, specializes in the history of botany and serves the international scientific community through research and documentation. Hunt Institute conducts research projects, provides information services and research assistance, produces exhibitions and publications, and offers photographic and photocopying services. - Huntia, Hunt Institute's scholarly journal, publishes a variety of articles on all aspects of botanical history and documentation, including exploration, art, literature, biography, iconography and bibliography. Guidelines for contributors to Huntia and contents of past issues are available at the Hunt Institute site.

·        Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The Lloyd Library and Museum is a 200,000 volume collection largely devoted to pharmacy, botany, and horticulture.

·        National Academy Press - Reading Room: Biology. The publications are available in a variety of formats, including scanned pages of DocuWeb format, hypertext HTML books, and Adobe Acrobat PDF.

·        WWW Virtual Library: Journals, Conferences, and Current Awareness Services (Biosciences), Harvard, USA. Selected on-line journals and periodicals in biology and medicine, journal indexes and databases.


كتاب ها:

·         Biodiversidad de América Latina , Mexico. Full text of the book edited by Dr. Gonzalo Halffter, in Spanish.

·         The Compleat Cladist. The Compleat Cladist: A Primer of Phylogenetic Procedures by E.O. Wiley, D. Siegel-Causey, D.R. Brooks, and V.A. Funk is out of print, but the text can be downloaded from the University of Kansas Natural History Museum. A new edition is expected during 2000. The

·        Exhibits of Rare Books and Art Works at The Holden Arboretum, USA. WWW versions of the of the rare book collection exhibits of the arboretum.

·        Index Holmiensis. A world index to plant distribution maps. Founded in 1969 by Hans Tralau (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden).Index Holmiensis is a world-covering index to distribution maps of vascular plants. Scientific publications from all parts of the world are systematically scanned by an international team of specialists. The index gives full bibliographic references to published distribution maps - local, regional or world-wide - of vascular plant taxa from family level and below, but mainly at the species level. - - - NB. The text is not available via the web site.

·        Missouri Botanical Garden Online Books, USA.

·        The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

·        Rare Books and Artwork at The Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Ohio, USA. General information on the collection of rare books and artwork at The Holden Arboretum. This is the overview with links to the pages on rare book exhibits and classes at The Holden Arboretum.

·        Rhythms in organisms - An introduction for observing, experimenting, recording and analysing. An on-line book (available in html postscript format) by Wolfgang Engelmann, Institut für Botanik, Universität Tübingen (Germany).

·        Vatican Exhibit: Herbals by University of Illinois, USA.


نشريات و لوح هاي فشرده:

·        Abstracta Botanica. Published by the Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary in cooperation with Opulus Press, Uppsala, Sweden.

·        Acta Botánica Mexicana

·         Acta Botanica Neerlandica

·         Acta Botanica Sinica by Botanical Society of China. Acta Botanica Sinica is the official publication of Botanical Society of China. Founded in 1952, it has become a monthly journal. It publishes original papers, brief reports and reviews on all aspects of plant sciences. The scope of this journal extends from modern plant science to classical botany. Papers in Chinese are published with English abstracts, the figures and tables of results are accompanied by English illustrations as well.

·         Acta Forestalia Fennica, Finland. Acta Forestalia Fennica publishes monographs in forest science.

·         Acta Phytogeographica Suecica, Sweden.

·         Actinomycetes journal

·         The Amateurs' Digest, Canada. A bi-monthly publication for cactus, succulents, caudiciform plants. Articles, photos, how yo grow information etc.

·         The American Cottage Gardener, USA. A horticultural quarterly exploring the panglobal cottage gardening style from the perspective of North American climate conditions, cultivars and adaptavars.

·         The American Journal of Botany is a journal accepting refereed research papers on all aspects of plant biology, published monthly. In addition to reports of original research in all areas of plant science, the Journal contains Rapid Communications, and Special Papers, which include reviews, critiques and analyses of controversial subjects.

·         American Society of Plant Taxonomists Newsletter, gopher, USA.

·         Annals of Botany, Academic Press, UK.

·         Aquatic Botany, Elsevier, the Netherlands

·         ARCTOA is a Russian bryological journal, published in Moscow University. - (in Russian/partly in English).

·         Arnoldia, quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum

·         The Bean Bag. Gopher version from Cornell, USA.

Bioclimatologia, Mexican journal dealing with climatic conditions which control the distribution of native plants in the state of Veracruz, México.

·        Biodiversity and Conservation

·        Biological Conservation

·        Biological Journal of the Linnean Society /// Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

·        Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

·        Botanica Lithuanica is the quarterly scientific journal of the Institute of Botany, Vilnius University and Vilnius Pedagogical University, started in 1995.

·        Botanica Marina, Berlin, Germany.

·        Botanical Electronic News. BEN is edited by Adolf Ceska (Victoria, B.C., Canada), and the archive of BEN is maintained by Scott Russell (Oklahoma, USA).

·        Botanical Index to the Journal of Henry David Thoreau

·        Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal. RBFV publishes original experimental and theoretical articles and reviews about plant physiology.

·        The Bryologist. The Bryologist is devoted to the study of bryophytes and lichens, and is published quarterly by the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc., Department of Biology, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA. 04240.

·        Canadian Journal of Botany, Canada: guides to authors. / Canadian Journal of Botany, table of contents

·        Chloris chilensis. Revista chilena on line de flora y vegetación

·        Cladistics. The international journal of the Willi Hennig Society.

·        CNYMS, Central New York Mycological Society Newsletter, Mycology, Mushrooms, and Club News, USA.

·        Conservation Biology. The Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

·        Conservation Ecology, USA. A publication of the Ecological Society of America (under construction).

·        CSIRO Publishing. CSIRO publishes the following twelve journals in cooperation with the Australian Academy of Science, under the supervision of the Australian Journals of Scientific Research (AJSR) Board: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, Australian Journal of Botany, Australian Journal of Chemistry , Australian Journal of Physics, Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, Australian Journal of Soil Research, Australian Journal of Zoology, Australian Systematic Botany, Invertebrate Taxonomy, Marine and Freshwater Research, Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Wildlife Research.

·        Current Advances in Ecological and Environmental Sciences

·        DARWIN Multimedia CD-ROM. The Collective Works of Charles Darwin on CD-ROM, Lightbinders Inc., USA.

·        Ecography. The journal is issued by the Nordic Society Oikos, and individual subscribers become members of the society.

·        Ecological Abstracts

·        Ecological Bulletins

·        Ecological Engineering

·        Ecological Modelling

·        EcoLink is a quarterly published journal. Each issue will delve into one ecological topic, including real-life stories, photos, scientific information, and links to related net resources.

·        Ecology and Ecological Monographs

·        Economic Botany Leaflets. Economic Botany Leaflets is a web publication of the Southern Illinois University Herbarium, Carbondale, USA. It is edited by Dr. Donald Ugent and Miriam Kritzer Van Zant. This page deals with news in the field of Economic and Ethnobotany and features editorial articles on these subjects.

·        Edinburgh Journal of Botany. Edinburgh Journal of Botany is an international journal of plant systematics and related aspects of biodiversity, conservation science and phytogeography.

·        Eesti Loodus (Estonia)

·        European Journal of Phycology, UK.

·        European Journal of Plant Pathology

·        European Society for Evolutionary Biology and Journal of Evolutionary Biology. From the University of Basel, Switzerland.

·        Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica, Published: quarterly by The Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pruhonice near Praha.

·        Flora Montiberica. Publicación independiente sobre temas relacionados con la flora de la Cordillera Ibérica (plantas vasculares) (a botanical journal in Spanish).

·        Flora Online, Cornell, USA - a journal for collections-oriented botanical research.

·        Freshwater Biology

·        Functional Ecology. An Official Journal of the British Ecological Society.

·        Fungus, USA. A weekly email newsletter dedicated to specialty mushroom cultivation.

·        The Herb, Spice, and Medicinal Plant Digest, from University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA, is an information source containing reports on the production, chemistry, and marketing of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants.

·        HerbalGram, the journal of the American Botanical Council and Herb Research Foundation.

·        Hortus West - A Western North America Native Plant Directory & Journal. Articles about native plants of the West; commercial plant/seed sources for over 2,500 species native to western North America. Published twice a year.

·        International Journal of Forest Genetics

·        IOP (International Organisation of Palaeobotany) Newsletters, UK. The International Organisation of Palaeobotany publishes three newsletters a year and these are sent to all members. As an experiment the latest newsletters are being presented in this new format on the WWW.

·        IPS Principes, USA. A quarterly published journal of the International Palm Society.

·        Journal of Applied Ecology. An Official Journal of the British Ecological Society.

·        Journal of Applied Phycology, gopher, UK.

·        Journal of Biogeography

·        Journal of Cereal Science. The Journal of Cereal Science was established in 1983 to provide an international forum for the publication of original research papers of high standing covering all aspects of cereal science related to the functional and nutritional quality of cereal grains and their products. The journal also publishes concise and critical review articles appraising the status and future directions of specific areas of cereal science and short rapid communications that present news of important advances in research.

·        Journal of Coastal Conservation. Official scientific organ of the European Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC).

·        The Journal of Experimental Botany, from Oxford, UK.

·        Journal of Phycology Online, bi-monthly publication of the Phycological Society of America

·        The Journal of Plankton Research, from Oxford, UK.

·        Journal of Vegetation Science. Official organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS). Published by Opulus Press in Uppsala, Sweden (journals and books on ecology). Editorial board, Department of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University. Artciles on plant ecology, plant population, phytosociology, community structure and dynamics succession, palaeoecology, plant geography, methodology and theory.

·        Lasianthera - the scientific journal for the Orchidaceae of Papua and New Guinea

·        Lichenologist journal.

·        Limprichtia publishes bryological papers concerning Central Europe.

·        Lindbergia is a journal issued by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Bryologists from all countries are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology.

·        The Linnean Online. Newsletter and proceedings of the Linnean Society of London

·        Lotus Newsletter. The Lotus Newsletter consists of informal communications of research information on Lotus. Reports of any phase of research on Lotus breeding, genetics, taxonomy, management, utilization or physiology are welcome.

·        MediaFinder - Magazines: Botany, New York, USA.Users can request free sample issues of botany related magazines newsletters andcatalogs from MediaFinder. Also available: MediaFinder - Magazines: Gardening & Horticulture, MediaFinder - Newsletters: Botany, MediaFinder - Newsletters: Gardening & Horticulture.

·        Molecular Plant Pathology On-Line. An international on-line journal edited and published by the British Society for Plant Pathology, UK.

·        Mycosystema: Annual report of Systematic Mycology & Lichenology Laboratory, Beijing, China

·        Mycotaxon. Mycotaxon is a scientific journal devoted exclusively to the taxonomy and nomenclature of fungi (including lichens).

·        Nature - International weekly journal of science (Europe) - Nature - International weekly journal of science (NA)

·        The New Mexico Botanist (newsletter)

·        The New Phytologist. The New Phytologist publishes commissioned (Tansley) reviews, submitted reviews, research papers and book reviews on all aspects of the plant sciences. Its special strengths reflect the wide interests of its editors and international editorial board - plant physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, cell physiology, ultrastructure, ecology, lichenology, bryology, mycology, phycology, molecular biology, cyanobacteriology, mutualistic symbioses, the history of vegetation, and the responses of plants to pathogens and pollutants.

·        New Zealand Journal of Botany

·        Newsletter of the Ann Arbor Orchid Society, USA

·        The Newsletter of the Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association, Australia. The Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association Inc. (IFFA) is dedicated to the conservation of the indigenous Australasian biota.

·        Newsletter - International Association for Vegetation Science North American Section and Ecological Society of America Vegetation Section, Fall 1995. - USA

·        Newsletter of the National Biological Information Infrastructure, USA

·        Oikos. There are 9 issues annually comprising not less than 1400 pages. The journal is issued by the Nordic Society Oikos, and individual subscribers become members of the society.

·        Orchadian, Australia. The journal of the Australasian Native Orchid Society that includes scientific, cultural and conservation articles.

·        Orchids Australia, official publication of the Australian Orchid Council Inc.

·        Orchids of the Tropical New World - Icones Plantarum Tropicarum (Series I & II) and Icones Orchidacearum Collections CD-ROM, Lightbinders Inc., USA.

·        Orchid Research Newsletters, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK.

·        Oregon Flora On-Line Newsletter by Oregon State University Herbarium, USA.

·        Phycologia. Published by the International Phycological Society, Phycologia is a bimonthly journal that serves as a publishing medium for information about any aspect of phycology.

·        Phycological Newsletter. A publication of the Phycological Society of America.

·        Physiologia Plantarum. An International Journal of Experimental Plant Biology, published by the Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology.

·        Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology

·        Phytologia Balcania. Phytologia Balcanica (PhB) is an international journal publishing the results of research on Balkan flora and vegetation.

·        Phytoparasitica, the Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences

·        Plant Cuttings, an on-line newsletter by Department of Botany, Natural History Museum, London. Plant Cuttings brings together highlights of current botanical research at the Museum, recent events and news of botanists working behind the scenes. Plant Cuttings will initially be issued once every six months.

·        Plant Disease. Plant Disease is an international journal of applied plant pathology.

·        Plant Gene Register - University of Nebraska & Ophelia Publishing, USA

·        Plant Pathology. An international journal edited by the British Society for Plant Pathology.

·        Plant and Soil. An International Journal on Plant-Soil Relationships (from a gopher in the Netherlands)

·        Plant Physiology. A journal of the American Society of Plant Physiologists which covers biochemistry, enzymology, environmental and stress physiology, growth regulation.

·         POLIBOTANICA, a botanic journal in Mexico, published quarterly.

·        The Protocol Journal of Botanical Medicine by Herbal Research Publications, Inc., USA. The journal includes botanical analogs for the conventional drugs used today and a compilation of the most thoroughly researched botanical protocols. The format is easy to use in daily practice. The journal provides therapeutic approaches to specific disorders and specific condition reviews.

·        Publications of The Botanical Research Institute of Texas, USA: Sida, Contributions to Botany and Sida, Botanical Miscellany (SBM) Homepage

·        Regensburger Mykologische Schriften (Germany). Die Regensburger Mykologischen Schriften, herausgegeben von A. Bresinsky und H. Besl für die Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft, dienen der Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen zur Floristik, Systematik und Ökologie der Pilze Deutschlands unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Regensburgs und Bayerns.

·        Regnum Vegetabile. A series of publications for the use of plant taxonomists published under the auspices of the IAPT (International Association for Plant Taxonomy).

·        The Resistant Pest Management Newsletter

·        The Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology is an international peer-reviewed journal on Palaeobotany and Palynology. This web site includes a table of contents starting in 1995 and further information about the journal.

·        Restoration Ecology. The Official Journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration.

·        Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

·        Revista Gayana Botánica (Chile)

·        Scientific Journals: Botany, Plant Science, Crop Science, Soil Science. Links to botanical journals on the web. Site also covers crop science, soil science, forestry, horticulture, plant protection, genetics, ecology and hydrology.

·        Society for Economic Botany Editorial Offices. These pages provide access to the Editor (Lawrence Kaplan) and Book Review Editor (Daniel F. Austin) of the journal Economic Botany. Additional data are provided on editorial policy for the journal, a list of books available for review, and links to the Home Pages of the Society at New York Botanical Garden and Southern Illinois University.

·        Sommerfeltia is a series of monographs in plant taxonomy, phytogeography, phytosociology, plant ecology, plant morphology, and evolutionary botany. Editorial Board: Scientific staff of the Botanical Garden and Museum, Oslo, Norway.

·        Spores Afield, the monthly newsletter of the Colorado Mycological Society (gopher), USA.

·        Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, Sweden.

·        Systematic Biology, from University of Texas, USA. Systematic Biology is the quarterly journal for the Society of Systematic Biologists.

·        Systematic Botany Monographs. The information about the series is maintained at the University of Michigan Herbarium and also linked to the Web site for the ASPT (American Society of Plant Taxonomists. Guidelines for authors, the SBM catalog, and ordering form, as well as a link to the ASPT homepage.

·        TAXON, journal of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy and is devoted to systematic and evolutionary biology with emphasis on botany. It is published quarterly by the International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Germany.

·        Telopea. Telopea is published by the National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney. It covers the field of systematic botany in Australia specialising in the flora of New South Wales.

·        Traditional Gardening: A Journal of Practical Information on Creating and Restoring Classic Gardens. This is the Internet version of a US gardening journal that concentrates on traditional gardening techniques of interest to historical preservationists, as well as the average gardener who would like to approach their garden with an eye toward classical authenticity.

·        Tree Physiology, Canada. Tree Physiology is a refereed journal, published monthly and distributed in over 60 countries. It publishes both technical reviews and original research reports on all aspects of tree physiology including: responses of forest, crop and ornamental tree species to acid rain, air pollutants, ultraviolet radiation and global warming; the genetic transformation and micropropagation of trees; tree growth, reproduction, nutrition, photosynthesis, and environmental adaptation; and the relation between tree structure and function.

·        Trends in Ecology and Evolution

·        Trends in Plant Science. Launched in 1996, Trends in Plant Science is an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion and analysis of recent developments in plant science.

·        Tropical Biodiversity, journal of the Indonesian Foundation for the Advancement of Biological Sciences

·        Tropical Bryology. An international journal on the biology of tropical bryophytes and lichens.

·        Tropical Fruits News Magazine. Tropical Fruit News Magazine Online features articles on their cookbook, advice for travelers (about importing plants), Rare Fruit Council International (RFCI) and its chapters, Cherry of the Rio Grande (about the Med fly), indexes to prior printed volumes, a "letter from Haiti", market place, lingaro and rare seeds.

·        Turkish Journal of Botany

·        Vegetable Bytes. Vegetable and Row Crop Newsletter from the University of California, Cooperative Extension in Sutter and Yuba County, USA. Vegetable Bytes is edited by Michael Cahn, the Vegetable and Row Crop Farm Advisor for Sutter and Yuba Counties.

·        Vegetatio. International Journal of Plant Ecology, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands

·        Weed Research. Weed Research is an international journal in which are published papers, in the English language, concerned with the study of weeds and their control, and related topics. It is sponsored by and is the official journal of the European Weed Research Society.

·        Weeds World, The International Electronic Arabidopsis Newsletter, UK.

·         Wetlands, The Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists.

·        Willdenowia is a botanical journal published by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. The website contains instructions to authors, tables of contents, subscribing information and electronicaly available articles.

·        The World Wide Web Journal of Biology, USA. An international monthly publication of Electronic Press Inc., calling for manuscripts.

·        [PDF]Journal Citation Studies. 18. Highly Cited Botany Journals.



منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

General Plant Resources

General Plant Resources are web sites that contain information about many different plant topics. A website listed in this area may contain reference materials such as separate databases for fungi, flowering plants and trees. In addition, sites in this section may contain information devoted to general plant research across several disciplines.

·         Agripedia (University of Kentucky)

·         All Living Things (Discover Life)

·         BIOME

·         Biodiversity on the Internet

·         Native Plant Guide (e-Nature.com)

·         The Spectacular Diversity of New Zealand's Plants

·         Non-Vascular Plants (University of North Alabama)

·         Plant Facts (Ohio State university)

·         SimSphere Workbook (Penn State)

·         Tree of Life T


·         The Global Network for Taxonomy (BioNet International) BioNET-INTERNATIONAL CARINET: The Biosystematics network of the Caribbean; EASIANET: The East Asian Loop of BioNet; EAFRINET: The Biosystematics Network of East Africa; and SAFRINET: The Southern Africa Development Community.

·         Annuals and Perennials: Scientific Names (American Society for Horicultural Science)

·         Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum) (IAPT, Smithsonian Institution) Index Nominum

·         International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI) The International Organization for

·         International Plant Names Index (Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, Harvard University Herbaria, and Austrailian National Herbarium)

·         International Association for Plant Taxonomy (University of Vienna)

·         The International Plant Names Index (Royal Botanic Gardens, Harvard University and Austrailian Herbarium)

·         Journey into Phylogenetic Systematics (Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley)

·         Phylogenetics Resources (Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley)

·         PLANTS (US Department of Agriculture)

·         Provisional Global Plant Checklist (International Organization for Plant Information)

·         Species 2000 (Species 2000, ITIS) 

·         Specimen Management System for California Herbaria (SMASCH) (UC Berkley, University Herbarium, and Jepsom Herbarium)

·         A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland (North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of California at Berkeley)

·         Systematic Biology: Botany (Smithsonian Institution)

·         Systematics (National Biological Information Infrastructure)

·         W3 Tropicos (Missouri Botanical Gardens)

Plant Identification Tools:

·         eNature (eNature.com)

·         Flora Search (Reticule.com)

·         Introduction to Tree Identification (Fleming College, Ontario)

·         Identification of Common Trees in Iowa (Iowa State University)

·         Tree Identification and Dendrology

·         TreeBase (University at Buffalo)

·         TreeGuide

·         Trees of the Pacific Northwest (University of Oregon)

·         Weed Identification Guide (Virginia Tech)

·         What Tree Is It? (Ohio Historical Society)

·         Wildflower Identification

General Plant Databases:

·         Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute of Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, and the Florida Center for Community Design and Research)

·         Carnivorous Plant Database (Agilent Labs)

·         Catalog of New World Grasses

·         Flora of Europe

·         Flora of North America

·         NatureServe Explorer

·         NeoFlora: The World's Largest Plant Database

·         Plant Facts (Ohio State University )

·         PLANTS (US Department of Agriculture)

·         Species (Plants for a Future)

·         GeoSpatial Information:

·         Atlas Florae Europaeae Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki)

·         Checklist of OnLine Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps (University of California, Berkeley)

·         Gap Analysis Program (US Geological Survey, University of Idaho)

·         A High Resolution National Map of Vegetation Ecoregions (University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

·         Southwest Exotic Plant Information Database (US Geological Survey)

·         USGS-NPS: Vegetation Mapping Program (U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service)

General Image Collections:

·         Angiosperm Images by Family (Albion College)

·         Botanical Society of America Online Image Collection (Botanical Society of America))

·         CalFlora Botanical Data Overview (University of California, Berkeley)

·         Catalog of Botanical Illustrations (Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History)

·         Gallery of Illinois Plants (Illinois Natural History Survey and USDA Forest Service)

·         PLANTS (US Department of Agriculture)

·         Vascular Plant Family Access Page (University of Hawaii)

·         Vascular Plant Image Gallery (Texas A&M University)

·         Biodiversity: The Plant Kingdom (University of the West Indies)

·         Botany On-Line: The Internet Hypertextbook (University of Hamburg, Germany)

·         General Plant Biology (Ohio State University)

·         Kimball's Biology Pages (John W. Kimball)

·         On-Line Biology Book (Estrella Mountain Community College, Arizona)

·         The Plant Kingdom (Natural Perspective)

Websites with Extensive Botanical Links:

·         All Species Foundations Links

·         Biology Web Site References

·         Botany (Awesome Library)

·         Botany

·         Botany and Plant Pathology (Perdue University)

·         Botany Digital Library (Academic Info)

·         Botany Related UseNet Newsgroups (University of Oklahoma)

·         Botany Resources (Biodiversity and Biological Collections WebServer)

·         Conservation Biology (Center for Conservation Biology Network)

·         Directory of Environmental Science Websites (Biodiversity on the Internet)

·         Electronic Sites of Leading Botany, Plant Biology, and Science Journals

·         Internet Directory for Botany (Harvard University Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden)

·         Open Directory: Botany (Open Directory Project)

·         PLANTS Links (US Department of Agriculture)

·         Plant Biology Index (PlantBiology.com)

·         Plant Systematics and Evolution Links (Texas A&M University)

·         Scott's Botanical Links (University of Oklahoma)

·         Vitual Library of Botany (WWW Virtual Library)

Dictionaries, Glossaries, Encyclopedias

·         Agropedia (University of Kentucky)

·         Annuals and Perennials: Scientific Names (American Society for Horitcultural Science)

·         Aquatic, Wetland, and Invasive Plant Glossary (University of Florida)

·         Biography

·         Biographical Dictionary

·         Botanical Glossaries (Center for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australia)

·         Botanical Latin Page

·         Botany (YourDictionary.com)

·         Botanical glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.

·         Botanical name roots dictionary. Search only.

·         Bryological Glossary (Missouri Botanical Garden)

·         Cytology and Meristems Vocabulary (Connecticut State University)

·         Encyclopedia.com

·         Encyclopedia of Plants (Botany.Com)

·         Encyclopedia of Trees

·         Garden Web Glossary

·         Genetics Glossary (University of Edinburgh)

·         Glossary of Natural History Terms: Botany (Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley)

·         Glossary of Roots of Botanical Names (Garden Gate)

·         Gardener's Dictionary and Plant Name Finder (National Gardening)

·         Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Portland Press)

·         Glossary of Crop Science Terms (Crop Science Society of America)

·         Glossary for Plant Morphology (California State Polytechnic University)

·         History of Horticulture (Ohio State University)

·         Illustrated Encyclopedia of Forage Crop Diseases (National Grassland Research Institute

·         (NGRI))

·         Life Science Dictionary (Biotech)

·         On-Line Glossary of Technical Terms in Plant Pathology (Cornell University)

·         Plant Anatomy Glossary

·         Plant Anatomy Glossary (University of Rhode Island)

·         Plant Dictionary (Ohio State University)

·         Plant Glossary (Enchanted Learning)

·         Science Biographies

·         Scientific Biography

·         Talking Glossary (National Human Genome Research Center)

·         Tutorial Material for Botanists (National Biological Information Infrastructure)

·         Virtual Palm Encyclopedia (Palm and Cycad Societies of Florida)

·         WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia

·         World Dictionary of Trees (Laval University, Quebec)


·         Metadata (National Biological Information Infrastructure)


موسسات و سازمان ها:

·         American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS)

·         American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)

·         Australian Systematic Botany Society

·         Botanical Society of America

·         Botanical Society of the British Isles

·         California Botanical Society

·         International Association for Plant Taxonomy

·         International Association of Vegetation Science

·         Southern Appalachian Botanical Society

Paleobotany:  (6)

·         American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP) -

·         International Federation of Palynological Societies

·         International Fossil Algae Association -

·         International Organisation of Palaeobotany

·         Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America -

·         WWU Münster - The Palaeobotanical Research Group of this German university. Research mainly involves Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic flora.


Plant Pathology:  (13)

·         American Phytopathological Society

·         Australasian Plant Pathology Society

·         British Society for Plant Pathology

·         European Foundation for Plant Pathology

·         German Phytomedical Society

·         International Society of Plant Pathology

·         Italian Phytopathological Society

·         Mediterranean Phytopathological Union

·         New Zealand Plant Protection Society

·         Phytopathological Society of Japan

·         Polish Phytopathological Society -

·         Southern African Society for Plant Pathology

·         Swiss Society for Phytiatry


Plant Physiology:  (5)

·         Australian Society of Plant Physiologists

·         Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology (FESPP)

·         Italian Society of Plant Physiology

·         Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Homepage

·         Societas Physiologiae Plantarum Scandinavica


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

·        Arizona State University - Photosynthesis Center

·        Arizona State University - Plant Biology@

·        Brigham Young University

·        Charles University (Czech Republic) - teaching and research institute studying systematics and ecology of vascular and non-vascular plants.

·        Curtin University of Technology - School of Environmental Biology

·        Gِteborg University - Botanical Institute@

·        La Trobe University

·         Lincoln University (New Zealand) - Plant Sciences Group

·        Louisiana State - Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology

·        Lund University - Plant Cell Biology

·        Miami University of Ohio

·        Michigan State University

·        Michigan State University-DOE Plant Research Laboratory - offers graduate studies in experimental plant biology, biochemistry, and genetics.

·        National University of Ireland, Galway

·        Ohio State University - Plant Biology

·        Ohio Wesleyan University - Department of Botany & Microbiology@

·        Oregon State University - Botany and Plant Pathology@

·        Oxford University - Plant Sciences

·        Purdue University - Botany and Plant Pathology@

·        Reading University - School of Plant Sciences - comprises agricultural botany, botany, and horticulture and landscape.

·        Rhodes University

·        Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University aboratory of Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition - Information about scientific subjects, teaching subjects, staff, and publication list.

·        Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen - research program including biotechnology laboratory, plant biochemistry, and plant anatomy.

·        Stellenbosch University

·        Tel Aviv University, Israel

·        Trinity College Dublin

·        UC Riverside Botany and Plant Sciences@

·        University of Aarhus - Plant Ecology - concentrated on ecology and ecophysiology of aquatic macrophytes and wetlands.

·         University of British Columbia

·        University of California, Berkeley - Plant & Microbial Biology

·        University of California, Davis - Plant Biology

·        University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) - Plant Sciences@

·        University of Canterbury

·        University of Cape Town

·        University of Copenhagen (Denmark) - Plant Physiology

·        University of Delaware - Plant Biology and Biotechnology

·        University of Fribourg (Switzerland) - Plant Biology

·        University of Georgia

·        University of Guelph - Botany

·        University of Hawaii at Manoa

·        University of Kentucky - Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Program

·        University of Manitoba

·        University of Massachusetts Amherst - Plant Biology Graduate Program

·        University of Melbourne@

·        University of New England

·        University of New Hampshire - Plant Biology

·        University of Oklahoma - Botany and Microbiology

·        University of Otago (NZ) - Department of Botany

·        University of Port Elizabeth

·        University of Pretoria - meet the staff of the department, see what they are doing and what they have published recently. Also, you can take a walk through the botanical garden or choose a course to follow.

·        University of Queensland

·        University of South Florida - Institute for Systematic Botany - established in 1990 with the mission to promote basic research in plant systematics.

·         University of Tasmania

·        University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Department of Botany@

·        University of Texas, Austin - Botany Department

·        University of the Western Cape

·        University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)

·        University of Vermont - Botany & Agricultural Biochemistry

·        University of Vienna

·        University of Washington - Department of Botany@

·        University of Western Australia

·        University of Wisconsin, Madison - Department of Botany@

·        University of Wyoming

·        Uppsala University - Ecological Botany - includes course and faculty information and a history of the department.

·        Utah State University - Crop Physiology@

·        Virginia Wesleyan College - Greenhouse - descriptions and images of some of the plants used primarily to teach classes in botany and horticulture.

همايش ها:

·        Botanical Society of America: Conferences
AllConferences.net guide to botany conferences

·        Conferences on Agriculture

·        American Phytopathological Society Meetings - Details of annual meetings with content search of abstracts (1999 to current) and other relevant meetings.

·        American Society of Plant Biologists Meetings

·        British Society for Plant Pathology Meetings - Details on conferences sponsored by the society, and lists other relevant meetings.

·         Canadian Phytopathological Society Meetings - Information on annual meetings, plus links to other related conferences.

·        9th International Congress of Plant Pathology - Contains programs and general information. Torino, Italy. (August 29, 2008)

·        Workshop on Sudden Oak Death - Online papers dealing with the current status of the disease and ongoing research. Contains forum and contributor profiles. (May 4, 2003)

·        15th International Plant Protection Congress - Focuses on the current progress in the plant protection sciences and technology, and its foreseeable development in the 21st century. Contains first circular, slide show, and reply card. Beijing, China. (July 11, 2003)

·        13th International Botrytis Symposium - First announcement. Antalya, Turkey. (October 31, 2004)

·        8th International Congress of Plant Pathology - Focuses on topical issues including host/pathogen interactions, forest pathology, new disease control strategies, epidemiology, and taxonomy of phytopathogens. Christchurch, New Zealand. (February 8, 2003)

·        Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium 2002 - Includes program, summary, and paper and poster abstracts. California, U.S. (December 18, 2002)

·        6th International Conference on Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars and Related Pathogens - Includes programs, registration information, manuscript preparation, general information, and links. Maratea, Potenza, Italy. (September 19, 2002)

·        Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture - Full papers (PDF) presented at the 10th international conference. Weinsberg, Germany. (February 7, 2002)

·        Plant Disease Forecast: Information Technology in Plant Pathology - Main topics include new technologies and models for disease forecast, commercialization of forecasting information, and microclimatic measurement and weather data processing. Scientific schedule, registration form, details on workshops and excursions, abstract instructions with online submission form, and general information. Kyongju, Korea. (October 30, 2001)

·        Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems - Second international meeting on Phytophthora cinnamomi, which has been estimated to directly affect over 2000 of the 9000 native plant species in the Southwest of Western Australia. Contains program and abstracts of papers. Perth and Albany, Western Australia. (October 5, 2001)

·        Instructional Technology in Plant Pathology - Archive of the first online symposium with papers and forum discussions on instructional technology in resource-poor countries, copyright issues, development and support for online courses, and academic recognition. Contains a feedback forum. (June 30, 2001)

·        Australian Potato Research, Development and Technology Transfer Conference - Papers presented on a range of studies on potato diseases. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Adelaide. (August 2, 2000)

·        7th International Congress of Plant Pathology - Content search of abstracts of all papers presented at the conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. Also, contains author index and welcome message from the president/chairman. (August 16, 1998)

·         26th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Botanists, , Potchefstroom, South Africa, January 10-14, 2000.

·         Association of Systematics Collections Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, May 13-15, 2000.

·         World Botanic Gardens Congress, Asheville, North Carolina, USA, June 25-30, 2000.

·         Taxonomy Today: Diversity & the Tree of Life, Reading, England, UK, July 3-5, 2000.

·         Botany 2000: Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 6-10, 2000.

·         3rd Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2000.

·         52nd Congress of the Polish Botanical Society, Poznan, Poland, September 24-28, 2001


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

·        Agriculture, sci.agriculture

·        APS Discussion Groups, hosted by the American Phytopathological Society. Select a conference of interest. Anonymous login or login with password.

·         Arabidopsis, bionet.genome.arabidopsis

·        Biosafety Forum, an online discussion forum developed by Bioline. You can open a new topic or send a comment to a topic. A help file is available.

·        Botany, sci.bio.botany

·        BT Wired, maintained by J. Graeber & D. Dornbos, Norvatis Seeds. A discussion forum on Bacillus thuringensis products from Norvatis Seeds.

·        Discussion Forum of the Bacteriology Committee, American Phytopathological Society, Bacteriology Committee.

·        Ecology, sci.bio.ecology

·        Garden Forum: Pests & Diseases, the Garden Web. This forum is provided for the discussion of all forms of garden pests and plant diseases. Instructions for using this forum is available on the site. You can use the On-Line Form for posting a new message or reply to another. Messages are listed by date or you can also search the hole forum by keyword.

·        IPM Talk. Discuss resources, tools, techniques, and current issues in Integrated Pest Management.

·        Liszt, the mailing list directory. It contains more than 90000 lists, over 90 "science" and 100 "nature" mailing lists. YOu can browse by subject or search by keywords.

·        Microbiology (Bionet), bionet.microbiology

·        Microbiology, sci.bio.microbiology

·        Mycology, bionet.mycology

·        Phytopathology (sci.bio.phytopathology), moderated by T. Kraska, Institute for Plant Diseases, University Bonn, Germany This group is a forum for all plant pathologists including applied entomologists, open to all aspects concerning phytopathology, pests, plant health and plant protection. Click here for more information!

·        SAF Internet Discussion Groups, maintained by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF), Government of Saskatchewan, Canada. In the moment 17 discussion groups on: Ag in the Classroom, Biotechnology, Business, Coffee Talk, Computers, Conferences, Crops, Food, Horticulture, Livestock, Machinery, Marketing, Organic Production, Research, Tillage & Fertilizer, Women in Ag and Water. The groups are searchable by word, sender and date of posting. Not all groups are closely related to plant pathology.

·         Virology, bionet. Virology

·         Wright's Pestlaw Discussion Groups, maintained by J. Wright, PestLaw Online. Two moderated groups are available: Pesticide End-Users (debate and seek information on specific products and other pesticide related issues) and Pesticide Professionals (discuss and debate recent developments as well as regulatory, enforcement, data compensation and other pesticide related issues).



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