edgham sherkatha

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7/16/2011 10:18:05 AM
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edgham sherkatha

sسلام امیدوارم همیشه در پناه حق سلامت باشید و به ارتقا سطح علمی کشورمان کمک کنید.

لطفا 3 مقاله زیر را از سایت siencedirect دانلود کنید

1-does corporate performance improve after mergers

journal of financial economics,volume31.issue2,april1992 pages 135-175       Paul M.Healy,krishna G.Palepu,Richard s.Ruback

2-Is the merger the best way to grow?: Studies cast doubt on this popular approach Original Research Article
Business Horizons, Volume 12, Issue 1, February 1969, Pages 41-50
Samuel R. Reid

3-Sources of gains in horizontal mergers: evidence from customer, supplier, and rival firms Original Research Article
Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 74, Issue 3, December 2004, Pages 423-460
C. Edward Fee, Shawn Thomas

7/16/2011 3:52:32 PM
View user profile for phyco
Total Posts 40

پاسخ: edgham sherkatha

2-Is the merger the best way to grow?: Studies cast doubt on this popular approach Original Research Articl



Sources of gains in horizontal mergers: evidence from customer, supplier, and rival firms Original Research Articl


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