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این 3 تا آدرس در مورد مقاله و کتاب می باشد
لطف می کنید که به صورت کامل قرار دهید
(Assessment of wind energy potential of two sites in North-East, )
(Geothermal energy recovery from underground mines )
(Part II: Renewable Energy)
پاسخ: دانلود مقاله از ScienceDirect
کسی نیست که جواب دهد؟
پاسخ: دانلود مقاله از ScienceDirect
اولین مقاله شما با عنوان
Assessment of wind energy potential of two sites in North-East
The study is used to assess the wind energy potential of Maiduguri and Potiskum, two sites in North-East,
Nigeria. 21 years (1987e2007) monthly mean wind data at 10 m height were assessed from the Nigeria
Meteorological department and subjected to 2-parameter Weibull and other statistical analyzes. The
result showed that average monthly mean wind speed variation for Potiskum ranged from 3.90 to
5.85 m/s, while for Maiduguri, it ranged from 4.35 to 6.33 m/s. Seasonally, data variation between the dry
and wet seasons revealed that, the mean wind speed variation for Potiskum ranged from 4.46 (for dry) to
5.16 m/s (for wet), while for Maiduguri it ranged from 5.10 (dry) to 5.59 m/s (wet). The wind power
density variation based on the Weibull analysis ranged from 102.54 to 300.15 W/m2 for Potiskum and it
ranged from 114.77 to 360.04 W/m2 for Maiduguri respectively. Moreover, Maiduguri was found to be the
better of the sites in terms of monthly and seasonal variation of mean wind speed, but they both can be
suitable for stand alone and medium scale wind power generation.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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salam aya kasi in magharo dare?
Remaining innovative without sacrificing stability: an analysis of strategies in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry that enable firms to overcome inertia resulting from successful market penetration of new product development
Authors: Takayama M.; Watanabe C.; Griffy-Brown C.
پاسخ: دانلود مقاله از ScienceDirect
Remaining innovative without sacrificing stability: an analysis of strategies in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry that enable firms to overcome inertia resulting from successful market penetration of new product development
Authors: Takayama M.; Watanabe C.; Griffy-Brown C
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Remaining innovative without sacrificing stability an analysis of.pdf
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سلام . من تازه عضوم
من مقاله زیر را احتیاج دارم . میشه بفرمایین چندروز طول میکشه تا آپ بشه داخل سایت ؟
Degradation of macrolide antibiotics by ozone: A mechanistic case study with clarithromycin
Macrolide antibiotics are widely used (in the order of 1 g per person per year). They pass the body largely unchanged and are also not degraded in wastewater treatment plants. With not too much effort, they may be eliminated from their effluents by ozonation. The macrolide antibiotics have all a dimethylamino group at one of the carbohydrate residues in common. This functional group is the target of the ozone reaction, and clarithromycin has been selected here for a more detailed study. Since only the free amine reacts with ozone, the rate of reaction is pH dependent (at pH 7: k = 4 × 104 M−1 s−1). In analogy to the ozonolysis of trimethylamine, the main reaction is a transfer of an O-atom yielding the N-oxide (identified by HPLC/MS–MS). A minor product (10%, based on formaldehyde yields) is demethylated clarithromycin (identified by HPLC/MS–MS). The dimethylamino group is thought to be essential for the binding of the macrolide antibiotics to their target. As a consequence, chemical changes of this functional group, notably the formation of the N-oxide that is no longer a proton acceptor, inactivates these drugs as assayed by the suppression of the growth of Pseudomonas putida. This is most important for wastewater treatment, as mineralization of clarithromycin by ozone would require 100 times as much ozone.
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با عرض سلام و خسته نباشید
بنده این دو مقاله رو میخواستم:
Subsoil ridge tillage and lime effects on soil microbial activity, soil pH, erosion, and wheat and pea yield in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Ridge tillage effects on simulated water and heat transport
پاسخ: دانلود مقاله از ScienceDirect
با عرض سلام و خسته نباشید
بنده این دو مقاله رو میخواستم:
Subsoil ridge tillage and lime effects on soil microbial activity, soil pH, erosion, and wheat and pea yield in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Ridge tillage effects on simulated water and heat transport