لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته روانشناسي


منابع وبي مرتبط با روانشناسي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

A comprehensive Gateway to Psychology Resources 

One of the Most comprehensive site for Psychology

Psychology Online Resource Central

Wolfgram Memorial Library Gateway to Psychology

SOSIG Psychology Gateway

Offers access to evaluated and categorized Psychology resources.


Offers access to a searchable catalogue of Internet sites and resources covering the health and life sciences.

LTSN Psychology

Hosted by the University of York the Centre aims to encourage and disseminate good practice in relation to teaching and learning.

Psyc Site -- (Nipissing University, Canada)

AmoebaWeb. Maintained by Professor Douglas Debelman of Vanguard University. In addition to various fields of psychology, it has links to online tests and  graduate programs.

PsychWeb Contains psychology-related information for students and teachers: quizzes, style guides, brochures, books, career information, etc. Created by Professor Russell A. Dewey, Georgia Southern University.

The Psych.com. Extensive links to information on psychology, including products, software, clinics, libraries, and university departments.


فهرست موضوعي:

A Guide to Psychology and Practice


موتورهاي جستجو:

Psychology and Health Search Engines

Search Engines via Psychology Online Resource Central


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Child Abuse & Neglect Covers child abuse and child welfare. (Free)

Alcohol Database Alcohol and Alcohol Problems. (ETOH) (Free)

Hypnosis Research Index on hypnosis and related states (Free)

PsychCrawler. The mental health disorders search engine of the American Psychological Association. Type a search.

Theory Into Practice (TIP) The database contains brief summaries of 50 major theories of learning and instruction. ... This site is hosted by the JSU Encyclopedia of Psychology at www.tip.psychology.org/

e-psyche - database covering psychology and related behavioral ...

state-of-the-art retrieval links, the e-psyche database will be the most comprehensive, cost-effective, and current research tool in the field of psychology


World-wide Academic Visitor Exchange: Experimental Psychology. [Search Itineraries
in the Database]

The Ultimate Forensic Psychology Database

Covering the disciplines of forensic psychology and psychiatry, and related issues.

PsycINFO: Your Source for Psychological Abstracts

Products & Access Our databases defined, searching PsycINFO on the web or at your institution, licensing the database, and more. more.

Social Psychology Network

Searchable links directory for subject areas, PhD programs, researchers, research groups, journals,...

SelfhelpMagazine. affairs A Reader Survey, Addictions Aging Careers & ... & Spirituality, Psychology & Cyber-Affairs

SelfhelpMagazine: Article Index (text version)

person and cyberspace relationships, psychology of cyberspace, attention ... Seasonal Articles.

ingenta: Ingenta

On-line articles from 4500 journals in all fields and abstracts from 20000 journals. Free access to Articles and Essays (119) Articles and essays from Dr ... Psychology (335) Professional psychology resources of interest ... 28) Including offline and online resources.

Online Articles

The Psychology of Cyberspace - Home Page/Table of Contents

This section of The Psychology of Cyberspace contains a collection of articles about my intensive case study of the online multimedia community known as

Online papers on consciousness

Animal consciousness; Consciousness and artificial intelligence; Consciousness
and physics; Phenomenology; Miscellaneous. David Chalmers' directory of hundreds of online papers on consciousness and related topics.


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Electronic Journals and Periodicals in Psychology and Related ...

Electronic Journals and Periodicals in Psychology and Related ...

Cognitive Science Forum. A refereed electronic journal of the Australian

Psychology Journals

Electronic journals - Psychology (St. Andrews U., UK)

Electronic Journals in Psychology

Welcome to the MegaPsych. Page of E-Journals in Psychology

Psychology Electronic Journals

UW Library - Electronic journals in Psychology Some Electronic journals in Psychology. APA Monitor on Psychology Full-text articles; Behavioral ...

APA Books

The Online Books Page (hundreds of online books)

101 Information Hub (Free Online Books)

Online Books, Articles and Tests

·         APA Monitor (1998 - )

·         Current Research in Social Psychology (1995 - )

·         Early Childhood Research and Practice (1999 - )

·         Issues in Science and Technology Online (1996 - )

·         Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

·         Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology (1997 - )

·         Laboratory Primate Newsletter (1984 - )

·         MPR Online: Methods of Psychological Research (1996 - )

·         Perspectives: A Mental Health Magazine (1996 - )

·         Prevention and Treatment (1997 - )

·         Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (1990 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

·         Psyche

·         Psychosomatics (1999 - ) Highwire

·         Psycoloquy

·         Psynopsis: Canada's Psychology Newspaper (1995 - )


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:


Psychology A Guide To Reference And Information Sources

Bibliographic Guide To Psychology 

PsycBOOKS: Books & Chapters In Psychology

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias:

Comprehensive Glossary Of Psychiatry And Psychology / Harold I. Kaplan, Benjamin J. Sadock    

The Concise Dictionary Of Psychology / David A. Statt   

Dictionary Of Theories, Laws, And Concepts In Psychology / Jon E. Roeckelein.

The Student's Dictionary Of Psychological Terms / Reinhard O. Schmidt.  

American Psychiatric Glossary / edited By Jane E. Edgerton

The Corsini Encyclopedia Of Psychology And Behavioral Science /W. Edward Craighead, Charles B. Nemeroff

Encyclopedia Of Psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, Editor In Chief.    

Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Social Psychology    

Thesaurus Of Psychological Index Terms

Manuals and Handbooks:

APA Style of Citation (Online)


PsychTests.com: The world's biggest psychological testing and ...
Extensive battery of professionally developed psychological tests. Offers many free, online personality, relationship, intelligence, health, and career tests.

Tests: List of Personality, Intelligence, and other psychological tests.

APA Testing and Assessment

APA's Testing Office offers an FAQ about psychological tests, a testing information clearinghouse with links to several full text and sale items, and a list of links to other testing sites.


موسسات و سازمان ها:

A comprehensive list of associations and societies in Psychology

Psychological Societies on the Internet

Psychology Professional Societies

Associations in psychology

Psychology Associations

American Psychological Associations

Cog & Psy Sci: Organizations & Conferences

Interdisciplinary Students of Organizations (ISO). International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

SOSIG Guide to Psychology Schools


همايش ها:

APA Guide to Conferences

SOSIG Guide to Conferences


گروه هاي بحث الکترونيكي:

More than 230 discussion groups via Kovacs List


فهرست عنواني:

Academic Departments Directory

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 

American Academy of Neurology

American Psychiatric Association

Associations (professional)

Books and Publishers

British Neuroscience Association

Canadian Psychological Association

Clinical Psychology

Conferences on Psychology and related fields

Correspondence Psychology courses

Developmental Psychology

Dictionary of Mental Health (Online)

Distance degree programs in Psychology

Distance learning in Psychology

Drug Abuse

E-mail lists and Newsgroups for Psychology

Graduate schools in Psychology 

Great ideas in personality

Health psychology

Images of neuroscience topics

Industrial/organizational psychology

International Society of Political Psychology

Internet-based Psychology courses

Journals, research, clinical titles and searching in neurosciences

National Institute on Drug Abuse


Neuroscience university departments

Neuroscience societies, associations, interest groups

Personality (great ideas)

Personality theories (Freud and other psychologists)

Political Psychology

Psychology of Religion (Directory of Web Resources)

Psychology tests & study guides

Quizzes and Tests

Social Psychology

Virtual Library of Psychology


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