لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته علوم زيستي


منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم زيستي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي: 

BioChemLinks (A gateway to Biological resources on the Web)

Biolinks - hotlinks to scientific journals, biotech companies, Medline searches, biological societies, publishers, societies, databases and clinical trials.

Bioscience Arena - links to books, journals, upcoming conferences, and related sites in the biological sciences.

Biology Site of Sites

BIOME - guide to Internet resources in the health and life sciences.

The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)

South Dakota Libraries Gateway to Biological Sciences


فهرست موضوعي:

Yahoo Subject Directory to Biology

Galaxy Subject Guide to Biology


موتورهاي جستجو:

Biocrawler - directory and search engine.


Linkfinding - directory and search engine


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Biosis Biological Abstracts

BA covers the entire field of life sciences: biological, biomedical and biochemical areas, field, laboratory, clinical, experimental and theoretical work from 1980 to present. This is the main source for accessing the primary journal literature (6000+ titles) for biology.

Indexes for Finding Journal Articles

GENE-TOX  Genetic toxicology and mutagenicity data. (Free)

Genome Database .

Igenta: Biology Resource


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Advances in Physiology Education (1989 - ) APS

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Biophysical Journal (1976 - ) Highwire

BMC Bioinformatics (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Cell Biology (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Chemical Biology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Developmental Biology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Ecology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Evolutionary Biology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Genetics (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Genomics (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Immunology (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Microbiology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Molecular Biology (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Neuroscience (2000 - ) BMC

BMC Physiology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Plant Biology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Structural Biology (2001 - ) BMC

Botanical Electronic News (1995 - )

Cell and Chromosome (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Cell Biology Education (2002 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed

Cell Growth and Differentiation (1999 - 2002) Highwire

Christmas Bird Count (1997 - )

Clinical Science (1998 - )

Directed and Applied Evolution n/a BMC

EMBO Journal (2001 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed

Eukaryotic Cell (2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed 
Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network

Genetics (1988 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Highwire

Genetics and Molecular Biology (1998 - ) SciELO Brazil

Genome Biology (2000 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed

Issues in Science and Technology Online (1996 - )

Journal of Bacteriology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Journal of Biology (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Journal of General Virology (1967 - ) Highwire

Journal of Insect Science (2001 - )

Journal of Range Management (1948 - 1998)

Journal of Virology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Microbial Cell Factories (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Molecular and Cellular Biology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Molecular Biology of Cell (1997 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed

Molecular Biology of the Cell (1997 - ) Highwire

Nucleic Acids Research (2000 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (1997 - ) UChicago

Plant Cell (2000 - ; excluding most recent 11 months) Pubmed

Plant Physiology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (1990 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

Respiratory Research (2000 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Scientist (2000 - )

Stem Cells (1996 - ) Highwire

Biochemistry journals (free access):

 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

 BioMedical Engineering OnLine (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

 Biophysical Journal (1976 - ) Highwire

 BMC Biochemistry (2000 - ) BMC

 BMC Chemical Biology (2001 - ) BMC

 EMBO Journal (2001 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed

 Eukaryotic Cell (2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed

 Issues in Science and Technology Online (1996 - )

 Journal of Biochemistry (1996 - )

Journal of Biological Chemistry (1980 - ) Highwire

 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (2001 - ; excluding most recent 9 months) Pubmed

 Journal of Insect Science (2001 - )

 Molecular Cancer (2002 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

 Nucleic Acids Research (2000 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (1997 - ) UChicago

 Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (1990 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed

 Proteome Science BMC

 Recent Progress in Hormone Research (2001 - ) Highwire

 Yahoo guide to Biology Journals

Guide to free journals:

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journals This site contains a comprehensive selection of journals related to biochemistry and molecular biology. Details are given on whether the journal is free or fee-paying, and provides full-text, abstracts or only the tables of contents.

ChemConnect: Chemistry & Biochemistry Journals Online  A list of over 250 journals online. The journals are categorised by how much information is provided online, e.g. full-text/free, full-text/fee-based, some full-text articles, tables of contents/abstracts, etc.

BioMedNet Library There are 150 biological and medical journals available for browsing the tables of contents and abstracts . Registration is required for free access to BioMedNet . Full-text of these articles may be requested for from SP Library. [This service is available to SP users only]

free medical journals

amedeo free journals


Free Journals in Biochemistry:

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (excluding most recent 11 months)

Biophysical Journal

Drug Metabolism and Disposition (excluding most recent 12 months)

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (7/97 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Highwire

Journal of Biological Chemistry (through January 1999)

 Genome Biology (3/00 - ) BMC

 Respiratory Research (5/00 - ) BMC

 Embo Reports (7/00 - ; excluding current year ) Highwire

 Microbial Cell Factories (4/02 - ) BMC

 Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease (5/02 - ) BMC

 BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/02 - ) BMC

 Journal of Biology (6/02 - ) BMC

 Molecular Cancer (7/02 - ) BMC

 Cell and Chromosome (9/02 - ) BMC

 Lipids in Health and Disease (9/02 - ) BMC

 Lipids in Health and Disease (9/02 - ) BMC


Some Free Journals in Biology:

Applied Environmental Microbiology (excluding most recent 11 months)

Biophysical Journal

Botanical Electronic News

Journal of Bacteriology (excluding most recent 11 months)

Journal of Cell Biology (excluding most recent 18 months)

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (excluding most recent 11 months)

Journal of General Virology

Journal of Virology (excluding most recent 11 months)

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (excluding most recent 11 months)

Molecular and Cellular Biology (excluding most recent 11 months)

Molecular Biology of the Cell (excluding most recent 12 months)



Onlinesapiens free books

Free books 4 Doctors (French, Spanish, Portuguese; Italian; German)

ICBS resources

OnLine Biology Book

Core Historical Literature of Agriculture

Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology

Biodiversity and Conservation, electronic book

The Cell


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Ask an Expert about Biology

AgBioWorld (Biography of more than 3200 scientists

Biologists Directory

Biology Online

BioTech's life science dictionary

Dictionary of cell biology


Encyclopedia of Life Sciences

Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes

Animal Diversity Site - multimedia database of over 1000 species, with habitat, physical characteristics, conservation methods

Biotech Life Science Dictionary

GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms

Genomics Lexicon - this defines terms and provides hyperlinks to sites explaining the concept in greater detail.

Gray Card Index - The Gray Card Index Database (searchable) currently includes over 325,000 citations of names of New Would vascular plants at the rank of family, genus, species, and their ifra ranks (e.g. subfamily, tribe, subgenus, section, series, subspecies, variety, form, etc.)

Plant Dictionary - which is also a plant image database

Species Information Library (via LAN) - Species Information Library includes detailed full-text

records on over 7,200 North American found species drawn from ten state and federal databases, under the auspices of the Fish and Wildlife Information Exchange (FWIE) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Each record contains authoritative information about habitat and environmental associations, food habits, taxonomy, life history, federal and state statutes, and management practices.


موسسات و سازمان ها:

American Institute of Biological Sciences

 Australian Biotechnology Association

Alphabetical list of laboratory registrations (International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ))


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

List of Biology Departments and Schools (US)

Harvard University Department of Molecullar and Cell Biology



همايش ها:

Yahoo Guide to Biology Conferences

ISCB Conferences

UK Life Sciences Committee Meetings Database http://www.lifesci.org/meetdb/default.htm

Forthcoming conferences, National Biological Information Infrastructure


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

BioNews: focus on biotechnology, life sciences and pharmaceutical development in Europe.

BIOSCI (Bionet) News Group Archives & Index to Biologists

Usenet (Directory of  Biology Newsgroups)


فهرست عنواني:

A Title Index to Biological Resources

Biotechnology Information Series .

Genetics Inspired Abstract Art of Dr. Hunter .

Genetics Online - The Science Museum ..

Genetics Science Learning Center ..

Human Genome Project - Information & Resource .

MendelWeb .

Museum Showcase.

National Library of Medicine - Health Info

Nature.com - Job Resources ..

Foundations of Classical Genetics: Papers On


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