لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته علوم و مهندسی کامپیوتر

پرتال دانلود مقالات علمی

منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم كامپيوتر


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

BUBL Subject gateway to on-line resources covering all aspects of computer science.

BUBL: Computer Science Research

BUBL: Computing and the Internet

Yahoo: Computer Science

University of Florida Gateway to Computer Sciences

SciCentral Subject gateway covering a variety of science subjects including computer science.

TechWeb Gateway to a whole host of computing information from e-business to systems design, includes access to Microsoft's Daily News.

Virtual Computer Library Maintains a variety of links to computer related resources including on- line books and guides.

WWW Virtual Library  Computer Science Web based resources arranged by topic.

Computer Stuff (Speakeasy)

Computing and Software Engineering Web Sites (St. Thomas Univ. Library)

Computers, Computer Sciences & Electrical Engineering

DMOZ Open Directory Project: Computers

Galaxy Directories: Computer Technology

IEEE Computer Society's ParaScope

Information Gateway: Computer Science (Univ. Wash. Libraries)

Virtual Computer Library (Texas)

Virtual Library: Computing

Top computer Industry Websites


فهرست موضوعي:

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Compiler Technology, Programming Languages and Type Theory

Complex Systems

Computer Programming Languages WWWVL

Computer Science Discipline Network

Computer Science Undergraduate Tutor Service 

Computer Graphics and Vision

Database Research

Distributed Systems, Networking and Telecommunications


Internet, Search Engines

Logic Programming

(Computational) Mathematics

Neural Networks

Object-Oriented Programming and Systems (and more object-oriented stuff)

Operating Systems

Parallel Processing

Programming Language Research

Software Engineering and Formal Methods

Theory/Foundations of Computer Science


Visual Programming WWWVL

Virtual Museum of Computing

Miscellaneous (everything else, possible overlap with other areas)

Programming Languages, Courses, & Tutorials

-Ada HomeAda Home

Designed to be the Web information source for Ada and Ada-related issues. It includes the hypertext version of the Ada 95 Reference Manual & the Ada Lovelace Tutorial.

-The All Basic Code Home Page

A site for Basic source code packets including source code for QuickBasic, PowerBasic, ASIC, and MoonRock. There is also a list of links to other Basic-related pages.


Contains a suite of benchmarks designed to measure the performance of the code generated by C++ compilers.

-CODE Visual Parallel Programming System

CODE is a visual parallel programming system that allows users to change a sequential programs into a parallel one.

-Designing & Building Parallel Programs

The hypertext version of Designing & Building Parallel Programs by Ian Foster. There are links to programming tools, example programs, & other resources on parallel & distributed computing.

-The Fortran Library

This site provides a large number of routines to perform standard non-numeric coding tasks for scientists & engineers; it also includes some routines for numeric tasks.

-The Genetic Programming Tutorial Notebook

A basic tutorial on genetic programming.

A Gentle Introduction to Haskell- The goal of this tutorial is to provide an introduction to the Haskell programming language for someone who has experience with at least one other language, preferably a functional language.

-Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++

A self-paced course to learn object-oriented programming. Concepts are presented using the C++ programming language, but the course is not intended to learn C++ in all its details.

-Pascal Programming

An interactive introduction to the Pascal programming language that covers the basics of learning to program, data types, declarations, arrays, functions, records, pointers, enumerated & set types, and file handling. Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days- Learn the Java language & how to use it to create applets & applications. It is intended for individuals with at least some basic programming background. TTT System - The TTT System provides Topics (lecture notes), Tasks (with sample solutions), & Tests (multiple choice, interactively graded) for beginners who want to learn how to write programs in the C++ language.

-UNIXhelp for Users

This site provides helpful information for users of the UNIX operating system. It is arranged by tasks, commands, concepts, & utilities. A glossary is included & it is searchable.

-VooDoo's Indroduction to JavaScript

A thorough introduction to JavaScript.

-World Lecture Hall - Computer Science

This site contains an extensive listing of computer science courses.


موتورهاي جستجو:

Allsearchengines.com: computer sciences

RefDesk.com: Computer Related Search Engines

Computing : Hardware, Macintosh, Windows, Freeware, Shareware


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

CogPrints is an electronic archive for papers in all areas relating to cognition, artificial intelligence, complexity theory, dynamical systems, language, machine learning, machine vision, neural nets, robotics, speech and statistical models.

Computing Research Repository Archive of computer science papers.   (Free)

Computing Science Index of computer science literature. (Free)

Ingenta/UnCover [Information about]

US Patent and Trademark Office Patent Databases

Stanford University Computer Science Department Technical Reports and Technical Notes

University of Maryland Virtual Technical Reports Center

University of Maryland, College Park Technical Reports

Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NCTRL)

Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library

New Zealand Digital Library's Computer Science Technical Reports Collection

On-line CS Techreports

Unified CS Technical Report Index-

Technical Reports


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Directory of Computing Science Journals

Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network

Top 100 Computer Magazines- Contains links to the top 100 computer & software Web magazines; also includes MIPS (most interesting page of site.

Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

Elsevier Science Tables of Contents*- ESToC furnishes the tables of contents to primary and review journals; or, subscribe to ContentsDirect** (it's free) & receive Elsevier's table of contents via e-mail.

Computerworld  Web site for Computerworld Magazine, the technology newsweekly published by IDG.

نشريات رايگان:

ALN Magazine : Asynchronous Learning Networks Magazine

ALN Magazine: Asynchronous Learning Networks Magazine (1997 - 2000)

Boardwatch Magazine

Boardwatch Magazine (1995 - )


Byte (1999 - )

CIO Online

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (1994-1999)

Currents in Electronic Literacy

Cyberlaw Informer

DB2 Magazine (1996 - )

DM Direct (1997 - )

Electronic Business

Electronic Markets

First Monday: Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet

Government Computer News

iMP: Magazine of Information Impacts

Intel Technology Journal

Interactive Multimedia Journal for Computer-Enhanced Learning

Internet World

IPCT -J: Interpersonal Computing and Technology

Issues in Science and Technology Online

J.UCS: Journal of Universal Computer Science

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Journal of Digital Information

Journal of Digital Information

Journal of Electronic Publishing

Journal of Functional and Logic Programming

Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1996 - )

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (1997 - 2000) SciELO Brazil

Journal of Virtual Environments

LAN Times Online

MacWorld Online

NCSA Access

PC Magazine Online

PCWorld.com - Home

RLE currents

Scout Report

Software Focus (2000 - 2001) Wiley




Visual Basic Online Magazine

Windows Magazine

Windows NT Magazine Online

كتاب ها:

Computer Book Links (Virtual Computer Library, UT Austin)

Ebrary Read eBooks from more than 100 publishers online at no charge. Printing and downloading require users to purchase the eBook. A free plug-in is required.

InformIT Online eBooks. Registration required

McGraw-Hill BetaBooks Full text versions of selected emerging technology titles

netLibrary.com Currently has 51 titles from O'Reilly, one of the leading computer book publishers. We will be adding the rest of the O'Reilly titles when they are available. Other titles from Macmillan Computer Publishing, Que and others are online now. (UT Austin users)

-Safari Tech Books Online

Full-text information technology ebooks. Some of the publishers included are Addison-Wesley Professional, Cisco Press, New Riders, Peachpit Press, Pearson Technology, Prentice Hall PTR, Que, O'Reilly and Sams. This database is in test during 2002. (UT Austin users)

منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Computer Almanac - Interesting and Useful Numbers about Computers

Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies- A searchable collection of bibliographies from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. Access references to journal articles, conference papers, & technical reports.

Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communications Terms

FOLDOC: Free Online Dictionary of Computer Sciences

The Hypertext Bibliography Project

Whatis On-line reference tool for computing terms. Includes lists of top web sites as compiled by PC Magazine and Windows Magazine.



موسسات و سازمان ها:

University of Waterloo Library Guide to Associations

BUBL : Computer Science: National Centers

Institutes, Centers, & Laboratories Worldwide

ACM - Association for Computing Machinery (First Society in Computing)

American Association for Artificial Intelligence

American Mathematical Society

American Statistical Association

AON: the Internet Public Library - Associations

Association for Women in Computing

British Computer Society

IEEE Computer Society

International Association for Statistical Computing

Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

MAA Online: Mathematical Association of America

Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility


Swedish Institute of Computing Science

Yahoo: Computer Science: College and University Departments


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

World list of Computer Sciences Departments and Schools

List of Supercomputing and Parallel Computing Sites

University of Wisconsin Computer Department

online computer degree programs


همايش ها:

Yahoo Guide to Conferences

Allconferences guide to Computer Conferences

Guide to past conferences



گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Kovacs Guide to Discussion Groups


Computer Programming (Engineering E - Library, Sweden)

My Web: Programming

Programmer's Heaven

Programmer's Oasis

Sean's Programming Links


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