لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته كشاورزي (عمومي)


منابع وبي مرتبط با كشاورزي (عمومي)


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

The following gateways cover many subjects in the agricultural field including agribusiness, animal production, aquaculture, dairy science, food sciences, horticulture, field crops, farming systems, forestry, meteorology, soil science, environment and viticulture.

Agronomy and farming systems


AGRIGATE -an agriculture information gateway for Australian researchers.

Agrigator Gateway-US


Animalscience.com http://www.animalscience.com

Australian Government Gateway

BioOne http://www.bio.com/os/start/home.html

BioTech http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/pages/about.html

BUBL links

Directories of Agriculture-related Internet Information Resources
Hardin MD Nutrition http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/nutr.html


Nutritiongate.com http://www.nutritiongate.com

Nutrition Navigator, Tufts University http://navigator.tufts.edu/

OMNI Nutrition http://omni.ac.uk/subject-listing/QU145.html

OMNI Dietetics http://omni.ac.uk/subject-listing/WB400.html

Queen's University Library

Sydney University Library

USDA Virtual Library 

World Food Net http://www.worldfoodnet.com/


فهرست موضوعي:

Agricultural Market Information

Australian Agriculture.

Beer and Brewing

Biological Control



Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding

Soils and Substrates


Grains (site currently unreachable)

Irrigation and Hydrology


Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Poultry Science

Sustainable Agriculture

Veterinary Medicine



موتورهاي جستجو:

Search Engines for Agriculture. An AgriBiz Exclusive Enter your keyword query, and then select one of the agriculture specific search engines to start your search. Fast and Simple!!

Complet Planet: a comprehensive classified search engines

We-agri.com: Another good agriculturally oriented search engine from France

AgFind.com The industry's leading search engine that searches only Agricultural websites
to help you get the right info fast. We highly recommend:

ProduceIndustry.com is your one stop shop for fast, reliable, free produce and agricultural industry info, weather, stock quotes and so much more.

UsdaReports.com is the fastest easiest way to get free updated market reports every day.

FruitSearch.com is the first and best search engine created exclusively for the produce industry.

ProduceLinks.com offers the biggest and finest list of produce related links in the industry.



پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

AgNet - Australian Agriculture Index

AGRICOLA Home Page (a free database)

AgEcon Search : Research in Agricultural Economics - A free database of bibliographic information and abstracts of each paper, plus the full text of each paper in Adobe Acrobat format.

AGROS Agricultural Research Directory A Free agricultural research database about US agriculture

AgWeb: A collection of prominent agriculture databases, directories, library catalogs, and topic-specific search engines on the Internet

Cornell Mann Library index for virtually all of the USDA ERS and NASS databases stored at the Cornell Mann Library.

Search The USDA Research Database The USDA Research Database contains the information on ongoing and recently completed projects sponsored or conducted primarily within the USDA and State University research system.

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Web (CSREES) Search Form

Agriculture Network Information Center

Florida EDIS Agricultural Information Retrieval System | Search EDIS

Policy Library: Food, Agriculture and Rural Policy (A database)

Sustainable Agriculture / Libraries & Databases



World Bank Agriculture Research Papers

Search Engines for Agriculture. An AgriBiz Exclusive Enter your keyword query, and then select one of the agriculture specific search engines to start your search. Fast and Simple!!

Complet Planet: a comprehensive classified search engines

We-agri.com: Another good agriculturally oriented search engine from France

AgFind.com The industry's leading search engine that searches only Agricultural websites
to help you get the right info fast. We highly recommend:

ProduceIndustry.com is your one stop shop for fast, reliable, free produce and agricultural industry info, weather, stock quotes and so much more.

UsdaReports.com is the fastest easiest way to get free updated market reports every day.

FruitSearch.com is the first and best search engine created exclusively for the produce industry.

ProduceLinks.com offers the biggest and finest list of produce related links in the industry.


نشريات و كتاب ها:

AgBioForum (1998 - )

Agriculture 21 (1998 - )

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Aquaculture Outlook (1995 - )

Arid Lands Newsletter (1994 - )

BMC Biotechnology (2001 - ) BMC

BMC Plant Biology (2001 - ) BMC

Botanical Electronic News (1995 - )

Economic Research of Interest to Agriculture (1951 - )

FDA Consumer (1989 - )

Florida Buggist (1917 - 1920)

Florida Entomologist (1920 - )

Free E - Journals of Iranian Scientific Network

Genetics (1988 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Highwire

Issues in Science and Technology Online (1996 - )

Journal of Bacteriology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

Journal of Biological Chemistry (1980 - ) Highwire

Journal of Extension (1984 - )

Journal of Insect Science (2001 - )

Journal of Range Management (1948 - 1998)

Plant Cell (2000 - ; excluding most recent 11 months) Pubmed

Plant Physiology (1998 - ; excluding most recent 12 months) Pubmed

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update

Wheat Yearbook (1995 - )

Ingenta Directory of Online Journals

Agriculture Library - List of Electronic Journals

AgZines: a Harvest of Free Agricultural Journals: a compilation developed by the United States Agricultural Information Network of agricultural journals that are available free on the web.

AgBioForum (FREE)

Agriculture 21 (FREE)

Applied Environmental Microbiology (excluding most recent 11 months) (FREE)

Aquaculture Outlook (FREE)

Arid Lands Newsletter (FREE)

Botanical Electronic News (FREE)

FDA Consumer (FREE)

Journal of Bacteriology (excluding most recent 11 months) (FREE)

Journal of Biological Chemistry (through January 1999) (FREE)

Journal of Extension (FREE)

Journal of Insect Science (FREE)

Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Situation and Outlook (FREE)

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update (FREE)

كتاب ها:

List of Online Books on Agriculture


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

AgNIC Directory of agriculture information.  (Free)

Directory of Agricultural Statistical Sources on the Web


AgNIC Home Page

AgriBiz Weather Bureau

Agricultural Statistics

Agriculture: A Glossary of Terms, Programs, and Laws

ASAE Standards

BioTech Life Science Dictionary http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/search/dict-search.html

BioABACUS, searchable database of abbreviations and acronyms in Biotechnology

Common Names of Plant Diseases http://www.scisoc.org/resource/common/

Compendium of Pesticide Common Names

Crop Protection Compendium

Directory of Export Elevators at Export Port Locations, including Facility Data

Encyclopedia of Life Sciences

Encyclopedia of Virology Plus

Eurostat http://europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/

FAOSTAT: FAO Statistical Databases

FC (Foundation Center) Search

Glossary of Forest Engineering http://www.pfmt.org/glossary/publication/default.htm

Glossary of Forest Terms www.for.gov.bc.ca/pab/publctns/glossary/glossary.htm

Glossary of Roots of Botanical Names http://www.prairienet.org/garden-gate/botrts.htm

Glossary of Soil Microbial Terms http://dmsylvia.ifas.ufl.edu/glossary.htm

Glossary of Soil Science Terms

How to Get Information

Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms

Index Herbariorum

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

NAL Agricultural Thesaurus


Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International

Official United States Standards (for Grain)

The Plant Press - Dictionary of Common Names

Plant Viruses Online

Research in Biotechnology

Sustainable Agriculture Directory of Expertise

Turfgrass Diseases - Diagnosis and Management

UK MAFF Agricultural Statistics http://www.maff.gov.uk/esg/default.htm

US National Agricultural Statistics Service http://www.usda.gov/nass/pubs/stathigh/content.htm Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material

World List of Seed Sources


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

A Comprehensive guide to Agriculture Discussion Groups and Mailing Lists

Kovacs Guide to Discussion Groups in Agriculture


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Agriculture Schools, Departments, and Colleges From WWW Virtual Library


موسسات و سازمان ها:

Societies and Associations

Ingenta Directory of associations and organizations

AARES - Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society


همايش ها:

Agricultural Shows, County Shows, Farming Events, Agricultural

Food Industry Conferences from World Food Net http://www.worldfoodnet.com/news/calendar.asp

Forthcoming conferences in Agriculture, Food, Forestry, Plants, Soil http://www.agnic.org/mtg/

UK Life Sciences Committee Meetings Database http://www.lifesci.org/meetdb/default.htm


فهرست عنواني:

Agriculture resources by title from Agriculture Digital Library

Sustainable Agriculture / Libraries & Databases


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