لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته مهندسي برق و الكترونيك

منابع وبي مرتبط با مهندسي برق و الكترونيك


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Australian Virtual Engineering Library (AVEL).


Electrical Engineering Web Resources(South Bank University-UK)
Electrical & Computer Engineering Portal (University of Canterbury- New Zealand)

Electrical Engineering Websites from Linkspider.org

Electrical Engineering Websites from Whizseek.org

Internet Resources for Electrical and Computer Engineering

Berkeley Electronics Research Laboratory
Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics
Stanford Integrated Circuits Laboratory
EINET Engineering & Technology
Semiconductor Subway

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Engineering

Yahoo-Science:Engineering:Electrical Engineering

EEVL (Enhanced and Evaluated Virtual Library for engineering, mathematics and computing) - the UK gateway to engineering, mathematics and computing information on the Internet. .

eg3.com is aimed primarily at design engineers and includes resources and companies in DSP, embedded systems, realtime, board-level computing, and software development for electronics.

WWW Virtual Library contains links to a variety of useful electrical engineering websites including ones on standard, products and services and academic and research institutions.

Engineering Resources Online "A practical guide to Engineering products, companies and resources presented via the 'Net". Useful for links to companies, trade shows and exhibitions as well as software reviews and catalogues. UK/European bias.




فهرست موضوعي:


Another subject  list:

·         Electricity and Magnetism

·         Electric Batteries and Fuel Cells

·         Electric Circuits

·         Electric Components and Equipment

·         Electric Transmission and Distribution

·         Illuminating Engineering

·         Electrical Engineering, General

·         Electronics and Communication Engineering

·         Electromagnetic Waves

·         Electronic and Thermionic Materials

·         Electronic Circuits

·         Electronic Components and Tubes

·         Electronic Equipment, Radar, Radio and Television

·         Electro-Optical Communication

·         Telephone and Other Line Communications

·         Control Engineering

·         Automatic Control Principles and Applications

·         Control Devices

·         Light and Optical Technology

·         Light, Optics and Optical Devices

·         Lasers

·         Acoustics, Noise. Sound

Sound Devices, Equipment and Systems

·         Aeronautics and Aerospace@

·         Agricultural Engineering (29)

·         Applied Mathematics@

·         Ask an Expert (1)

·         Automotive Engineering (35)

·         Biomedical Engineering (116)

·         Chemical Engineering (157)

·         Civil Engineering (426)

·         Coastal Engineering (8)

·         Companies@

·         Computer Science@

·         Education (307)

·         Electrical Engineering (1025)

·         Employment@

·         Engineering Ethics (5)

·         Engineering Software@

·         Engineers and Inventors (97)

·         Environmental Engineering (92)

·         Ergonomics (36)

·         Events (16)

·         Industrial Engineering (109)

·         Journals (12)

·         Libraries (10)

·         Marine Engineering (32)

·         Material Science (240)

·         Mechanical Engineering (647)

·         Mining (114)

·         Naval Engineering (3)

·         News and Media (8)

·         Nuclear Engineering (59)

·         Optical Engineering (102)

·         Organizations (213)

·         Petroleum Engineering (67)

·         Quality Management (50)

·         Reliability Engineering (12)

·         Software Engineering@

·         Structural Engineering@

·         Systems Engineering (21)

·         Web Directories (18)

·         Welding Engineering (11)

·         Women in Engineering@


موتورهاي جستجو:


   Article database with citations only Scirus

Galaxy : Electrical Engineering < Engineering and Technology

Yahoo! Directory Engineering > Electrical Engineering


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

InCite (SPIE Optical Engineering Database) 


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Electrical Engineering: Electronic Journals @ the Libraries (many are free)

Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Find Standards & Patents

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office


موسسات و سازمان ها:

Electric Power Research Institute
Electronic Frontier Foundation
EIA Electronics Industry Association
IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
National Academy of Engineering
Electronics & Electrical Engineering Lab (National Institute of Standards & Technology)
National Society of Black Engineers
Optical Society of America
Society of Women Engineers
SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering

مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Links (Schools of Electrical Engineering in Australia)

About NCTU (the Colleges of Electrical Engineering in China)

همايش ها:

IEEE Conferences


برای دانلود مقالات خود از این پایگاه های علمی از سرویس دانلود مقالات علمی استفاده کنید.

برای دریافت اکانت (یوزر و پسورد) این پایگاه های علمی از سرویس پسورد پایگاه های علمی استفاده کنید.



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