لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته مهندسي شيمي

منابع وبي مرتبط با مهندسي شيمي


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

·         WWW Virtual Library - Chemical Engineering

·         Yahoo Index - Chemical Engineering

·         EINet Galaxy - Chemical Engineering

·         BUBL Link - Chemical Engineering

·         BUBL Link - Biotechnology

·         ChemSpy - links to a wide variety of sites of interest to Chemists and Chemical Engineers, including news, data, terminology and abbreviations, online tutorials

·         ACS Career Services Career opportunities and advice for American Chemical Society (ACS) members; annual salary surveys for professionals and new graduates.

·         CHEMINFO Gary Wiggins' site at Indiana University covers a broad range of chemistry information that is also keyword searchable. Covers both Internet and printed chemical resources. Excellent site!

·         ChemDex - Sheffield University Exhaustive and well organized set of chemistry sites.

·         Chemistry Information on the Internet Well organized listing that guides you to job information, journal submission guidelines, graduate program descriptions, conferences, chemical company stockprices, chemistry software, and chemists directory. Organized by Northern Illinois University.

·         Chemistry, WWW Virtual Library Find chemistry academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and commercial organizations.

·         MSDS site - UCSD Chemistry & Biochemistry Department [UCSD Only]
[i]Materials Safety Data Sheets site for UCSD Chemistry & Biochemistry Department's undergraduate laboratory classes.

·         Nanotechnology Database Web site presenting sources of information on nanotechnology in the following areas: major research centers, funding agencies, and major reports and books.

·         Nanotube Site Links to nanotube research, upcoming conferences on nanotubes, nanotube sources and products, and nanotube related websites.

·         Networked Computer Science Technical Reference (NCSTRL) An international collection of technical reports from computer science departments, industrial, and government research laboratories, made available for non-commercial and educational use. Searchable by keyword, author, title, abstract, institution.
Patent information on the Internet (EPO) The European Patent Office's extensive list of patent resources with links to individual countries' patent offices, databases, patent providers, and other useful international patent information.


·         SciCentral.com A large portal to scientific and technical resources that was created and is maintained by professional scientists. Also provides free weekly personalized science news alerts.

·         Scientific Visualization Sites A worldwide annotated bibliography of scientific visualization sites. A service of NAS(Numerical Aerospace Simulation). Facility at NASA Ames Research Center.

·         Thermodynamic Data and Property Calculation Sites on the Web useful links to thermodynamics-related web resources, software (including calculators) properties and data. From the Thermodynamics Research Laboratory at University of Illinois.

·         Web Elements - Periodic Table Periodic table of the elements. Interactive and printable.

·         Where to Find MSDS on the Internet Guide to dozens of sites offering free Material Safety Data Sheets on the Web, from government agencies and universities to chemical suppliers. Also offers help understanding MSDS information.

·         Yahoo: Science: Chemistry Yahoo (Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle) is a good jumping off point for chemistry links. You get no annotations for the links, but the subject subdivisions serve to point you in the right direction.

·         Virtual Chemical Engineering Library: Dale Kirmse's Collection of ChemEng resources

·         The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Web Resources
Web Resources in Chemical Engineering, UM Libraries

·         Chemical Engineering Auburn University

موتورهاي جستجو:

·         ChemFinder Web Server

·         Scirus  A comprehensive science-specific web search engine


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

·         Conference Paper Indexes
Upcoming Conferences Index
Current Awareness Services
Journal Article Indexes
SciFinder Scholar
Scirus  A comprehensive science-specific web search engine

·         VIRGO (Library Catalog)

·         U.S. Patent and Tradmark Office Database

·         Other Patent Sources on the Web


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Article Finder (Search through 20 million citations and 10 million abstracts from over 30,000 journals)(Partly Free)

   Free E- Journals of Iranian Scientific Network             

arXiv.org e-Print archive(Free)

ChemPort: Connecting you to full-text documents on the web

ISIHighlyCited.com: an expert gateway to the most highly influential scientists and scholars worldwide(Free)

ScienceDirect: access Elsevier Science 1100 journals collections (Free TOC)(Free)

Scirus: a search engine dedicated to science

The Hot Articles in the ACS Journals(Free)

TheScientificWorld (sciBASE)

UnCover web (Now ingenta): To searching articles from 17000 journals freely(Free)

Abstracts in Elsevier Science journals are now free on ChemWeb.com

ACS Publication Free Search(Free)

BioMed Central(Free)

Chemistry Electronic Journals Linked by the University of Chicago Library

Gordon and Breach Publishing

ingentaJournals (Free Abstracts)

InterScience: Gateway to Wiley Publications Online (free abstracts)

MedBioWorld: Medical journals and associations and biology resources

Search all RSC journals

The chemical journals online library of Springer (Free Abstracts)

The Chemistry Journals Published by Kluwer (Free Abstract)

The Journals Published by Chinese Chemical Society(CCS)



Abstracts in Gordon and Breach Publishing journals are now free on ChemWeb.com

Abstracts of Major Chemical Journals, ICC, Korea(Free)

APS Journals Online

China Journals Net

Condensed Matter Web (CMW)

Elsevier Science's optics publications

English Abstracts of Scientific Journals from the Russian Academy of Sciences (Free)

IDEAL(the International Digital Electronic Access Library), Academic Press

International Academic Publishing Company (IAPC)

Journals & Magazines published by the American Chemical Society

Kluwer Online

LINK, the online journals of Springer on Internet

Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Online-Only Journals Monitored by CAS

RSC Journals (free TOC)

Springer (Springer-Verlag)

Synergy: online journals of Blackwell Science (Free Abstracts)

Taylor & Francis Group

The Directory of Computing Science Journals

Wiley Chemistry Titles

12 Scientific Journals Published by TUBITAK (Turkey)

ACM Digital Library(Partly Free)

African Journals OnLine (AJOL)

Annual Reviews Publisher

arXiv.org e-Print archive

Ashley Publications

Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Cambridge University Press

CatchWord: Searching 1100 journals articles(Partly Free)

Chemistry and related Electronic Journals (University of Oxford)

Chemistry Journal List (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Chemistry Preprint Server of ChemWeb.com(Free)

Chongqing: CQVIP

CogPrints: Cognitive Sciences E-Print Server(Free)

Core Journals Covered in CAplus

Cover Gallery 2002 of Angewandte Chemie, International Edition

CrossRef: The central source for reference linking

Editio Cantor Verlag (ECV)

EDP Sciences

EI indexed journals in China

Electro. Chemistry Forum

Electronic Journals for Chemistry (University of Hertfordshire)

Electronic Library of Scientific Literature (ELIS)

Information Center for Chemistry(ICC), Korea

inside: Access to over 17 million journal articles and conference papers, the British Library

ISI Impact Factor Rankings of Annual Review series

Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE)

Journal list, Cambridge University Chemical Laboratory

Journals Ranked by Impact: Chemical Engineering

JSTOR (Journal Storage) - Scholarly Journal Archive

Kieran Lim's list of Chemical Education and Science Education Journals

List of online journals available at Trinity University Library

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


Nature Publishing Group

NRC Research Press

Online Technical Journals, Meeting Papers of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)(Partly Free)

Online version of Mutation Research

Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA)

Professional Engineering Publishing

Publist (database of 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters, & other periodicals)(Free)

SA ePublications | South African Journals published online by Sabinet Online

SCI journals in China (SCI Expended, 1999)

SciELO: virtual library of Brazilian scientific journals(Free)

Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal Lists

Science in China Press

Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO

Searching EBSCO Jouranls Database

Tetrahedron Information System (TIS)

The catalysis journals in CATALYSIS ONLINE, ChemWeb.com

The Free Medical Journals Site

The Mathematics Preprint Server(Free)

Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory(TM)

World Scientific Publishing Co.

The free fulltext of the Chinese Scientific journals are now available for online access in LuNeng site(08-27-2001)



منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

·         EFunDa A large US online reference source for engineering

·         Where to find Material Safety Datasheets on the Net

·         Physical Reference Data - Large dataset of physical data

·         Index to Physical, Chemical and Other Property Data - U Arizona

·         Thermodex: an index of selected thermodynamic data handbooks

·        Chemical Engineering Standards

·        Scientific Standards Information on the Web

·        Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology

·        Knovel A collection of full-text reference and textbooks.  Includes Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Handbook of industrial membrane technology, Solvents handbook, Handbook of chemical processing equipment etc etc.  Good source of thermodynamic data.  
Also includes a full-text copy of Holland & Bragg, Fluid flow for chemical engineers

·        Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
The printed handbook in .pdf format.  A mine of valuable numerical data, formulae etc.  Active Tables and Diagrams allow you to find data easily. 

·        Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Articles on a wide variety of topics: will get you started and provide some references for further information.

·         Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Articles on industrial aspects of specific chemicals and processes together with theory of engineering operations.  Includes references for further study.  Particularly good for process details.

موسسات و سازمان ها:

·         Directory of National & local organizations  

·         Directory of Multinational organizations

·         CIRS.net (Scientific Organization Portal)

·         Umist Chemical Engineering Department

·         Institution of Chemical Engineers

·         American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

·         Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering

·         WWW Virtual Library - Chemical Engineering Organizations

·         Yahoo Index - Chemical Engineering Institutes


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

·         Directory of Academic & research institutes


همايش ها:

·         Allconferences.net guide to conferences in chemical engineering

·         GradSchools.com guide to Higher education in Chemical Engineering


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

·         sci.research.postdoc

·         sci.chem.* (6 groups)

·         sci.engr.chem


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