لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با علوم كتابداري و اطلاع رساني


منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم كتابداري و اطلاع رساني


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

BUBL: A service for the library and information science community, the service has for some time been aimed towards the UK higher education academic and research community more generally."

Librarians and Library Science: An ever-evolving index of useful and/or entertaining resources for/about librarians from About.com. Special section on Academic Libraries.

The Librarians' Resource Centre: A selective collection of resources compiled to facilitate informational research and retrieval. Has three general sections: Service to Clients, Professional Development, and Technical Resources.

Librarians' Index to the Internet - lii.org

Searchable and annotated subject directory of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians..

INTERNET LIBRARY FOR LIBRARIANS: A Portal Designed for Librarians ... A comprehensive Web database designed to provide a one-stop shopping center for librarians.

LibraryLand: Lots of resources for librarians clustered by subject.

The Library Resource List: over 500 Internet resources of interest to the library community.


SPARC EARLweb Section include: Global Library ; Imagination and Memory ; Lifelong Learning ; Online Enquiry Desk ; Science and Technology ; Business Intelligence ; Citizen in Society ;

ILLWeb "...is a gateway to electronic and print resources pertaining to all aspects of interlibrary loan (ILL), document delivery, and resource sharing. Designed to be comprehensive and international.

infolibrarian.com Sections include: access to e-jls ; conferences ; digital library ; downloads ; e-databases ; e-text archives ; internet ; internet resources ; library technology ; opac's on net ; Patents and Standards ; references for all ; suppliers.

Librarian's Online Warehouse - Index of Library and Librarian ... Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries

Guide to Libraries and library catalogs all around the world


فهرست موضوعي:



Book Reviews and Book Stores

Books & Resources

Cataloging, Technical Services, and Automation


Children's Literature and Good Sites for Kids

Classification Schedules

Collection Development

Computers and Computer Science


Copyright Issues

Databases in General

Digitization and Preservation

Discussion Groups

Education and Training

Educators and Researchers


Information Literacy - Sources of Information

Internet for librarians

Iranian librarians


Librarians' Internet Guides


Library Organizations and Suppliers

Library Science in general

Library Schools and Departments

Library Softwares & Systems

Libraries and Resource Centers

Networks and Networking


Periodicals and Newspapers

Reference Sources

Reference Librarians' Resources

Search Engines

Subject Heading lists

User  Services & User education

What's New on the Net


موتورهاي جستجو:

Librarian Index to the Internet Search Engine: Searchable and annotated subject directory of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians..  

Library SEs


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

DoIS (Documents in Information Science) DoIS is a service for finding and downloading the latest research results in Information Science. DoIS (Documents in Information Science) is a database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in the area of Library and Information Science.


نشريات و كتاب ها:


ALAN Review: Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (1996 - 2001)

Ariadne (1996 - )

ARL Newsletter (1995 - )

Associates: the Electronic Library Support Staff Journal (2000 - )

Boston Review (1975 - )

BUBL Gateway to Library Journals

Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (1911 - 2001) Pubmed

Cataloguing and Indexing

Ciência da Informação (1997 - ) SciELO Brazil

CLIR Issues (1998 - )

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (1994 - 1999)

Computing and Information Technology

Cultivate Interactive (1999 - )

Currents in Electronic Literacy (1999 - )

Cyberlaw Informer (1999 - 2001)

Cybermetrics (1997 - )

D-lib Magazine: the Magazine of Digital Library Research (1995 - )

Document Management and Supply

E Law (1993 - )

Education Review

Educause Review (1994 - )

Electronic Information and the Internet

Exploit Interactive (1999 - 2000)

Finding Internet Resources in this Subject Area, TRAUGOTT KOCH, LUND UNIV. LIBRARY, SWEDEN

First Monday: Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet (1996 - )

General Librarianship and Information Management

Information Research (1995 -)

Information Science and Research

Information Technology and Libraries (2001 - )

Interactive Multimedia Journal for Computer-Enhanced Learning

International Journal on Media Management (1999 - )

Internet World

Internet Writing Journal (1997 - )

IPCT -J: Interpersonal Computing and Technology (1993 - 1999)

Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (1991 - )

JMM (International Journal on Media Management) (1999 - )

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Journal of Digital Information

Journal of Electronic Publishing (1997 - )

Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1996 - )

Journal of Interactive Media in Education (1996 - )

Journal of Library Services for Distance Education (1997 - 1999)

Journal of Technology Education (1989 - )

Journal of Technology Studies (1996 - )

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (1997 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Pubmed

Journal of the Medical Library Association (2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed

Journals (by Subject):

LAN Times Online (1997 - 1998)

Law and Politics Book Review

Learned Publishing (1997 - 2002)

Libraries in Schools and Colleges

Library Systems and Technology

LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research (1996 - )

MC Journal: Journal of Academic Media Librarianship (1993 - 2002)

National and Regional Libraries

Online Books (from the University of Pennsylvania)

Online Books and Resources Available on ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (1998 - )

PC Magazine Online (2000 - )

Prism (1999 - )

Public Access Computer Systems Review (1990 - 1998)

Research Information (2002 - )

RLG DigiNews (1997 - )

Scout Report (1994 - )

Societies and Associations

Specialist Libraries and Information Services

Studies in Bibliography (1948 - 1999)

T.H.E. Journal (1994 - )


Techne: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (1995 - )

Telecommunications Electronic Review (1994 - )

Windows NT Magazine Online


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Internet Library for Librarians

Librarians' Index to the Internet (Reference Sources)

Google's gateway to References

Yahoo gateway to references

General Reference Sources

Types of reference sources:

1. Biographies:

 Index to Biographies [from Internet Library for Librarians]

 Biographical Sources

 2. Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

 Librarians' Index to General Encyclopedias

 Librarians' Index to Subject Encyclopedias

 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

 Librarians' Index to Dictionaries

 Book and Entertainment Reviews

 Calculators and Formulas

 Calendars and Schedules

 Computer Information

 Consumer Information

 English Usage and Citation Guide

 Everyday Life

 Finding People and Organizations

 Image Finder and All-Purpose Picture Files

 Journal List of O'Keefe Library

 Maps and Travel Information

 Medical Information


 Rankings and Awards


 3. Bibliographies and Indexes

Annotated Guide to Indexes and Abstracts


موسسات و سازمان ها:

ILISA (Iranian Library and Information Science Association)

Library and information science associations around the world

IFLANET Sections include: Activities & Services ; IFLA Publications ; Electronic Collections ; Library Suppliers List ; Annual Conference ; Contacts.

Association of Research Libraries, Association of College and Research Libraries

EARL: The Consortium for Public Library Networking

OCLC: Online Computer Library Center


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

World List of Departments and Schools of Information Studies, Information Management, Information Systems, etc.

Best Graduate Schools - Library Science From U.S. News & World Report


همايش ها:

Library Conferences (LibraryHQ.com)

LibrarySpot.com Guide to Conferences

Librarian's Datebook Chronological list of industry events.

Library Journal LJ's current calendar of professional events.

ALA: Events and Conferences A complete listing of ALA's professional events.


AASL Update: Events & conferences for secondary librarians.

Library Technology LibraryHQ's list of conferences and workshops.

Library Journal LJ's current calendar of professional events.


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Several different websites present lists of electronic conferences in our subject area:

Bailey's "Library oriented lists and electronic serials"

Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials (Univ. of Huston version)

Educator's guide to email lists: Library and Information Retrieval

Scholarly Electronic Conferences: LIS by K. Robinson (Kovacs March 1994)

Mailing-Lists zum Bibliotheks-, Informations- und Dokumentationswesen (HBI Stuttgart)

If you want to search descriptions of e-conferences, use WAIS-database


Archives of messages and files from library related electronic conferences are:

Hypermail archive of UK LIS lists on Mailbase (individually searchable and browsable, from Jul 1995)
USENET lists of library interest (short time archive)

Short time archive of mailing lists in library and information science (Texas State Electronic Library).

Library Discussion Lists: Short time Gopher archive of around 175 discussion lists (texas.gov)

Many archives of LISTSERV-conferences in librarianship can be searched (in batch mode) at the following servicepoint, if you are running a gopher+ client. Searching LISTSERV-archives in general is a rather tedious and time consuming process.

Web4Lib Overview and official archive

Web4Lib, Hypermail archive

D-Lib: Digital Library Forum and D-Lib Magazine

DIGLIB (Digital Libraries Research mailing list), Hypermail archive (browsable);

 search the archive INETBIB, Germany: recent browsable archive, until Nov. 1995; searchable archive

"Libraries and public access", searchable archives for Web4Lib and PACS-L at Multimedia Computing Corp

PACS-L, "Public-Access Computer Systems List: One of the best, oldest and largest library lists is ". It is a moderated list which discusses topics such as CD-ROM databases, digital libraries, expert systems, hypertext programs, microcomputer labs, locally mounted databases, network-based information resources, and OPACS.

Public-Access Computer Systems Review", featuring different indexes, an archive, author guidelines and news. The corresponding home page for the newsletter "Public-Access Computer Systems News (PACS News)" carries an archive as well. Another browsable archive is gopher based.


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