اسامی صد مرجع مناسب برای جستجو که شاید کمتر با آنها برخورد کرده باشید .
Meta-Search Engines
Meta-search engines use the resources of many different search engines to gather the most results possible. Many of these will also eliminate duplicates and classify results to enhance your search experience.
SurfWax. This search engine works very well for reaching deep into the web for information.
Academic Index. Created by the former chair of Texas Association of School Librarians, this meta-search engine only pulls from databases and resources that are approved by librarians and educators.
Clusty. Clusty searches through top search engines, then clusters the results so that information that may have been hidden deep in the search results is now readily available.
Dogpile. Dogpile searches rely on several top search engines for the results then removes duplicates and strives to present only relevant results.
Turbo 10. ...
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