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دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

catalogs, eclipse information and much more. A series of astronomy quizzes, that can be taken online and graded online, is included.

WWW Virtual Library: Astronomy & Astrophysics

Astronomy Cafe

AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet


Lick's Astronomical Resource Links page
Star Pages: Astronomy Yellow Pages on the WWW

The Star*s Family of Astronomy and Related Resources

WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace

The Observatory: A Guide to Astronomy Resources on the ...

Robert Lentz's Astro Resources

Sea and Sky: Astronomy Resources

Other resources:


HST Archive System ; Guide Star Catalog  ; ESO Archive Databases ; Archives of the Isaac Newton Group ; ESIS  ; NSSDC  ;STARLINK Project  ;ASTRONET  ;Canadian Astronomy Data Centre

Astronomy and Astrophysics Guide Provides astronomical gateways (meta-web sites) to a variety of topics.

Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) This site provides a gateway to CDS information, databases, catalogues, publications, yellow page services, projects, and a wealth of additional information. This site is also available in French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Japanese.

EINet Galaxy-Astronomy Offers a myriad of astronomy resources and listings from around the world. Subject categories include Amateur Astronomy, Astronautics, Astrophysics, and Observatories. Other categories consider Academic Organizations, Articles, Astronomy Collections, Directories, Government, Non-Government, and Non-Profit Organizations, Periodicals, Sights & Sounds, etc.

Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy This web site provides summary descriptions of all the various database systems presented in Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy , published by Kluwer Academic in September of 1995 and edited by Daniel Egret and Miguel A. Albrecht. This book is an update of Databases & On-Line Data in Astronomy .

NASA Astrophysics Data System Provides astronomical gateways to abstracts, journal articles, the library (on line books), catalogs, and archives.

StarDate Online This site reflects the radio show known as StarDate. The site is broken down into a number of informative sections. These sections include Stargazing, Radio (archive of the radio programs back to 1995), Magazine, Resources, and Gift Shop. The Resources section offers a myriad of useful information in Astronomy and can be used as a reference. FAQ's, Solar System Guide, Galaxy Guide, AstroGlossary, Teacher Guide, and Resource List are the subheadings under the Resources section.

WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace

Yahoo: Astronomy offers a large number of gateways to a variety of topics in Astronomy.

Selected Databases


فهرست موضوعي:

Links to Astronomy Related Web Pages

E-Journals, Listservs, Reference, Software
 General Collections
 General Science

 High Energy Astronomy
 Images, Imagery

 Optical Astronomy
 People, Organizations

 Planetary Astronomy
 Radio Astronomy

 Solar Astronomy
 Space Astronomy


موتورهاي جستجو:

Astronomy Search Engines

Astronomy Search Engines

JOHN'S HOME PAGE-Astronomy Search Engines


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet

This internet gateway allows one to have access to over 1,100 databases in astronomy. Areas such as observatories and societies, telescope schedules, meteorological information, conferences, publications, data archives, software, astronomical databases, and other informational sources are included. This gateway can be accessed at a number of different sites. The arrangement of the astronomical resources differs slightly from one site to another. The sites are as follows:

ARIBIB: Index to the astronomical literature corresponding to the print bibliographies Astronomy & Astrophysics Abstracts and Astronomischer Jahresbericht 1899 to the present. 

ARIPRINT Astronomy publications of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg.

Astrophysics Data System NASA index of astronomy, physics and instrumentation






Another guide to Databases & On-Line Data in Astronomy .

Databases & On-Line Data in Astronomy

ADS - NASA Astrophysics Data System: Index to journals and data catalogs

Astronomy & Astrophysics Abstracts (Owen A&I Z5153.A86  1969 to the present) 

Digital Dissertations: Citations and abstracts for dissertations. Emphasis is on North American Universities. 1861 to the present. To order documents, please see Dissertations Express Guide

·  Inspec: World's largest bibliographic database in the field of physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computers and control engineering and information technology. 1968 to the present.

Inspec: · 

World's largest bibliographic database in the field of physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computers and control engineering and information technology. 1968 to the present.

Inspec: World's largest bibliographic database in the field of physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computers and control engineering and information technology. 1968 to the present.

MICA: Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac: Owen Workstation A

·  Science Citation Index (Web of Science): An index with coverage of the most frequently cited journals in Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine. Allows for cited reference searches. 1980 to the present. Updated weekly. Available in paper form from 1955 to 1991 in the Owen Science and Engineering Library.

·  Science Citation Index:An index with coverage of the most frequently cited journals in Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine. Allows for cited reference searches. 1990 to the present. Updated weekly. Available in paper form from 1955 to 1991 in the East Alcove of the Owen Science and Engineering Library.

Science Citation Index: An index with coverage of the most frequently cited journals in Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine. Allows for cited reference searches. 1990 to the present. Updated weekly. Available in paper form from 1955 to 1991 in the East Alcove of the Owen Science and Engineering Library.

نشريات و كتاب ها:

Astronomy Unbound - A Virtual Astronomy Text

UNIVERSE - Journal of The Astronomical Society of New South Wales ...

منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Selected Reference Books

Astronomy Reference Sources

Astronomy thesaurus. This thesaurus, compiled by Robyn M. Shobbrook and Robert R. Shobbrook provides access to the thesaurus in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. For browsing and searching.

NASA Thesaurus. Although this is the NASA thesaurus, it includes much more than just aerospace terms! See for yourself!

Nine Planets Glossary. Astronomical glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function.

Physics laws list. This glossary contains laws, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants,

experiments, and thought experiments in physics—an absolute must for physics junkies and indexers. Browse only.

Plasma/fusion glossary.

Solar-terrestial physics glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function.

Space flight glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function.


موسسات و سازمان ها:

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

American Astronomical Society (AAS)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)

American Physical Society (APS)

Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF)

Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)

Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

International Astronomical Union (IAU)

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Optical Society of America (OSA)

Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)


SEDS: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space

SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

List of Astronomical Societies (from astroweb)


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Physics and Astronomy Departments Worldwide Directory (by physlink.com).

Astronomy Departments

Yahoo! Directory Astronomy > Departments and Programs


همايش ها:

AstroPlace 2.0 - Conferences

Astronomy Conferences, Exhibitions and Trade Shows (by ExpoCentral.com)

Conferences and Meetings

گزوه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Kovac's directory of astronomy discussion groups

Physics and Astronomy Discussion Groups - Syracuse University ...
E-Mail Discussion Groups in Astronomy
Electronic Discussion Groups PhysLINK Physics and Astronomy Online Forums

 Physics Newsgroups. ...

UseNet Discussion Groups ::::

MSN Groups ... Astronomy



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