منابع وبي مرتبط با جغرافيا


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

General Geographical Directories, Gateways and Portals

BUBL: Geography links

CTI Geo-Information Gateway An index of on-line Geo-Information resources for university staff and students in the spatial disciplines covering geography, geology and the environment.

Google: Geography Selected internet resources on geography with links to related subject categories. Use the Google Directory home page to find information in related categories.

SOSIG - Geography Sources  SOSIG, the Social Science Information Gateway, provides a selection of high quality internet information for students, academics and researchers.  Use SOSIG's home page to access information on other related subject disciplines.

The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Geography A large site with information about all aspects of geography.

Geo-Guide A subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in earth science, geography and mining. 

Geosource A collection of links to we pages with information on human and physical geography, planning, geoscience and environmental science.

Internet Resources for Geographers

Geography Guide to geographical re


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

Databases, Indexes, Abstracts


Population Index on the Web

GeoData Institute, University of Southampton  

Information about Geographic Information Systems (GIS).


Google: GIS  


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Geography Electronic Journals via Glasgow University Library

Electronic Journals via University of West of England


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

WWW Virtual Library: Geographical Sources

Geographical Resources and Maps; Michigan Electronic Library

Guide to Geographical Reference Sources  online version of Map Room reference tools, aids, and basic information sources. Geographical Facts About Canada ...

Gateways to Geographical Reference Sources (from University of British Colombia)

The Columbia Gazetteer of North America. 2000. With 50,000 entries, this most comprehensive encyclopedia of geographical places and features will prove invaluable to anyone for whom places hold fascination and who require accurate data about them.  

The World Factbook. 2001. The U.S. government’s complete geographical handbook, featuring 267 full-color maps and flags of all nations.


UK Sensitive Map, University of Wolverhampton

Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote Sensing

Flags, Maps & Cartography

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Resources (current) (FREE)

GIS Dictionary

Glossary of GIS Terms

Online Geographical Bibliography

Statistics and other data -

The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

CIA World Factbook   Provides up-to date factual information and  fairly extensive statistics about all the countries in the world..

National Statistics website Contains a vast range of official UK statistics and information.

MIMAS datasets A wide range of datasets are available, including census and related data sets (e.g. CasWeb), government surveys, and macroeconomic time series.


موسسات و سازمان ها:

Directory of Organisations - including academic and government departments

Association of American Geographers

Polar Research and Cold Region Technology


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Geography Departments and Other Related Sites  


گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

List of Geography Discussion groups (by D. Kovacs)

Directory of Discussion Groups in Sports


برای دانلود مقالات خود از این پایگاه های علمی از سرویس دانلود مقالات علمی استفاده کنید.

برای دریافت اکانت (یوزر و پسورد) این پایگاه های علمی از سرویس پسورد پایگاه های علمی استفاده کنید.



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